Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1- On 14 July in between 23:00-24:00 hours, there has been a clash occurred in between a group of our friend and the operational forces belongs to the Turkish state army nearby the Village of Xuskok/Karliova/Bingol. The calsh continued until the morning hours and one of our guerrilla name Sores Kasura has been wounded and while chanting a slogan ''Biji Serok APO'' he exploded a hand granade with himself not to caught alive by the enemy, and placed himself in the army of martryes.

The I.D. Details of our Martryed Guerrilla as Follows;

Şoreş Qaşura - Esfet Ediş

Code Name: Sores Kasura

Real Name: Esfet Edis

Year and Place of Birth: 1985/Sirnak

Mother Name: Saniye

Father Name: Esat

Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Sirnak

Date and Place of Martry: 14 July 2011/Siirt

2- On 22 July, there has been a clash occurred in between a guerrilla unit and operational forces of the Turkish state army in the area in between the Villages of Kadana and Xazne/Semdinli/Hakkari. As a result of this clash, 2 of our guerrilla friend reached to martry after brave resistance. Also in the clash, 2 soldiers killed and 4 soldiers wounded.

The I.D. Details of our Mertryed Guerrillas are as follows;

Serxwebun Bilican - Nihat Çoban

Code Name: Serxwebun Bilican

Real Name: Nihat Coban

Year and Place of Birth: 1985/Mus

Name of Mother: Dilber

Name of Father: Yilmaz

Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Mus

Date and Place of Martry: 22 July 2011 / Semdinli-Hakkari

Siyabend Serhat - Sıddık Öztürk

Code Name: Siyabend Serhat

Real Name: Siddik Ozturk

Year and Place of Birth: 1991/Agri

Name of Mother: Hacer

Name of Father: Mehmet

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Agri

Date and Place of Martry: 22 July 2011 / Semdinli-Hakkari

HPG Press and Communication Center
