Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 31 August at around 13:00 our, our guerrillas carried out an action against a point of Special Teams in between te area of Oramar and te district of Yuksekova/Hakkari. As a result, at least 1 member of the Special Operational Teams killed by our guerrillas.
2-On 2 September in between 07:30-17:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road Control on the Road in between the area of Gerdiya and the ditsrict of Semdinli/Hakkari. While our guerrillas stopped and controled the I.D.s, also informed the people about the developing period.
While our guerrillas continue to control the region, they placed flags on both the Hills of Senala and Radiolink, on 2 September. Aftermath of the placement of flags, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on these Hills, until 06:00 hour this morning.
3-On 2 September at 22:00 hour, our guerrillas launched a Revolutionary Operation within the borders of the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak, by carrying out actions on all enemy bases of both military and policemen in the district of Beytussebap. Witin the scope of The Martrys Adil and Nuda Revolutionary Operation, the district of Beytussebap and its surrounding area under our guerrillas control, now. We will give more detail information in regard to this operation and its outcomes in the coming days.
4-On 1 September at around 14:20 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against te operational forces of the enemy soldiers in between the Villages of Xatipawa and Dalya/Baskale/Van. As a result, 3 enemy soldiers killed and 2 others wounded.
After an hour of the action, the enemy forces intervened to the area of action with armoured military vehicles and air-landing its forces on te area. At around 16:00 hour, clases occurred in between our guerrillas and operational forces of enemy in the Triangle of the Village of Avzan. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. Yet, 1 of our comrade reached to martry after brave resistance. Enemy forces carried an ambush on the corpse of our martryd comrade until 02:00 hour, and then in morning hours of 2 September pulled back.
The I.D. Details of our martryd comrade are;
Code Name: Zinar Sargac
Real Name: Tekin Guzel
Name of Mother/Father: Asiye/Ibrahim
Place of Birth: Tatvan, Bitlis
Date and Place of Martry: 1 September, 2012 / Baskale, Van
HPG Media and Communication Center
03. 09. 2012