Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces have carried out actions against the occupying Turkish army in Hakkari's Şemzînan, Çelê (Çukurca) and Gever (Yüksekova) districts.

On July 30th, at 13.20 hours, our forces carried out an action against Skêrêsipi hill in the Şemzinan district. Three enemy soldiers were killed and 1 enemy soldier was wounded in this action where enemy positions were shot in an effective manner. After the action, the occupying forces started an operation around the hill at about 15.30. Our YJA Star forces have organized a sabotage action against the soldiers in the operation. The number of dead and injured soldiers in the action has not been clarified.

On July 31, at 23.30, a convoy of armoured vehicles of the occupying Turkish army, heading towards the centre of Hakkari from Çelê, was targeted by our forces near Çemêbedel village. The armouredvehicles in the convoy were shot effectively at close range and the two kirpi-type armoured vehicles were destroyed. Fifteen enemy soldiers were killed in action, and after the action, cobra-type attack helicopters bombarded the area. On July 31 at 11.30, our forces organized an assassination attempt against the enemy soldiers positioned at the top of Elişêr hill in Gever district. One soldier was killed in the action.

2. On July 30, at around 17:00, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in Şapatan and Serero villages of Hakkari's Şemzinan district. Enemy forces descended to Bêtkarok Strait, Martyr Zilan, Xuro hills and around Serero village and entered Serero village. At the same time, enemy soldiers who carried out searches in the village indiscriminately fired at the surroundings of the village with heavy weapons. A fire broke out on the field as a result of the fire the occupying Turkish army opened. The operation is still continuing.

3. On July 27 the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the village of Şageldi in Amed's Hazro district and the Berbuş Strait, and the surroundings of the villages of Reşanê and Zılek in the district of Farqin (Silvan). In the operation, the enemy soldiers entering the village of Resanê have detained some village residents. The operation was withdrawn inconclusively on July 28th at 19.00.

4. On 29 July, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Navsera Kuris and Mêrgelo areas in the Martyr Cuma area of Bitlis province with the support of disguised units. On the same day at 12.00 and on the morning of July 30, the occupying forces bombed the operation area with howitzer and mortar shells. As a result of the bombings, a fire broke out in the field. On July 31, our forces carried out an action targeting a unit of the operation. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in the action has not been clarified.

5. Within the scope of the Martyr Mahir, Martyr Eylem Action and Martyr Argeş revolutionary campaign, our forces have put under surveillance a vehicle consisting of special operations police and intelligence officers. This vehicle was targeted by our forces between the Kulê and the Demirkapı villages of Ağrı's Bazid (Dogubeyazit) district on the 30th of July at around 18:00. Our forces, which stopped the vehicle and made calls to the enemy to "surrender", which to this the vehicle has tried escaping and was struck effectively by our forces.

During the action, a secret unit that tried to intervene in our action unit was also shot effectively by our forces, and this unit left its positions and fled. In this action, the targeted vehicle was totally destroyed, 10 enemy soldiers were killed and 3 enemy soldiers were wounded. After the action, the occupying Turkish army removed the dead and wounded soldiers from the area towards the night hours with the support of UAVs and numerous warplanes.

An individual named Seyit Aydemir who had been cooperating with the occupying Turkish army and leading operations, playing a role in the martyrdom of our guerrillas, was punished by our forces in the area of ​​Tendürek on July 27 at 19:00 hours.

6. On July 31, at 13.30, warplanes of the occupying Turkish army bombed the Gundê Fileha and the Küçük Cilo areas in the Zap region of the Medya Defense Zones.

7. In our statement dated July 15, we shared the information that on June 2, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Hedılê village and Sımo hamlet in Hezex district of Şırnak province with the support of UAVs and warplanes. The occupying Turkish army which failed to reach success against our forces on the land has intensively bombed the area with warplanes and cobra-type attack helicopters. Five of our comrades reached martyrdom fighting against the enemy forces in the conflict and bombardment that took place in the operation.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;


Nom de Guerre: Cemal Serhat

Name Surname: Hasan Balıkanlu

Place of Birth: Maku

Mother's - Father's Name: Xanım - Tacedin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2, 2017 / Şırnak

Nom de Guerre: Hogir Botan

Name Surname: Bayram Şapur

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's - Father's Name: Edule - Hasan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2, 2017 / Şırnak

Nom de Guerre: Rojhat

Name Surname: -

Place of Birth: -

Mother's - Father's Name: -

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2, 2017 / Şırnak

Nom de Guerre: Sinan Tolhildan

Name Surname: Ilyas Aydın

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: Gülizar - Hamdullah

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2, 2017 / Şırnak

Nom de Guerre: Ziya Çiyager

Name Surname: Özgür Can

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: Zeynep - Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 2, 2017 / Şırnak

August 1, 2017

HPG Press Centre