Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1.On December 10 at 23:45, one of our guerrilla named Zerdeşt Cilo carried out a self-sacrifice action against the Melkis military base in Amed’s Hazro district as a response to the Turkish army’s massacres and genocidal attacks in Kurdistan. In this action, 18 soldiers were injured.

ID information of our martyr guerrilla:

Code Name: Zerdeşt Cilo

First and Last Name: Celal Mensuri

Place of Birth: Sine, East Kurdistan

Mother’s and Father’s Names: Xedile – Muhammed Şerif

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 10 December 2016 / Amed

2. On December 11, between 21:00- 22:00, the Turkish warplanes shelled the Zap region of Medya Defence Zones.


The HPG Liaison Centre