Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

The occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation against one of our unit in the Triangle of the districts of Hani-Lice/Amed-Genc/Bingol, in the morning hours of 31 December 2012 . The military operation aimed to completely destroy, where our comrades shown a unique resistance, and as results 10 of our comrade have been martyred.

The colonialist Republic of Turkey, its fascist AKP Government, and together with its special warfare media put on the agenda the discussions on so called solution in order to deceive our people and the public. The destructive military operations in all corners of Kurdistan and the martyrdom occurred as a result of these operations demonstrates that the solution, which AKP claims, is to massacre and destruction of the Kurds. With this attack, the AKP aims, not only the New Year but wants to poison the whole year of the Kurdish people.  Once more it has been proved that to move all its fascist forces in Kurdistan to practice all kinds of savages and inhumane practices in order to reach its goal.

The I.D. Details of our Martryed Comrades are:

Code Name: Numan Amed

Real Name: Ertem Karabulut

Place of Birth: Amed

Name of Mother/Father: Remziye/Mehmet Ali

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Agit Amed

Real Name: Faruk Dolu

Place of Birth: Amed

Name of Mother/Father: Ayse/Amed

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 / the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Ozer Dersim

Real Name: Omer Seker

Place of Birth: Malatya

Name of Mother/Father: Kocer/Cemal

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Renas Amed

Real Name: Mehmet Bicecek

Place of Birth: Amed

Name of Mother/Father: Fikirya/Iskender

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Servan Kocer

Real Name: Mehmet Calp

Place of Birth: Mersin

Name of Mother/Father: Hazim/Ahmet

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Sores Selmas

Real Name: Perviz Xalili

Place of Birth: Selmas (East Kurdistan)

Name of Mother/Father: Sirvan/Fethullah

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Demhat

Real Name: Mesut Yildirim

Place of Birth: Kiziltepe, Mardin

Name of Mother/Father: Sultan/Hamdullah

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Firat Margi

Real Name: Ruhallah Sidinecat

Place of Birth: Ilam (East Kurdistan)

Name of Mother/Father: Fereg/Abbas

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Xebat Xancepek

Real Name: Mehmet Zulfikar Kacmaz

Place of Birth: Amed

Name of Mother/Father: Zine/Sukru

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Code Name: Masiro

Real Name: Hakan Tezel

Place of Birth: Batman

Name of Mother/Father: Saniye/Sehmuz

Date and Place of Martyr: 31 December 2012 /  the Triangle of Lice-Kulp-Hani/Amed

Once more, the resistance by the member of the Military Council of the HPG and the Commander of the Amed Region, comrade Numan Amed, and  9 of our comrades under his command against the enemy’s vicious attack, and shown to both our enemies and friends the will and the braveness of the Guerrillas of Kurdistan.

Once more, we promise that we will not show even a small hesitation to continue our struggle with the greatest will and determination on the line of Leader Apo and Martyrs with the knowledge that the occupier Turkish army will increase their attacks in every corner of Kurdistan in the months of winter. And, once more we promise that we will get the revenge of this vicious attack.

Our people shall owe all our Martyrs and their Commander Martyr Numan and show their attitude against the genocidal policies. Our people and sensitive public shall strongly owe our martyred comrades while seeing vicious and liar face of the government, and show their clear stand and attitude against it.

The HPG Central Command
