Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-Our guerrillas carried out three separate actions within the scope of an operation which began on 23 July, in Semdinli/Hakkari.
On 7 August at around 19:20 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Haruna military station in the district of Semdinli. During the action, our guerrillas effectively hit many military building and positions of the enemy in the station. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified as a result of this action. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the area no aim with cobra type helicopters.
On the same day at around 08:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against a military convoye, which was coming from Rubarok and heading to Semdinli, in between the Villages of Sapata and Hordin. As a result, has been seen 2 enemy soldiers killed and 4 others wounded. Also, the enemy military convoye couldn’t be able to get away from the area until late night hours. The enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the surrounding area with no aim.
On 7 August at around 19:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the soldiers guarding the Radyolink station nearby the Village of Sapata/Semdinli. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed. Later, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar attack on the area, with no aim.
While the occupier Turkish state army carrying on its bombardments on the area, on 7 August in between 11:00-12:00 hours, the war-planes carried out air-raids on the Mnt. Gorse, the Hillsides of Ewliya, and the Straits of Ewliya/Semdinli. The same areas also have been bombarded with obus and mortars, from 7 August at 12:00 hour to 8 August at 06:00 hour, as well.
2-On 7 August in between 18:00-18:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an attack against 5 sikorsky type helicopters carrying enemy soldiers, ammunition and military supplies for the Oramar and Sitazi military stations, from the district of Yuksekova/Hakkari. As a result, 1 sikorsky type helicopter have been hit and damaged and, the helicopters repulsed.
3-On 7 August in between 16:00-17:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a Road control action on the Road of Beytussebap-Mezra/Sirnak. While our guerrillas check-up the I.D.s, also informed the people about the period. Aftermath of the Road control by our guerrillas, the enemy forces attempted to intervene to the area. As a result, 1 cobra type helicopter hit and damaged by our guerrillas, in between the areas of Germav and Sinekli. In mean time, a panzer also have been hit and damaged by our guerrillas. It could be clerified that at least 3 enemy soldiers also killed. Aftermath, the occupier forces launched a military operation in the area, which still continues.
4-The occupier forces of Turkish state army carried out a bombardment on the areas of Geliye Zap, Hine, Helwesis, Gare and Ciyaye Res and, the Village of Ertus, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari, with obus and mortars, from 7 August at 05:00 to 8 August at 12:00 hours. As a result, bush fires began in the area of Hine and Helwesis, which still continues.
The Central Commandment of HPG