Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-On 3 July at around 17:15 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action by targeting a scorpian type armoured military vehicle nearby the district of Saray/Van. As a result, 3 policeman killed and 3 others wounded. Aftermath of the action, a military operation launched in the area, which is still continues.

2-On 3 July at 15:00 hour, 2 lorries, which were carrying lojistic materials to the Mezra Military station in the district of Beytussebap have been burnt and destroyed by our guerrillas. And, lorry drivers name, Sahabettin Cicek and Nadir Cin have been taken to custody by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces attempted to air-land its soldiers in the area under support of cobra type helicopters, yet have been retreated after response of our guerrillas.

3-On 3 July at 09:00 hour, 2 drivers have been taken into custody by our guerrillas as they were carrying lojistical materials to the Ezdinan military station of enemy, in the district of Catak/Van.

4-On 3 July, the occupier force of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Agdere, Koru, Dagmezra and Sarisatik, in the district of Hozat/Dersim and, is still continues.

5-On 2 July at around 02:30 hour, clashes occurred in between operational forces of occupier forces of the Turkish state army and our guerrillas in the area of Veng/Ovacik/Dersim. As a result 2 of our guerrillas have been martryd. We couldn’t be able to clerify numbers of killed and/or wounded enemy forces.

Code Name: Jehat Cudi

Real Name: Mustafa Ozdemir

Name of Mother: Muzeyyen

Name of Father: Ramazan

Place of Birth: Maras

Year of Participation: 2011

Date and Place of Participation: 2 July 2012/Ovacik, Dersim

Code Name: Rizgar Amed

Real Name: Nadir Tunc

Name of Mother: Kiymet

Name of Father: Mehmet

Place of Birth: Amed

Year of Participation: 2011

Date and Place of Participation: 2 July 2012/Ovacik, Dersim

HPG Media and Communication Center
