Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


On 11 September in between 18:30-19:00 hours, an enemy unit made of 100 special teams attempted to take over the Strait of Ewliya/Semdinli. And, our guerrillas have carried out an action from four different wings to the enemy unit .  The action carried out in between 18:30-19:00 hour, where 10 enemy soldiers killed. Also, 2 of our comrade names Huseyin Welat and Mahir Cayan reached to martyr.

The I.D. Details of our Martyred comrades are:

Code Name: Huseyin Welat

Real Name: Ekin Morsumbul

Name of Mother/Father: Fatma/Hanifi

Place of Birth: Bingol

Date and Place of Martyr: 11 September 2102/ Semdinli, Hakkari

Code Name: Mahir Cayan

Real Name: Huseyin Ceylan

Name of Mother/Father: Bedia/Isa

Place of Birth: Malazgirt, Mus

Date and Place of Martyr: 11 September 2102/ Semdinli, Hakkari

The HPG Central Commandment

13 September, 2012
