Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

The People’s Defence Forces have began a comprehensive military manoeuvres in the area of Semdinli, on 24 July 2012. Our guerrilla forces controlled the Road of Semdinli-Gerdiya for two days, on 23-24 July. On 24 July, our guerrillas began a military manoeuvres against the occupier Turkish state army which launched an attacks against our guerrillas in many different wings in order to surrounding our guerrillas controlling the road. Within the frame of this military manoeuvres, our guerrillas targeted Semdinli Brigade, Gare Regiment and all the units of the occupier forces of Turkish state army moving in the area. While all the interventions by the occupier enemy forces against the areas under the control of our guerrillas have been repulsed, the enemy air-attacks also have been prevented.
The colonialist Turkish state has been seriously lost control and its authority shaken and, as a result, intensively carrying out bombardments with all its gunfire, including Tank, Cannon, Obus, cobra type helicopter and war-planes, in the area of Semdinli, for four whole days. In this way, the colonialist Turkish state has been trying to re-establish its shaken authority and control on the area. While all these attacks have been repulsed by our guerrilla forces, the colonialist Turkish state army taken, esspecialy, the Villages of Nehre, Begirde, Navreza, Nirkola and Robinos; the areas of Gumoke, Senala and Goste; the Hills of Konserve and Genis; the Hillside of Karker, under intensive cannon and war-plains bombardments. As a result of these intensive bombardments many garden, grape-yards and trees belongs to the villagers have been damaged and many live-stocks killed. The war in the area still continues.
While the government of AKP claims that there are wars in Syria and in many other places and, the people resisting against the oppression, in mean time aiming to oppress the Kurdish people by using all type of wepon and military technics. During only the second day of this war, we could only clerify that 30 soldiers killed and 4 of our guerrillas have been martryd. Yet, the State of Turkey is trying to hide this war, by also using its Medya force, from its public and public of the World. In mean time reflecting some of the news in regard to this war as guerrilla forces are the one who gave heavy looses, not the Turkish state army. In this way, the public as a whole misleaded delibaretly with false information.
Today, the area of Semdinli is an area of war where thousands of enemy soldiers and hundreds of Guerrilla Forces are in a war where colonialist state of Turkey intensively using tanks, obus, war-planes, helicopters and all other military technology in this war.
The enemy Brigade in the central city of Semdinli and Gare Regiment are under the control and attack of our guerrilla forces, for two days now. All the occupier forces moved in the area have been hit by our guerrilla forces. This war still continues today with different military aproaches.
27 JULY, 2012