Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 5 August, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy Commandment of 7. Army corps in Batikent/Amed central. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be clerified.
2-On 9 August, our guerrillas carried out an action against the members of special operational police, who were heading to the police station in the district of Yenisehir/Amed. The number of killed and wounded members of the special operation police couldn-t be able to clerified.
3-On 10 August at around 15:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Keliko Sinor enemy military station, in the district of Silopi/Sirnak. As a result of this action, 3 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, the occupier forces of Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the areas of Gumruk, Bezenike, Deresise and Sinaht, with obus and mortars. While the villagers flee their villages, a bush fire began in the area as a result of enemy bombardments.
4-On 10 August at 21:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the military division commandment HQ in the district of Yuksekova/Hakkari. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.
On 11 August at 15:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a road control on the Road of Yuksekova-Oramar. During the road control, 1 TIR which was carrying military and lojistic materials to the Sitazin enemy military station, has been burnt and destroyed by our guerrillas. And, the driver of the TIR, Abdulbasit Aydin, has been detained by our guerrillas.
The occupier forces of Turkish state army bombarded the Mnt. Carcela with obus and mortars, from 11 August at 17:00 hour to 12 August 03:00 hour. And, on 12 August at 06:00 hour, the occupier forces also bombarded the areas of Gire Ramo and Deriya Derya with cobra type type helicopters as well.
The occupier forces of the Turkish state army re-builded a bridge in between Sitazin-Yuksekova, which was destroyed by our guerrillas. This bridge once again destroyed by our guerrillas, on 11 August at 24:00 hour.
While the occupier Turkish state army can not reach to the Sitazin and Oramar military stations on the land, attempted to deploy military and lojistical material to these military stations by sikorsky and cobra type helicopters, where our guerrillas carried out actions on these helicopters. As a result, enemy had to repulse without reaching its aim.
5-On 11 August at around 19:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on a work-yard part of a Iskenderun Iron-Steel Factory in the area of Payas/Dortyol/Hatay. As a result, 3 work machines in the work-yard burnt and destroyed by our guerrillas.
6-On 11 August in between 17:30-20:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control in between the district of Piran and Singirik military station/Amed. While our guerrillas carried out I.D. control, also informed the people about the latest developments. During the control, a person, who is coloborating with enemy, has been taken in front of the peoples’ court. After the court, this person have been released after he promised that he will not doing again and also with the wish of the people there present during the court.
7-On 10 August, we have already stated that as a result of actions carried out against the operational forces of the enemy in the areas of Guzeldere and Bablesin/Baskale/Van, where 18 enemy soldiers killed and a comrade has been martryd.
The I.D. Details of our martryd comrade are as follows;
Code Name: Cem Suruc
Real Name: Ismet Karak
Name of Mother/Father: Uveys/Muslum
Place of Birth: Suruc/Urfa
8-Our operation started by our guerrillas in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari, which began on 23 July, still continues as it has been planned. The colonialist Turkish state army have been pulled back after 2 weeks long clashes, which enemy forces couldn’t be able advance any result. Our forces still continues to control the area.
Our guerrillas confiscated 2 binoculers, 1 night vision binoculers and 500 BKC bullets belongs to enemy during the last clashes occurred.
The occupier forces of Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the Village of Are and the Valley of Nirkola/Semdinli.
We have stated before that within the scope of our operation 5 of other our comrades have been reached to martry during the clashes occurred on 4 and 5 August.
The I.D. Details of our Martryd comrades are as follows;
Code Name: Ekin Deniz
Real Name: Latife Baran
Name of Mother/Father: Toli/Hemdin
Place of Birth: Beytussebap/Sirnak
Code Name: Serxwebun Van
Real Name: Aziz Zengel
Name of Mother/Father: Nuriye/Sahabettin
Place of Birth: Van
Code Name: Mirza Zagros
Real Name: Mehmet Emen
Name of Mother/Father: Abdullah/Ayse
Place of Birth: Yureyir/Adana (orijinally from Mardin)
Code Name: Siyabend Canfeda
Real Name: Ismail Zamani
Name of Mother/Father: Nahide/Kerim
Place of Birth: Urmiye
Code Name: Sores Samuray
Real Name: Sirvan Ahmet
Name of Mother/Father: Melihe/Xelil
Place of Birth: Kobani
9-An attack has been carried out on the house of Mehmet Sait Dinc, in the area of Gerdiya/Semdinli/Hakkari. This attack has been carried out by the contras of the occupier Turkish state army in order to provoke the Tribe of Gerdi against our movement. Our organisation and our guerrillas have nothing to do with this attack.
HPG Media and Communication Center
12. 08. 2012