Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

On 20 August, we have been following up the ugly extra efforts put by the AKP to blame our movement for the bomb explosion occurred in the central city of Antep, where 9 people lost their lifes.
In the first hour after the explosion, they have began to put efforts to blame us with the explosion without having any investigation, which we have showed that all these efforts are false. Then after, they increase their efforts by publisizing a photo of one of our comrade to the press and public as a proof and a cover to make people to believe to their lies.
This dirty propaganda and exhibition, which targets our comrade and his family, do not reflect any reality at all. Our comrade, who is picture publisized, is still in his unit and contiuing to commit his daily normal duties. Our comrade do not have anything to the with the explosion occurred in the city of Antep and, he never has been to neither Antep nor any other Kurdish cities since he participated to the Guerrilla Forces.
The HPG Central Commandment
25 August 2012