Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

On June 26, 2017, the Turkish army carried out set downs near the Sesmala village in the Akdağ area of Amed with the support of warplanes, cobra-type attack helicopter and reconnaisance aircraft, launching an extensive operation. In this intensive technical attack, 11 of our comrades under the command of commander Aşut (Şahabettin Çolak) reached martyrdom after fighting heroically against the enemy. 

Our comrade Martyr Aşut was a concise and humble companion of ours, who had served in Northern Kurdistan for many years and knew all the hardships. Our comrade Aşut, who became a symbol of honesty, altruism, devotion and sincerity in all circumstances, has fulfilled the responsibilities he has undertaken and has owned intense efforts in our liberation struggle. Commander Aşut comrade, modest and friendly in his life, knew that he could sew the organizational life wherever he is with his characteristics of a laborer. He has based himself on constantly explaining and comprehending the struggle to his environment.

In her long-running struggle in the ranks of freedom, comrade Arjin has also been one of the pioneers of comprehending to the women comrades under her command of a life which will be liberated by fighting.

Comrades Aşut and Arjin joined the caravan of martyrs by fighting with the group they had commanded against the intensive technology of the fascist Turkısh army. In the name of Martryr Aşut and Arjin comrades, we remember with respect and gratitude, and renew our promise of carrying out the memories of these 11 comrades who were always amazed by the truth of the Leadership and who always knew to be focused on victory.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;

Nom de Guerre: Alaaddin Tirej
Name-Surname: Serhat Bayram
Place of Birth: Amed
Mother's-Father's Name: Aysel - Salih
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Alaaddin – Serhat Bayram

Nom de Guerre: Arjin Amed
Name-Surname: Şükran Türk
Place of Birth: Amed
Mother's-Father's Name: Laika - Cemal
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Arjin – Şükran Türk

Nom de Guerre: Aşut Star
Name-Surname: Şahabettin Çotak
Place of Birth: Batman
Mother's-Father's Name: Kezban - Baki
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Aşut – Şahabettin Çotak

Nom de Guerre: Çiyager Peyman
Name-Surname: Mehmet Salih Yaşar
Place of Birth: Batman
Mother's-Father's Name: Rahime - Mustafa
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Çiyager – Mehmet Salih Yaşar

Nom de Guerre: Erdal Tolhıldan
Name-Surname: Ahmet Sider
Place of Birth: Şırnak
Mother's-Father's Name: Halime - Tahir
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Erdal – Ahmet Sider

Nom de Guerre: Fedakar Amed
Name-Surname: Şaban Çiftçioğlu
Place of Birth: Amed
Mother's-Father's Name: Fevziye - Mustafa
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Fedakar – Şaban Çiftçioğlu

Nom de Guerre: Haki Bitlis
Name-Surname: Mustafa Yalçınkaya
Place of Birth: Bitlis
Mother's-Father's Name: Mensude - Medeni
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Haki – Mustafa Yalçınkaya

Nom de Guerre: Jinda Adar
Name-Surname: Makbule Gizlemiş
Place of Birth: Amed
Mother's-Father's Name: Perihan - Seyithan
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Jinda – Makbule Gizlemiş

Nom de Guerre: Koçer Peyman
Name-Surname: Mehmet Nuri Özçelik
Place of Birth: Muş
Mother's-Father's Name: Kezban - Medeni
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Koçer – Mehmet Nuri Özçelik

Nom de Guerre: Şoreşger Amed
Name-Surname: Genco Aslan
Place of Birth: Amed
Mother's-Father's Name: Hanife - Mehmet
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Şoreşger – Genco Aslan

Nom de Guerre: Xecê Şahrud
Name-Surname: Esra Özcan
Place of Birth: Amed
Mother's-Father's Name: Sevim – Mehmet Nesim
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 26, 2017 / Amed

Xecê – Esra Özcan


September 7, 2017

HPG Press Centre