Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On June 8, at 10.00, our guerrilla forces conducted an assassination action targeting soldiers deployed on Geniş hill in Şemzinan district of Hakkari province. One soldier was identified to have been killed in the action. After the action, the occupying Turkish army shelled the surrounding area with mortar and howitzer shells. A sikorsy-type helicopter that came to carry away the body of the soldier has been hit by our forces. The helicopter was damaged and forced to move away from the area.

2. On June 7, at 7:40 am, our forces carried out a series of assassination actions targeting the occupying Turkish army soldiers at the top of Martyr Rahime hill in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district. As a result of the effective hits, five soldiers were killed while another two were wounded.

On the same day, at 08.40, our forces hit and destroyed a dozer that working on the road for the occupying Turkish army in the same area.

3. On June 8, at 08.00 hours, our forces carried out an action against the soldiers providing the security of the occupying Turkish army's convoy heading towards Martyr Zeki hill from Martyr Cahit hill in Hakkari's Çelê district. Six soldiers have been identified killed in the action. After the action, the occupying Turkish army has bombed the area intensively with howitzer and mortar shells.

On June 7, our forces carried out a sabotage action against a unit of the occupying Turkish army which was on the move on the Martyr Mazlum hill of Çelê (Çukurca) district of Hakkari. Three soldiers were killed in the action.

- On the same day, at 17.30, our forces carried out an action against a unit of the occupying Turkish army in the Merganış strait of Çelê and one enemy soldier was killed here.

4. On the 6th and 7th of June, our forces have carried out a sabotage action against soldiers positioned on the Koordine hill in the Çarçella area of Hakkari's (Gever) Yüksekova district. Two soldiers have been identified killed in the action where one soldier was wounded.

5. On June 7, secret units of the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the surroundings of the Xelila, Basqıl, Rover and Sêmalka villages of Mardin's Kerboran (Dargeçit) district. The same day, at 19.40 hours, our forces carried out an action against a unit of the enemy near the village of Sêmalka. One enemy soldier has been identified killed in the action. Between the hours of 21.00 and 21.30 the same day, the occupying Turkish army has bombed the area of the village with cobra-type attack helicopters.

6. The occupying Turkish army has for some time positioned its secret units around the Şamanıs outpost in Van's Gürpınar district. Our forces which followed for some time the secret unit, carried out an action at 17.00 hours on June 7. Our forces which effectively hit the enemy has killed two Gendarmerie Special Operations (JÖH) soldiers.

After the action, the Şamanıs outpost has indiscriminately bombed its surroundings with howitzer and mortars.

7. The occupying Turkish army had launched on June 4 an invasion operation against the Martyr Remzi area of Amed (Diyarbakır) province with the participation of thousands of soldiers, special operations, village guards and contras. While the operation was withdrawn inconclusively on June 9 (today), the movement of secret units belonging to the occupying Turkish army continues in the area.

8. On June 8, between the hours of 13.00 and 13.30, warplanes belonging to the occupying Turkish army has bombed the zone of the Tabura Êreba in the Avashin area of our Medya Defense Zones.

9. On April 29, the occupying Turkish army has carried out an air attack against a group of our guerrillas between the villages of Çamyurdu (Gomikan) and Yazıbaşı (Azikan) in central Adıyaman province. Four of our guerrilas have fell as martyrs as a result of the attacks. The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Koçero Meleti

First - Last Name: Volkan Bora

Place of Birth: Malatya

Mother's - Father's Name: Songül-Cafer

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 29, 2017/ Adıyaman

Nom de Guerre: Nurhak Elbistan

First - Last Name: Fırat Berkpınar

Place of Birth: Maraş

Mother's - Father's Name: Zeynep-İsmail

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 29, 2017/Adıyaman

Nom de Guerre: Renas Avaşin

First - Last Name: Veli Demirci

Place of Birth: Maraş

Mother's - Father's Name: Fadime-Mehmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 29, 2017/Adıyaman

Nom de Guerre: Zerdeşt Çarçella

First - Last Name: Kemal Bal

Place of Birth: Adıyaman

Mother's - Father's Name: Beyaz-Mahmut

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 29/Adıyaman

June 9, 2017

HPG Press Centre