Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Marty Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, on July 4, at 09.00, our YJA Star forces carried out an action against a hill providing the security of the road leading to the Bezelê outpost in Hakkari’s Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district.

 Three tents were destroyed on this enemy hill which was put under intense fire on four arms, and the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be determined. On the same day, at 14.00, our forces targeted this hill for the second time. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action where the enemy positions were effectively hit could not be determined.

2. On June 27, the invading Turkish army launched comprehensive operations covering Amed’s Pasur (Kulp), Farqin (Silvan), Karaz (Kocaköy), Lice and Hazro districts. The invading forces which carried out raids in the Licok village of Lice on June 28 detained some locals in the village and practised pressure on the people. The operation was withdrawn without any results on June 30.

3. On July 2, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in the countryside of Dersim’s Pülümür district. Cobra-type helicopters indiscriminately bombed various areas within the scope of this operation. On the same day, around 21.00 hours, Sikorsy-type helicopters carried out setdowns to the surroundings of Dereboyu village. The invading Turkish army withdrew from the area without any results at 16.00 hours on July 3.


July 5, 2018

HPG Press Centre