Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

 Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, on the afternoon of July 10, our guerrilla forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army on Lêlîkan hill in the Bradost region of Sidakan within the territory of Southern Kurdistan.

The number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be determined in this action where enemy positions and shelters were effectively struck.

2. On July 6, at 12.00, our forces carried out an action targeting a checkpoint of the occupying Turkish army between Bitlis' Tatvan and Hizan districts. The number of dead and wounded soldiers could be determined. After the action, the occupying Turkish army opened fire on the area indiscriminately with heavy weapons.

3. During the evening hours of July 4, our forces punished two contras named Remzi Güler and Mahmut Güler. In our HPG-BİM statement dated November 4, 2017, we shared the information that conflicts took place between our forces and the invaders as a result of the operation launched by the invading Turkish army in the Lêxasor area of Amed’s Lice district on October 27, 2017. Our comrade Ferhat Kurtay (Adnan Ural) who fought heroically in these conflicts had reached martyrdom. Following the martyrdom of our comrade Ferhat Kurtay, our forces launched a comprehensive investigation in relation to the incident. According to the information we’ve obtained, the conclusion that the contras named Remi Güler and Mahmut Güler informed the invading Turkish army of the positions of our forces, actively collaborating with the enemy for the elimination of our guerrilla unit, has been reached. After being arrested by our forces, both of these contras have accepted their acts following an intensive investigation. In the investigation carried out, these individuals confessed that they informed the enemy of the positions and style of movement of our guerrilla units and that from spring onwards, these persons entered the guerrilla areas under the pretext of activities such as shepherding to pass on information to the enemy.

 Despite all the administrative changes made and the technical equipment that the invading Turkish state possesses, the invading state cannot obtain results against our Freedom Movement and cannot eradicate it. The fascist AKP-MHP government, which sees this reality, tries to obtain results by organizing immoral people in society against our movement, using them as agents and for the purpose of contra activities. The AKP-MHP media, which spreads the lie that ordinary civilian people are killed by keeping these agents and contras punished by our forces constantly on the agenda, does this due to the collapse of the contra-agent networks, and not because they value these people. Because the fascist AKP-MHP government knows that it will not be able to inflict blows on the guerrilla in Kurdistan without the presence of the contra-agent structure, it is engaged in special warfare with various lies. In this period when we are close to victory as a people and movement, no individual from our people should approach the invading forces in Kurdistan in any way and should not be a part of the enemy's agent activities. Anyone who is involved in such activities should immediately halt their links with the invaders. As always, the price of the harm to be given to our people and guerrilla will be heavy. All our people must be sensitive against this, and they must also have a position against the special war games of the invading Turkish state.


July 7, 2018

HPG Press Centre