Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On June 6, our guerrilla forces put under surveillance the occupying Turkish army's disguised unit which was positioned in the area and carrying out abush activities in the Martyr Adıl and Mergalo straits of Şêx Cuma area in Bitlis.

On the same day, at 13.00, our forces carried out an action targeting the unit after following the movement of the unit. Two soldiers were identified to have been killed in the action. After the action, the Turkish army's outposts bombarded the area with mortars and howitzers.

2. On June 5, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation against Maxare and Qardoğan villages of Erciş district of Van. Enemy soldiers who raided houses in the village of Qardoğan threatened and arrested some villagers. At the same time, the occupying Turkish army conducted a search operation with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles and cobra-type attack helicopters in the vicinity of the village. On 6 June, at 9.00, the operation was withdrawn while leaving disguised units in the area.

3. On June 5, at 18.00, a group of our guerrillas encountered with the enemy soldiers and came into conflict in the vicinity of Değirmendere in Pülümür district of Dersim. After the conflict, the Turkish army carried out setdown on Dızık and Hakis ridges while cobra-types helicopters bombarded the area. The operation in which the disguised units are located in the area continues partially.

- On June 7, at 04.00 am, our forces carried out a sabotage action against the occupying Turkish army soldiers trying to infiltrate into the ridges of martyr Amed hill in Dersim's Pülümür district. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the action could not be clarified. After the action, the Turkish army carried away its dead and wounded from the area with Sikorsy helicopters.

On the same day, 14.15, our forces carried out an action targeting a secret unit of the occupying Turkish army in the vicinity of Martyr Omedya. As a result of the effective hits, four soldiers were killed. After the action, the cobra-type helicopters belonging to the occupying Turkish army bombed the area, while the sikorsy-type helicopters removed the dead and wounded soldiers from the area.

4. In our statement dated June 5, we  stated  that on June 4, at 02.30, a group of our guerrillas encountered with the invading Turkish army soldiers in the vicinity of Oluk valley of Erzincan's Kemah district had entered into conflict with enemy forces and one of our comrade had been martyred as a result of the conflict.

The ID details of our fallen guerrilla is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Rênas Rojhat Serhildan

First Last Name: Zilan Eye

Place of Birth: Adana

Mother's-Father's Name: Azize - Sülhatin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 June 2017 / Erzincan

8 June, 2017

HPG Press Centre