Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 25 September at 18:00 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against the Special operational soldiers of the Gendarmerie guarding the Governer of Dersim, in the suburb of Kanoglu/Dersim central. As a result, 1 mini-bus carrying 9 soldiers has been totally destroyed and, 2 professional sergeant, total of 9 soldiers killed by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army’ soldiers who positioned themselves on all the strategic Hills and the cobra type helicopters, which came to the area 15 minutes after the action, opened fire on and surrounding area of the action, with no aim.
It has been reported that 1 civilian also lost life. Yet, our forces couldn’t be able to clarify that whether this civilian lost occurred during our action or as a result of fire opened by enemy forces with no aim after the action.
On 19 September, while our guerrillas went to the Village of Kurna/Dersim central, for a duty, a person name Haydar Cigli, who works with Jitem organization of enemy, opened fire on our guerrillas. And, as a result clashes occurred. The worker of the Jitem, who initially opened fire on our guerrillas has been heavily wounded and taken to Malatya Hospital with sikorsky helicopter belong to enemy.
2-On 25 September in between 15:00-19:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on a road in between the districts of Kupl-Silvan/Amed, within the scope of the Martyrs Zilan, Celal and Aziz Revolutionary Operation. While our guerrillas control the I.D.s, also informed the people about the latest developments.
During the road control, the workers working at the Silvan Dam taken in front of a court in front of the people and then released after they promised that they will not continue to work at the Dam, which creates a disaster for the geography of Kurdistan. Aftermath of the action, in between 20:00-21:00 hour, the cobra type helicopters belong to occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the area of Cerkez/Silvan.
3-Our guerrillas carried an action against enemy forces on the Hill of Ceper, securing the Commandment of the Brigade in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak, within the scope of the Martyrs Adil and Nuda Revolutionary Operation. The action carried out on 25 September at around 19:00 hour, where all the targets have been effectively hit by our guerrillas. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify by our forces.
4-Our guerrillas carried out some actions within the scope of our forces sovereignty and control on the Semdinli-Yuksekova-Cukurca/Hakkari Line. Those are;
On 25 September at 11:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a synchronous action against the Gare Regiment at Semdinli. During the action, our guerrillas effectively hit two different targets and as a result 4 enemy soldiers killed and 1 other wounded. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces carried away the corpses of their killed and wounded soldiers with civilian vehicles.
On 22 September at 06:00 hour, our guerrillas detained a bulldozer operator name, Serhat Demircan, who works in the company name Kaldirimoglu, took responsibility to build a new military station for the occupier Turkish state army in between the Villages of Ceme Kurke and Begirde/Rubarok/Semdinli. Later, after his first questioning, aforementioned person has been arrested by our guerrillas.
The occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Mnt. Carcela, the areas of Mergezere and Sertel, from 25 September at 05:00 to 26 September at 05:00 hours. Again, on 26 September at 08:00 hour, the above mention areas also air-bombard by the war-planes, as well.
On 24 September in between 15:00-19:00 hours, the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the area of Ciyaye Res/Zap/Seladize/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of these air-bombardments, bush-fires began in the areas of Rubar, Angola and Ferhat. Also, the occupier Turkish state army has been carrying out obus and mortar bombardments on the areas of Ertus, Buyuk and Kucuk Gare, and the Village of Zewe/Cukurca/Hakkari.
5-The person name Atakan Gonen, who detained by our guerrillas in the district of Caldiran/Van, on 13 September, has been released after jurisprudence and administrative works completed.
HPG Media and Communication Center
26. 09. 2012