Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-The control of the rural areas of the dirstrict of Semdinli/Hakkari, since 23 July, still continues. Within this scope, our guerrillas carried out different types of actions on 8 September. Those are;

On 8 September at 12:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action agaonst the enemy operational forces belong to the occupier Turkish state army nearby the Mnt. Goman/Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed and his corpse carried away with a sikorsk helicopter by enemy.

On the same day at around 13:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a separate action against the soldiers belongs to occupier Turkish state army, attempting to positioned themselves on the Hill of Goman. All the targets effectively hit by our guerrillas. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.

Our guerrillas also continued their routine road controls on a road in between the area of Gerdiya and the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. On 8 September in between 09:00-17:30 hours, a road control carried out as well. While our guerrillas stopped vehicles and controlled the I.D. of passengers, also informed the people about latest developments. During this road control, 1 cobra type helicopter belongs to enemy attempted to intervene to our forces, yet had to retreated after retaliation of our guerrillas. The cobra type helicopter hit and damaged by our forces.

On 8 September in between 13:00-14:00 and 22:00-23:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to colonialist Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments twice on the areas of Goste and Geliye Nirkola/Semdinli. The same areas also bombarded by obus and mortars as well.

2-Our guerrillas carried out a road control within the scope of the Martrys Adil and Nuda Revolutionary Operation launched on 2 September, by our guerrillas in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak. On 8 September in between 15:00-17:30 hours, the road control carried out on the road in between the district of Pervari/Siirt and Catak/Van. While our guerrillas stopped the vehicles and the controlled the I.D.s of the passangers, also informed the people about the latest developments. In mean time, the occupier Turkish state army attempted to intervene to our guerrillas by air-landing its forces on the area with sikorsky type helicopters. Here, our guerrillas hit and damaged 1 sikorsky type helicopter. The enemy helicopter had to repulse from the area and made a urgent landing in the district of Pervari. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army bpmbarded the area of action two times with cobra type helicopters.

3-On 8 September in between 18:30-19:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the road in between the district of Midyat/Mardin and Idil/Sirnak. While our guerrillas stopped the vehicles and controlled the I.D.s of passangers, also informed the people about latest developments. In mean time, 2 TIRs have been burnt and destroyed by our guerrillas for being working for enemy and trading in Kurdistan with no permission. As a result of an intervention made by a group of village-guards, clashes occurred. The result of the clashes couldn’t able to clerified yet.

4-On 8 September in between 01:00-12:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the villages of Kafya, Ergene and Siyane; the Valley of the River Xazir and Kani Xezale/Gare/Seladize/the Medya Defence Areas.

HPG Media and Communication Center

09. 09. 2012