Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-We have already informed the public about the actions carried out by our guerrillas and the intensive clashes occurred afterward with enemy soldiers in the area of Geliye Doski/Yuksekova/Hakkari, on 4 October.
As a result of these clashes two of our comrades have been wounded and couldn’t save them despite all the attempts made. Our comrades, a member of the Military Council of both the HPG and the YJA –Star, Rojin Gevda and Firaz have been martyred.
The I.D. Details of our Martyred Comrades are:
Code Name: Rojin Farasin
Real Name: Sureyya Aslan
Place of Birth: Van
Name of Mother and Father: Bahar/Avdi
Date and Place of Martyr: 4 October 2012 / Gever, Hakkari
Code Name: Firaz Eylo
Real Name: Halil Aktar
Place of Birth: Mus
Name of Mother and Father: Nahide/Muhittin
Date and Place of Martyr: 4 October 2012 / Gever, Hakkari
2-On 19 October, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy mobile military station and its security Hill positioned on the Road of Silk, nearby the Village of Setek/central city of Bitlis. As a result, 10 enemy soldiers and 3 Village-guards, who attempted to escape after our guerrillas’ action, have been killed. In mean time, our guerrillas also effectively hit the the building of the military station and the surrounding enemy positions as well. During the actions, our guerrillas have been confiscated 1 assault waistcoat and 3 full magazines belong to a Kaleskinof type weapon. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces carried out the corpses of their killed soldiers with 2 sikorski type helicopters and many ambulances. Later, the occupier Turkish state army launched a partial military operation on and surrounding area of the action on 20 October.
As a result of this action also 1 of our comrade wounded and later despite all attempted treatments, has been martyred. We will share the I.D. details of our comrade with public as soon as the details clear out.
3-On 20 October at 16:30 hour, an action carried out on the Iran-Turkey Natural Gas Pipeline passing nearby the Village of Zorava, in the district of Dogubeyazit/Agri. As a result, the Pipeline has been greatly damaged.
4-Our guerrillas carried out different type of actions within the scope of their sovereignty on the areas of the districts of Semdinli, Yuksekova and Cukurca/Hakkari. The details of the actions are as follow;
On 19 October at 16:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a sikorski type helicopter, which was carrying the enemy units belong to the occupier Turkish state army in the area of Kepe Miriska, in the district of Cukurca. As a result, the sikorski type helicopter has been hit and heavily damaged by our guerrillas. The enemy helicopter flew away, yet later fall down in flames while attempting to make urgent landing to the Bilican Regiment. Also, 16 enemy soldiers within the helicopter killed as well.
On 19 October in between 14:30-15:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against the soldiers of the occupier Turkish state army, who were marching to take over the area in between the Hills of Sehit Rahime and Sehit Siyar, in the area of Oramar/Yuksekova. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify.
Our guerrillas hit the cobra type enemy helicopters after they made an attempt to carry out an attack on the area of Gare, in the district of Cukurca, on 20 October at 12:00. As a result, one of the enemy cobra type helicopter has been heavily damaged by our guerrillas and made urgent landing to Cukurca.
On 20 October at 15:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy soldiers belong to the occupier Turkish state army in the area of Kepe Miriska/Cukurca. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify.
On 20 October in between 08:00-17:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Bilican Regiment in the district of Cukurca. All the targets have been hit effectively by our guerrillas. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. The partial military operation launched by the occupier Turkish state army in the surrounding area of the Bilican Regiment and the Triangle of Marufa, on 19 October, still continues.
On 20 October, a short period of clash occurred in between our guerrillas, who went to the area of Oramar/Yuksekova for a duty, and the soldiers of the occupier Turkish state army in the area of Geliye Xopine. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify.
On 19 October at around 20:30 hour, an intensive clashes occurred in between our guerrillas, who were present in the area of Dola Ciceke for a duty, and the members of the Special Operational Policeman belong to the occupier Turkish state army. As a result, 1 of our comrade has been martyred after initial fire opened by enemy. Despite imbalance in between the forces, 2 of our comrades have bravely resist and hit a great blow to enemy, and as a result 8 members of the Special Operational Policeman, including the Chief of Police in Hakkari, have been killed and 7 others wounded. Our 2 comrades continued to resist against the enemy forces until their ammunition finished, and later reached to martyr. In mean time, the forces of occupier Turkish state army also wounded and then detained a villager name Muslum, the last name couldn’t be able to clarified and was passing by from the area, as well. The military operation in the area still continues.
The I.D. details of our Martyred comrades are;
Code Name: Azad Munzur
Real Name: Huseyin Denktas
Place of Birth: Urfa
Name of Mother and Father: Fikriye/Mustafa
Date and Place of Martyr: 19 October 2012 / Hakkari
Code Name: Kocer Ciyager
Real Name: Ayhan Celik
Place of Birth: Eruh, Siirt
Name of Mother and Father: Meserret/Ebubekir
Date and Place of Martyr: 19 October 2012 / Hakkari
Code Name: Arnos Baskale
Real Name: Emrah Guler
Place of Birth: Van
Name of Mother and Father: Kiymet/Husret
Date and Place of Martyr: 19 October 2012 / Hakkari
The occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the areas of Goste and the Valley of the River of Hacibeg, from 20 October at 20:00 hour to the morning hours of 21 October.
5-There are speculative reports spread by the Turkish Media in regard to the clashes occurred during the military operation launched by the occupier Turkish state army in the area of Geliye Tiyare, on 14 October, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari, where great blows hit against enemy by our guerrillas. The information given in these reports where they claim that we have more than 50 looses as a result of clashes occurred in this area for the last one week is totally made up and is a lie. We do not have any looses in this area other than the ones we shared with the public.
HPG Media and Communication Center
21. 10. 2012