Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

For a while now, we have began a Revolutionary People’s War together with a solution period for the Freedom of Leader APO and Freedom of Kurdistan in retaliation to destructive approaches of the Turkish state and its government of AKP against our Leader APO, people and movement, which left out the Kurdish issue without a solution based on the mentality of denial and annihilation policies against the Kurds. Our guerrillas’ active struggle and revolutionary assault have been continuesly developed in parallel with period of solution and, carry out our struggle on the maximum level, which brought the freedom nearer to the Kurdish people.
Our war reached to a new period with the last Oramar and Sitaza revolutionary operational manevrous, on 19 June. This new period means the development on the guerrilla’s tactic and manners, and creating areas under the control of the guerrillas. The revolutionary operation assault, on 23 July 2012, occurred as a result of such density. These reality also can be seen in these areas as the clashes still continues.
On the night of 4 August 2012, our guerrillas began another revolutionary operation in Cele and surrounding areas aiming to increase their assaults and bring the victory. This revolutionary operation brought out a great resistance where the fedaiin spirit came to a light in the action, first of all, carried out by our friend Jin, who rapped up her hand-grenades with herself after and despite she was heavily wounded, and exploded herself on the enemy.
Our guerrilla forces , in many occasions, have had carried out such extensive actions with such fedaiin spirit. This latest revolutinary operation carried out in revenge of our martryd 15 of our women comrades, including Arjin Garzan, in the area of Garzan and; Mahir Baskale and those martryd together with him in Erzurum.
In this revolutionary operation 13 of our comrades, including our friend Jin, reached to martry after brave resistancy. The fedaiin spirit of of these of our comrades gave very heavy looses to enemy. The concreate reality is that our martryd comrades created a new level in our war by sacrificing their lifes and great efforts in order to push the period of solution and brought he freedom near.
The state and government of Turkey should know; every each of guerrilla and Kurdish youth will heighten the struggle from the point where our martrys ones brought to and, on this base we promise to our people and democratic circles that to keep the memories of our martrys in all time.
Our martryd comrades, which 4 martrys I.D.s will be shared later with our people, during the Revoulutionary Operation of Martrys Arjin Garzan and Mahir Baskale are as follows;
Code Name: Jin Jin
Real Name: Gulistan Fermerzi
Name of Mother/father: Besra/Kocali
Place of Birth: Xoy
Code Name: Viyan Penaber
Real Name: Kader Alturk
Name of Mother/Father: Zahide/Mahmut
Place of Birth: the Village of Piran/Uludere/Sirnak
Code Name: Evindar Beri
Real Name: Xezal Musa
Name of Mother/Father: Gazel/Musa
Place of Birth: Maku
Code Name: Siyar Tatvan
Real Name: Mesut Karatas
Name of Mother/Father: Hatice/Abdulmecit
Place of Birth: Bitlis
Code Name: Sahin Serhat
Real Name: Mehmet Emin Erten
Name of Mother/Father: Ipek/Suleyman
Place of Birth: Agri
Code Name: Zerdes Amanos
Real Name: Talip Gedelo
Name of Mother/Father: Afiyet/Velit
Place of Birth: Halep
Code Name: Karwan Halac
Real Name: Huseyin Bahadir
Name of Mother/father: Vesile/Mehmet Ali
Place of Birth: Bitlis
Code Name: Firat Seydo
Real Name: Mazlum Seydo
Name of Mother/Father: Bese/Muhammed
Place of Birth: Kobani
Code Name: Botan Maku
Real Name: Cafer Abdullahi
Name of Mother/Father: Zeynep/Mustafa
Place of Birth: Maku
Code Name: Arges Delila
Real Name: Turgay Celen
Name of Mother/Father: Gulizar/Mahir
Place of Birth: Van
The Central Commandment of HPG
7 August 2012