Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 25 July in between 16:00-16:30 hours, our guerrillas carried an action against the enemy soldiers who were building a new military station nearby the Girana military station, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.
2-While our guerrillas continuing to control the area in between the area of Gerdiya and the district of Semdinli, they carried out Road and I.D. check-up on the Road of Semdinli-Gerdiya, on 26 July in between 07:00-19:30 hours. During the Road control action, a total of 50 vehicles have been checked and people have been informed about devoloping period. At around 19:30, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army made an attempt to intervene to our guerrillas with cobra type helicopters, yet had to live the area after retaliation by our guerrillas.
On the same day at around 20:40 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a military convoy nearby the Village of Diyahore, which was heading from Semdinli towards Gever. As a result, 1 Hedgehog type military vehicle has been destroyed. In mean time, our guerrillas taken both Semdinli Brigade Commandment and Gare Regiment under fire until night hours. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified in all these actions.
While enemy forces can not be able to intervene to our guerrillas, continued their bombardments on civilian areas with obus and mortars. During these attacks, the area and Hills of Senala, Goste, Genis and the Valley of the River of Haci Beg have been bombarded with obus, mortar and Katyusahs, all day alone. As a result of these bombardments a new bush-fires began in the areas of both Senala and Gumoke.
3-On 27 July at 06:20 hour, our YJA-Star guerrillas carried out an action against a military enemy convoy, which launched a military operation in between the area of Brigade and Battalion Commandments in the centre of the district of Lice/Amed. As a result, 1 scorpian type armoured military vehicle totally destroyed, 4 enemy soldiers killed and 3 others wounded. Enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with sikorsky type helicopter and ambulances.
HPG Media and Communication Center
27. 07. 2012