Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


We have already stated to the press and public that as a result of all day long clashes occurred in the rural area of the district of Semdinli, a total of 13 enemy soldiers killed and 2 of our guerrillas also have been martyed, on 10 September.

The I.D. Details of our Martyred comrades are:

Code Name: Sevin Alan

Real Name: Muhaber Arslan

Name of Mother/Father: Aysan/Mehmet

Place of Birth: Amed

Date and Place of Martyr: 10 September 2012/Semdinli, Hakkari

Code Name: Nuda Batman

Real Name: Fatma Aslan

Name of Mother/Father: Fatime/M. Emin

Place of Birth: Gercus, Batman

Date and Place of Martyr: 10 September 2012/Semdinli, Hakkari

YJA-Star Press Center

13 September, 2012