Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces carried out actions against the occupying Turkish army in Hakkari's Şemzînan (Şemdinli), Gever (Yüksekova) and Çelê (Çukurca) dİsitricts on September 6.

On September 6, at 17.00, our guerrilla forces conducted a comprehensive action against the enemy soldiers positioned at the top of Martyr Colemerg hill of Çelê district. In the action where seven different enemy positions were struck at the same time, one A-4 heavy weapon position and 3 other positions were struck, and a total of four positions were completely destroyed. Eight enemy soldiers were identified killed in this action, and an unidentified number of soldiers were wounded.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army bombarded the area for about 2 hours, and dead and wounded soldiers were removed from the area with sikorsy-type helicopters at night.

At 15.30, our forces carried out an action targeting the enemy soldiers in the Şkerê Sipî hill in Şemzinan. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the action, in which enemy positions were struck effectively, could not be clarified.

On the same day, around 20.30, our YJA Star forces carried out a sabotage action targeting an enemy unit heading from Sênala hill to Kani Botkê in the Şapatan area of Şemzinan. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in this action could not be determined.

At 21.20, our forces carried out an action targeting the occupying Turkish army soldiers in the Merga Sirik area, located between Serero and Meleyan valley of Şemzînan. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the enemy unit which was struck effectively could not be determined.

Following the action, the occupying forces removed dead and wounded soldiers from the area with sikorsy-type helicopters.

Around 16.30, the occupying Turkish army soldiers positioned on the top of Baye hill in the Gever district were targeted by our forces. One enemy soldier was killed in the action.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army bombarded the area with howitzers and mortars.

2. On September 6, between 17.30 and 18.00, the cobra-type attack helicopters of the occupying Turkish army bombed Siirt's Herekol area. We did not have any losses during the bombardment.

3. On September 6, around 9:30, the warplanes of the occupying Turkish army bombarded the Navsera Cudi area on the Cudi mountain in Şırnak. Simultaneously, enemy outposts bombarded its surroundings with howitzers and mortars.

On September 5, at 10:00, the warplanes bombed the Gordê area of Ağrı's Diyadin district, and between 11.00 and 15.00 cobra-type attack helicopters struck the same area.

The special war media spread news of the lie that during the bombardment, two of our guerrillas in Şırnak and 5 in Ağrı were martyred. These news do not reflect the reality.

We did not have any losses in the bombardments which took place.

4. At 20.00 hours on September 3, the occupying Turkish army bombed the village of Mışfır in the Lice district of Amed with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and attack-type helicopters, and then carried out setdowns on the village with Sikorsy-type helicopters.

Enemy soldiers indiscriminately fired at the houses in the village, practising violence against the locals. Our unit, which was located near the region, intervened in the attack of the enemy against the people and targeted the operation unit. In the contact with the enemy which turned into conflict after the first strike, the number of dead and wounded soldiers of the enemy has not been clarified.

In the same conflicts, a sikorsy-type helicopter trying to descend was hit by our forces.

Comrade Dijwar, who fought against the enemy attack developed against the people of the village, has reached martyrdom after fighting heroically against the enemy in close contact.

The occupying Turkish army which removed the dead and wounded soldiers from the area with a large number of sikorsy-type helicopters, withdrew from the area on September 4 at 13:00.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Dıjwar Botan
Name- Surname: Mehmet Barkın
Place of Birth: Şırnak
Mother's-Father's Name: Siyahan - Haci
Date and Place of Martrydom: September 3, 2017 / Amed

Dıjwar – Mehmet Barkın


September 7, 2017

HPG Press Release