Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 26 September in between 17:00-19:30 hours, our guerrillas carried a road control on the Road of Nodize-Gurpinar/Van. While our guerrillas carried I.D. control in many vehicles, also inform the people about latest developments. During the road control, our guerrillas also set-up a court for a village-guard from the Village of Spindaroke/Gurpinar, in front of the people. After decision of release given by the people on the base of a promise him not to work as a village-guard, he has been by our guerrillas.
2-Our guerrillas carried out a series of actions within the scope of a control and sovereignty on the Semdinli-Yuksekova-Cukurca/Hakkari Line. Those are;
On 27 September at around 02:40 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against the operational forces of the occupier Turkish state army, who launched a military operation in the area of Geliye Zap/Cukurca. Our guerrillas carried the action against a sikorsky helicopter, which was attempting to air-land enemy forces on the Hill of Helwesis, and enemy soldiers gathered around the helicopter. As a result, more than 10 soldiers killed by our guerrillas.
Our guerrillas went on the 6 corpses of killed enemy soldiers and confiscated 1 full automatic BKC and 1 HK33 weapons. The clashes still continues in the area, where enemy forces carrying out intensive bombardments with war-planes, cobra type helicopters, obus and mortars on the area. We will be giving more details about the clashes and results in the coming days.
On 26 September in between 16:00-18:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the Road of Semdinli-Geliye Bembu. While our guerrillas control the I.D.s, also inform the people about latest developments.
While our guerrilla’s control on the area of Geliye Doski/Yuksekova continue, enemy’s Sinewe military station closed the Road of Yuksekova-Oramar to the traffic since 23 September, which still continues as well.
The occupier Turkish state army still continues its bombardments. On 26 September in between 13:00-18:00 hours, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Mnt. Carcela, the Hillsides of Xanemir, the Village of Baye and the Strait of Sehidan.
3-On 21 September at around 06:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the operational enemy forces, who launched a military operation with the participation of 10.000 soldiers in the areas of Serxwebun and Terkan/Ilicalar/Bingol. Aftermath of the action, a short clash occurred and number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. During these clashes occurred, 1 of our guerrilla separated from his unit clarified to be martyred.
The I.D. Details of our Martyred comrade is;
Code Name: Sipan Cirav
Real Name: Ferman Salci
Name of Mother and Father: Sahile/Hayrettin
Place of Birth: Eruh, Siirt
Date and Place of Martyr: 21 September 2012/the area of Sehit Serxwebun, Bingol
4-A person name Hamit Celikkanat, who has been detained by our guerrillas in the district of Dicle/Amed, on 22 August, has been released after necessary procedures completed.
5-There have been reports claiming that those our guerrillas who carried out an action and killed 1 policeman at the Van Regional Education and Research Hospital, have been killed do not reflect the reality. Our guerrilla who carried out this attack still continues duties in the unit.
6-In a statement released by the HPG Central Commandment congratulated our guerrilla forces in our Region of Erzurum for their success of actions against the enemy soldiers and policemen both before and after military operations of the occupier Turkish state army, in Bingol.
HPG Media and Communication Center
27. 09. 2012