Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

We have been informed both our people and the public in regarding to intensive clashes occurred on the Plateaus of Ewliya/Semdinli, in between our guerrillas and the operational forces of the Turkish state army, who launched a military operation, on 15 September at around 23:30 hour. And, as a result of these intensive clashes 4 enemy soldiers killed. During the clashes, 2 of our guerrillas also bravely resisted and reached to martyr.
The I.D.s of our Martyred comrades are as Follow;
Code Name: Azad Gever
Real Name: Ali Ihsan Yilmaz
Name of Mother/Father: Zaferan/Ubeyit
Place of Birth: Gever, Hakkari
Date and Place of Birth: 15 September 2012 / Semdinan, Hakkari
Code Name: Cigerxwin Rezan
Real Name: Osman Yilmaz
Name of Mother/Father: Nafiye/Ramazan
Place of Birth: Gever, Hakkari
Date and Place of Birth: 15 September 2012 / Semdinan, Hakkari
HPG Basın-İrtibat Merkezi
25 Eylül 2012