Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1- On 12, 13 and 14 September, our guerrillas carried out road controls on the road of Dersim-Ovacik. The ex-president of the AKP in the city of Dersim, Cihan Acikgoz, have been warned by our guerrillas to end his collaboration with the occupier Turkish state army during a road control nearby the Bridge of Veng, on the Road of Dersim-Ovacik, on 12 September in between 18:00-18:30 hours. Also, his vehicle have burnt and destroyed together with the materials in the vehicle.
On 13 September at 12:00 hour, again a road control carried out on the same road. While our guerrillas carried out I.D. control, also informed the people about developments.
On 14 September at 08:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out another road control at the entrance of the Valley of Sal, on the Road of Dersim-Ovacik. During this road action, another vehicle belongs to Cihan Acikgoz burnt and destroyed due to he did not take the warnings into account.
2- The clashes in between our guerrillas and the soldiers of the occupier Turkish state army in the rural areas of district of Semdinli/Hakkari still continues, after the military operation launched and attempt march of the Turkish state army.
On 13 September, our guerrillas carried an action against enemy soldiers, who attempting to march from Sikere Spi towards the Strait of Masiro. As a result, 2 enemy soldiers killed. On the same day at around 17:00 hour, our guerrillas also carried out an action against the Sikorsk type helicopters, attempting to air-land enemy soldiers on the Strait of Ewliya. As a result, 1 sikorski type helicopter has been hit and damaged by our guerrillas. The damaged helicopter made a urgent landing to the Semzinan Brigade. During the action, also 1 enemy soldier killed and 1 another wounded.
On 13 September at around 13:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out a separate action against a enemy military convoy belongs to the occupier Turkish state army, which was going from Semzinan to the Girana military station. The action carried out in between the Villages of Begirde and Kelkit and as a result 1 Scorpion type armored military vehicle destroyed and 5 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.
On 13 September in between 11:00-18:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the road of Yuksekova-Oramar. While our guerrilla controlled the I.D.s, also informed the people about latest developments. Also during the road control, a vehicle belongs to the Turk Telecom has been burnt and destroyed, and driver has been detained. And, later he has been released after his questioning completed.
While the occupier Turkish state army continues its bombardments on the area, on 13 September at 14:00 hour, carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Villages of Nehre, Tuwa and Muse in Semdinli. As a result, while many life-stocks belongs to the Villagers have been killed, the gardens and grape-yards belongs to the villagers have also been have been damaged. While the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the area of Goste and the Valley of River of Hacibeg, also carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the areas of Goste and Masiro all day long, in between 17:30-18:00 hours.
3- On 13 September at 18:15 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy soldiers securing a new building of a military station in between the Villages of Setek and Yako/in the area of Sehit Sefkan/Central Bitlis. As a result, 8 enemy soldiers killed and number of wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clarify. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation with armored military vehicles.
4- On 13 September at 12:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a operational enemy soldiers nearby the district of Gercus/Batman. As a result, 1 scorpion type military vehicle have been destroyed. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerifed.
5- On 13 September, our guerrillas carried out an action against a cargo train while passing the area of Zengok/Mus, which was carrying military materials. As a result, 10 cars of the cargo train have been destroyed and grate damage occurred on the train line.
On 13 September in between 17:00-19:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on a road in between the area of Singirik and the district of Dicle/Amed. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s, also informed the people about latest developments.
6- On 13 September at around 19:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out action against a work-yards nearby the Village of Tirsike, in the district of Caldiran/Van, belongs to a company’s Bager and Ugur for working with no permission in Kurdistan and working on the areas for military purposes. As a result, a vehicle belongs to company of Bager has been burnt and destroyed, and 2 workers of this company name, Taner Acar and Atalay Guner have been detained by our guerrillas. Our guerrillas also burnt and destroyed 15 Lorries, 5 Transit, 3 Ladles, 10 containers, 2 dormitories, 1 tv, 1 computer and 1 Topography vehicle belongs to the company Ugur. Also, our guerrillas confiscated 2 computers, 1 camera, 10 walki-Talkies and 1 pump rifle belongs to the company Ugur. And, 2 workers of the company Ugur names, Bulut Uras and Sabri Cinar have been detained by our guerrillas.
7- On 13 September at 21:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a work-yard nearby the Village of Kantar, in the district of Gercus, belongs to a company building a road in between Batman-Mardin for military purposes. As a result 7 vehicles, 1 Ladle, 2 Lorries, 1 Road Roller, 1 Tanker, 2 cutting machines and 1 prefabricated house have been burnt and destroyed by our guerrillas. Also, 4 guards of the work-yard have been released after warnings. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area, which still continues.
8- On 14 September at around 02:45 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against a enemy’s Xalkawa military station/Baskale/Van. As a result, our guerrillas have been destroyed a watch tower and 2 enemy positions. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarified.
9- The occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out obus and mortar bombardments on the areas of Buyuk and Kucuk Gare, Kevire Spi; the Villages of Cennete, Hilale and Sifreza, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari, since 12 September.
10- We have had already announced that 7 of our guerrillas have been martyred as a result of intensive clashes occurred in between our guerrilla forces and enemy soldiers in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak, on 5-7 September. We have also announced that one of our guerrilla name Rustem (Orhan Akdogan) also martyred, yet he is not and he is part of a guerrilla unit.
The I.D. Details of our martyred Guerrilla is:
Code Name: Rustem Cilo
Real Name: Ebubekir Cetin
Name of Mother/Father: Guzel/Sefer
Place of Birth: Gever, Hakkari
Date and Place of Martyr: 5-7 September 2012 / Beytussebap, Sirnak
HPG Media and Communication Center
14. 09. 2012