Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On the morning of 23rd of July, with the support of UAVs, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Martyr Êriş area of southern Muş province. On the same day at 17.00, the enemy carried out setdowns to the Kerenganê, Zovangê and Geliyê Mêmeka areas of Amed's Kulp (Pasur) district with sikorsy-type helicopters. The occupying army threatened the public by raiding the villages in the area on July 24 and 25, and extended the area of operations on July 26 to Serêspi, Berbıhiv, Tarkuş, 15 Tebax hills and the village of Oberka.

One of the operation units that practised pressure on our people was targeted by our forces on July 26 at 10.40. Five enemy soldiers were killed and one enemy soldier was wounded in the enemy unit which was hit effectively.

The occupying Turkish army, which had recieved blows in the operation, partially withdrew from the area on July 27th. The operation of the occupying army, which had been ceaselessly raiding the villages in the region during the past week, and trying to intimidate the locals, has been withdrawn inconclusively on July 30.

2. On 2 July 14, the two contras named Ömer Demirbaş and Musa Demirbaş, who cooperated with the occupying Turkish army in the area of Goma Heci Cemil of Amed's Lice district and led operations and played a role in the martyrdom of our guerrillas, were punished by our forces on 14 July.

3. The Turkish special war media have spread false news that on 21 July an air attack was carried out on Siirt's Pervari district, during which it was said that our six guerrillas were martyred and the regional officer had also surrendered. These news, served by the special war media, are all a lie and part of the psychological war against our people.

4. On July 26, an individual named Baran Bager (Sadık Pala) surrendered himself to the enemy forces in Hakkari's Gever district and is actively cooperating with the enemy. Our people in the region need to be cautious and careful against this individual.

5. On July 30, warplanes belonging to the occupying Turkish army bombed civilians who were fishing in the Zap water near the villages of Zêvê and Karê, located within the borders of southern Kurdistan. As a result of the bombardment, 2 vehicles belonging to the civilians were destroyed and 1 civilian was injured.

- Outposts belonging to the occupying Turkish army on the border of South Kurdistan bombed with howitzer, mortar shells and tanks civilians located in the Geliyê Pisaxa area of the Haftanin region of the Medya Defense Zones on the evening of July 28. As a result of the bombing, 2 vehicles belonging to the civilians were destroyed and 6 civilians were wounded.

6. On July 19, an operation was launched by the occupying Turkkish army in Dersim's Harçik valley and five of our comrades fell as martyrs as a result of the conflicts in the operation. Also, the occupying forces which bombed the area intensively with cobra-type helicopters martyred a patriot by the name Ercan Güneş from the village of Vankök. Ercan Güneş joined the caravan of martyrs as a person who gave effort for the Kurdish people and the freedom struggle. We reiterate that we will live the memory of all the patriotic circles, especially his family.

7. In our statement dated July 18, we shared the information that on July 13 an operation was launched with the support of cobra-type attack helicopters, UAVs and warplanes in the Martyr Serxwebun area of Amed province. Our four guerrillas who fought heroically against enemy forces in the conflicts which took place have reached martyrdom.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;


Nom de Guerre: Agit Simko

Name Surname: Yusuf Reşidi

Place of Birth: Bane

Mother's - Father's Name: Amine - Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 13, 2017 / Amed

Nom de Guerre: Bager Kop

Name Surname: Vedat Yıldız

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Filiz - Fevzi

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 13, 2017 / Amed

Nom de Guerre: Serhat Baz

Name Surname: Yakup Tataş

Place of Birth: Mersin

Mother's - Father's Name: Halime - Mehmet Kasım

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 13, 2017 / Amed

Nom de Guerre: Serhıldan Mahir

Name Surname: Mehmet Reşit Tunç

Place of Birth: Adana

Mother's - Father's Name: leyla - Mehmet Sait

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 13, 2017 / Amed


8. On July 6, at around 23:30, our guerrillas encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers near Dawuşa village of Hakkari's Çelê district and entered into conflict with enemy forces. In this conflict, our two comrades fell as martyrs after fighting heroically against enemy forces, and the number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers here could not be clarified.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;


Nom de Guerre: Aşkan Eftelya

Name Surname: Sevdin Dik

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's - Father's Name: Şehriban- İkram

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 13, 2017 / Hakkari

Nom de Guerre: Şiyar Serxwebun

Name Surname: Abdulsamet Aktan

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: İpek- Süleyman

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 13, 2017 / Hakkari

July 31, 2017

HPG Press Centre