Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-On 6 July, the occupier forces of Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Ez, Mezra, Kotom, Sikranis and Sapur, in the district of Tatvan/Bitlis. On 7 July at around 18:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against operational forces on the Hill of Sehit Amed , in between the Villages of Ez and Kotom. As a result, 13 enemy soldiers killed, yet number of soldiers wounded couldn’t be able to clerified. Our guerrillas also confiscated 1 full automatic BKC belongs to enemy. Aftermath, enemy forces carried away their corps and wounded soldiers by ambulances under air-support of helicopters.

2-For while now, the hidden units belongs to the occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out observation and ambush activities on and surrounding area of the Valley of Harcik/Dersim.

3-On 7 July at around 01:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Bereres Military station in the district of Baskale/Van. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers could’t be able to clerified.

4-Inthe morning hours of 7 July, the occupier forces of Turkish state army launched a military operation by air-landing its forces with sikorsky type helicopters on the Hillsides of Rojnek and Tevnes, in the district of Ovacik/Dersim. On the same day at 19:00 hour, clashes ocurred in between our guerrillas and operational enemy forces. As a result, 2 enemy soldiers killed and 1 another wounded.

5-On 8 July at around 00:30 hour, clashes occurred in between our guerrilas and enemy operational forces in the area of Rocks of Dogan, in the district of Nazmiye/Dersim. As a result, at least 5 enemy soldiers killed and 5 others wounded.

6-For a while now, hidden units belongs to the occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out observation and ambushes in the areas of Kozmerit, Uzuntarla, Gomemis, Pagali and Marcik/ on the Road of Dersim-Erzincan.

HPG Media and Communication Center

08. 07. 2012