Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-On 22 August, the occupier forces of Turkish state army attempted to launch a military operation and, clashes occurred and the enemy forces repulsed and pulled back from the area. Aftermath of these clashes, our guerrillas carried out a search in the area of clashes and found many weapon and military equipments thrown out in the area by enemy soldiers.

The weapon and military equipment found after the clashes are as follow: 1 bomb thrower, 2 HK-33 and 1 binoculers and 1 bomb throwere belongs to this weapon, 1 hand-pistol, 2 walki-talkie, 4 telephones, 600 BKC bullets, 15 hand-grenades, 4 Thermal cameras, 4 day-light binoculers, 3 night-vision binoculers and 10 military bags.

2-On 24 August at 21:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out action on both the Axroke military station and its security hill, in the district of Ozalp/Van. As a result of these action, 1 A4 weapon destroyed and 3 enemy soldiers killed. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the surrounding area of the military station with no aim.

3-On 24 August at around 17:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a military helicopter carrying military equipments from the district of Catak/Van to operational enemy forces in the area of Xawiska. The helicopter has been hit and destroyed by our guerrillas, and had to return back to district of Catak.

4-On 24 August, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control nearby the Village of Zorava, in between the district of Caldiran/Van and Dogubeyazit/Agri. While our guerrillas stopped and ckecked the I.D. of the travellers in the cars, also informed the people about the developing period. During the Road Control, 3 TIRs and 2 Lorries have been burnt and destroyed belongs to the companies with no trade permission and-or collobaration with enemy. Our guerrillas also burnt and destroyed a bulldozer belongs to the Wan-Tas Company and detained operator of the buldozer, Zeydin Sorgut, collobarating wiyh enemy on the military areas.

 HPG Media and Communication Center

25. 08. 2012
