Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

On November 9 at evening hours and November 10, around 09.00, 6 different military bases and the governorship of Şırnak were hit by our guerrilla forces.

Within this scope, Silor hill of Şemdinli's Bêsosın village outpost (Ortaklar village Süngü hill), Hakkari Mountain Commando Brigade, Şırnak 23th Division Command Center Area, Cizre Tank Battalion, Silopi Hacılar Military Assembly Area, and Ş. Mesut Border outpost was hit effectively. Also, the Şırmak Governorate was hit at 9 o'clock in the morning.

The enemy suffered major blows in this revolutionary campaign which was carried out in a new tactical and technical manner. However, the fascist Turkish state has traditionally hidden the losses it has suffered in these simultaneous and large-scale actions. Yet, the Turkish authorities failed to hide the incident on Silor Hill in Bêsosın and consequently had to accept the casualties inflicted there, announcing the figures of 7 dead and 25 wounded soldiers. According to information we obtained from our own sources, 17 Turkish soldiers died as a result of this action, 37 were wounded and the aftermath of 9 others remains unknown. When looking at the casualties the Turkish army was dealt here, it is certain that the Turkish forces suffered great losses in other locations as well.

This campaign was carried out in memory of our comrades in the person of Atakan Mahir and Zeki Şengali who have fallen as martyrs during the recent period.


November 11, 2018

HPG Press Centre