Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-We have informed the press and public that the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area of Kato after the Martrys Adil and Nuda Revolutionary Operation launched by our guerrillas on 2 September in and surrounding area of the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak.

On 5, 6 and 7 September, intensive clashes occurred in between our guerrilla forces and the occupier Turkish state army, who launched a military operation, in different regions of the area of Kato Marinos.

In the morning hours of 5 September, the soldiers of occupier Turkish state army aimed to go to the area of Kato Marinos, where as a result clashes occurred in between enemy forces and our guerrillas. As a result of these clashes, 5 enemy soldiers killed and the march attempt of enemy in this area have been stopped by our guerrillas.

On 6 September at around 15:00 hour, a unit of enemy, which aimed to march to the area of Deriye Sehit Aliser have been ambushed by our guerrillas. As a result in tensive clashes occurred in this area and 10 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.

Aftermath of loses of the occupier Turkish state army in above mentioned areas, the war-planes and cobra type helicopters intervened and air-bombarded these areas. In mean time while air-bombardments were continuing, enemy forces made an attempt to air-land their forces sikorsky type helicopters on the area of Deriye Zer, where our guerrillas targeted these helicopters and take under fire and effectively hit these helicopters. As a result, while these sikorsky helicopters repulsed without air-landing enemy soldiers on the area, 1 sikorsky helicopter which was hit and damaged by our guerrillas has left in flames before making urgent landing to the Beytussebap Regiment.

The occupier Turkish state army insisted to continue its operation, on 7 September at around 06:30 hours, the war-planes bombarded the areas of Deriye Sehit Aliser and Deriye Zer. Aftermath of the bombardments, a enemy unit which was attempting to reach to area has been aimed by our guerrillas and as result 5 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.

Also, an enemy vungard unit made of 15 soldiers, who wanted positioned themselves on the Plateaus of Lalesin have been targeted by our guerrillas. As a result, 13 enemy soldiers killed and 2 others wounded by our guerrillas.

While the occupier Turkish state army carrying out intensive bombardments on the area, the enemy sikorsky type helicopters 5 times came and carried away their corpses of the killed and wounded soldiers.

As a result of all, the military operation intended to launch by the occupier Turkish state army on the Mnt. Kato did not make any significance and have been repulsed as a result of effective and crushing hits of our guerrillas before even got on the area. The clashes still continues time to time.

During 3 days long clashes 7 of our comrades reached to martry. Later, we will give out the I.D. details of our martryd comrades.

Within the scope of our Revolutionary Operation, our guerrillas also continued their actions in the central district of Beytussebap. On 7 September at around 20:30 hour, our guerrillas carried an action by targeting the Building of Jendarmerie within the district. Our guerrillas effectively hit all the targets during the action. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.

On 7 September in between 17:00-18:00 hours, our guerrillas also carried out a Road Control on the Road of Beytussebap and Sirnak. Almost 40 vehicles stopped, the I.D.s controlled and the people have been informed about the latest developments by our guerrillas.

2-On 6 September at around 19:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Directorate branch of the traffic in the ditsrict of Ergani/Amed. As a result, the guard cabin in front of the directorate has been destroyed and 2 policemen killed.

3-On 6 September at around 20:00 hour, our guerrillas, who were going to area of Xirwata for a duty, in the district of Yuksekova/Hakkari, have been attempted to ambush by the village-guards guarding the newly building of the military station. As a result clashes occurred and 1 village-guard killed and 1 other wounded.

4-On 7 September in between 09:00-18:30 hours, our guerrillas continued their routine Road Controls on the road in between the area of Gerdiya and the didtrict of Semdinli/Hakkari. While our guerrillas stopped and controled the I.D.s, also informed the people about the developing period.

5-On 7 September at around 12:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments with cobra type helicopters on the area of Bawan, in the district of Genc/Bingol.

6-On 7 September at around 17:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments with cobra type helicopters on the areas of Rojdere and Mirik/Dersim central. As a result of these bombardments a bush-fire began in the area, which still continues.

7-Our guerrillas detained the chairman of the AKP in the city of Hakkari, Abdulmecit Tarhan, on 2 September, who has been arrested after his interrogation completed.

HPG Media and Communication Center

08. 09. 2012