Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bager and Martyr Ronya Revolutionary Campaign, on July 21, at 20.30, a convoy consisting of armored vehicles of the invading Turkish army moving from Çelê (Çukurca) heading Hakkari province center was targeted by YJA Star forces between Kani Orê and Şiva Stêrk areas.

In the action, where all the vehicles in the convoy were put under intense fire, a Kirpi-type armored vehicle was destroyed completely. In the action, 13 enemy soldiers were killed. Following the action, the invading Turkish army carried away the vehicle debris and dead soldiers from the area with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles. Our action unit has reached their base area safely.

2. Warplanes belonging to the invading Turkish army carried out air attacks against the Medya Defense Zones. In this scope:

 On July 19, at 02.30, Hakkari hill and on July 20, at 21.30, Golka area in Metina region were bombed.

 On July 22, at 15.00, Cehennem hill in the Zap region, at 17.00, Adılbeg area of ​​the Avaşin region and between 18.00 and 19.00 Xınerê and Martyr Beritan areas in the Xakurkê region were bombed.

We did not suffer any losses in these bombings.


July 23, 2019

HPG Press Centre