Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

    1-On 4 August at around 14:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Serekani military station in the district of Dogubeyazit/Agri. As a result, the enterance and cabins have been hit and damaged and, 2 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.
    2-Within the frame of Revolutionary Operation On 4 August, our guerrillas continuing to keeping the control of the district of Cele. Since than, there is no activity of enemy other than sending tens of ambulances and air-raids on the area. As a result of our guerrilla actions on the Rindike military station, we have already informed that more than 20 weapons have been confiscated. Other than these,tens of A4 half-automatic weapons, mortars, BKCs and other type of weapons also have been destroyed by our guerrillas belongs to this enemy military station.
    During the attack, one of our guerrilla name Jin, whome has been heavily wounded, shown a heroic fedaiin stand and, carried out a fedaiin action against enemy. As a result, many enemy soldiers killed and wounded.
    Other than the information we have given about number of military vehicles yesterday, our guerrillas also have destroyed a panzer together with 8 soldiers in it, on the security Hill of the Rindike Military station.
    In our Yesterday’s statement, we have stated that a total of 7 of our guerrillas reached to martry within the Revolutionary Operation. Yet, as a result of continuing clashes and also martry of some other wounded guerrillas, 7 other guerrillas reached to martry. Therefore, within the scope of our Revolutionary Operation total of 14 of our guerrillas have been martryd. The details of our martrys will be shared with our people and public in coming days.
    On 5 August in between 17:00-21:00 hours, our guerrillas effectively hit the Brigade of Cele, the Eris Battalion and the Bilican Regiment. As a result of these actions, while many military buildings and positions of the enemy damaged, number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.
    On 6 August, our guerrillas effectively hit both the Gire Military Base and the Bilican Regiment in the district of Cele. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. Aftermath of these actions, the occupier forces of Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the surrounding area, with no aim. The area still continuing to be under the control of our guerrillas.
    3-On 5 August at around 11:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against enemy forces, whome were attempting block and check-up the I.D.s on the Road of Hakkari-Cele. As a result, 1 panzer damaged. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.
    4-The I.D. details of our two martryd guerrillas, which we have already shared with public, during the clashes occurred in the Straits of Nirkola and Masiro, on 3 August, are as follows;
    Code Name: Sahin Karker
    Real Name: Servet Gumus
    Name of Mother/Father: Halide/Serif
    Place of Birth: Bulanik/Mus
    Code Name: Sahan Rojhilat
    Real Name: Kutbettin Dellaimilan
    Name of Mother/Father: Latife/Seyfettin
    Place of Birth: Maku
    5-On 5 August in between 05:00-19:00 hours, the occupier forces of Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the areas of Goste, the Straits of Nirkola and Masiro, Ranya Pire and, the Villages of Middle and Upper Nirkola/Semdinli/Hakkari, with war-planes, obus and mortars. As a result of these enemy bombardments, a lot of gardens and grape-yards belongs to villagers have been damaged and a fire began in the area, which still continues.
    6-On 5 August at around 22:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a sabotage action against the Botas Pipelines passing nearby the Village of Kertmine, in between the district of Midyat/Mardin and the district of Idil/Sirnak.
    HPG Media and Communication Center
    06. 08. 2012