Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


Number of military operations of the colonialist TSK: 55

Number of air-raids carried by the colonialist TSK: 22 (3 bush fires)

Attacks carried out by the cobra type helicopters belongs to colonialist TSK: 16 (3 bush fires)

Attacks carried by tanks and cannon: 56 (14 bush fires)

Clashes occurred as a result of military operations: 46

Actions carried by our guerrillas against operations: 53

Number of acions carried by our forces which results unknown: 30

Number of enemy known to be killed in action and clashes: 278

Number of enemy known to be wounded in action and clashes: 73

Number of sikorsky type helicopters gun-downed: 5

Number of sikorsky type helicopters hit and damaged: 4

Number of cobra type helicopters hit and damaged: 2

Number of destroyed enemy vehicles: 10 (1 mountain dear, 2 hedgehog, 2 scorpian and 5 different types of military armoured vehicles)

Number of enemy weapons confiscated: 5 (2 hand-pistol, 1 BKC, 3 rifles)

Number of vehicles destroyed belongs to those working with enemy on military aims: 115 (13 lorries, 25 TIRs, 11 buldozers, 1 tractor, 1 clinder, 2 Greyders, 2 truks, and 58 different type of work machines)

Number of people arrested/taken into custody by our guerrillas: 21

Number of our Guerrillas Martryd: 22

Note: Other than all these, as a result of attack and bombardments carried out by the colonialist Turkish state army, many numbers of gardens and grape-yards have been grately damaged and, many life-stocks belongs to the villagers killed.

HPG Media and Communication Center

07. 08. 2012