Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-On 2 July at 21:00 hour, our guerrillas arrested, Hayrullah Tanis, the president of the AKP in the district of Gurpinar/Van, Also, confiscated a hand-pistol belongs to this person.

2-On 2 July at around 21:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Policeman, who were controlling the road in the Central city of Van. As a result, 2 policeman killed and 1 other wounded.

3-On 5 July in between 11:00-18:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out Road Control in between the area of Geliye Doski and the district of Yuksekova/Hakkari. Our Guerrilla forces while controlling the I.D.s of the travellers in the vehicles, they also informed travellers on the latest political and military developments.

4-On 6 July in between 17:00-19:30 hours, our YJA-Star guerrillas carried out a Road Controll in between the area of Oramar and the district of Yuksekova/Hakkari. While our guerrillas were controlled the I.D.s of the travellers, they also informed the people about latest developments.

5-On 6 July, the occupier force of the Turkish state army launched a military operation on the areas of Gokmeydan and Zarik Yolu, in the district of Ovacik/Dersim. The operation pulled back on the night hours of the same day.

6-On 6 July, the YJA-Star guerrilla forces carried out an action against the operational forces of the occupier Turkish state army on the 10th km of the Road of Dersim-Erzincan, in the area of Bridge of Seytan. Our guerrillas targeted an operational military conwoy and as a result, 1 MountDera type military vehicle destroyed with enemy soldiers in it and 1 other mountdeer type vehicle hit and damaged. Our forces couldn’t be able to clerify the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers. Enemy forces carried away their corpses and wounded soldiers with civilian vehicle and ambulances under the support of armoured military vehicles.

7-On 6 July in between 18:00-21:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control in the area of Rojnek/on the road of Dersim-Erzincan. Our guerrillas checked-up I.D.s of travellers of 150 vehicles and, burnt down 5 TIRs for doing trade with no permission. On 7 July at around 07:30 hour, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation, which is still continues.

HPG Media and Communication Center
