Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


Two weeks ago we have had warned both our people and the public not to participate in the construction of the dams, which is part of carefully implemented military re-occupation of Kurdistan by the enemy.

The Turkish state has insisting on continuing invasion of Kurdistan by building power plants and opening coal mines as well.

In previous announcment, we described and shared our view with our people and public by saying that the approach of the Turkish state far from a goodwill, in contrary, wants to destroy the existing cultural fabric and leave the historic heritage of Kurdistan under the water.

We also explained, '' The obvious aim by building the dams on the border line to target the wealth and historical heritage of the Kurdistan. Turkish states' destructive attacks not only limited by military force and violance, also expands its destructive attacks against the geography and historical heritage of the Kurdistan as well. In addition, another important purpose of the Turkish state by building dams is to create a Depopulated Area suurounded by dams and then name the area 'security zone' to be able place thousands of soldiers to complete the siege of the Kurdistan.

It is more clear today, the Turkish state continues its dirty plans and wants to use our patriotic people as an instrument to reach its goal. Lately, beginning of the construction sites and thermal power plant construction in our Guerrilla Area of Cudi once more shows that there is a systematic efforts to narrow our areas of guerrillas. The enemy primarily started its dirty plans in the areas of Bilika, Cilbiyan, Serga, Nerdus, Rusor, Bespin, Avkamasiya and Xinis in our Guerrilla Area of Cudi. The purpose of the construction of this sites in these areas are to stockpiling thousands of soldiers in suppose to control the area. Because the enemy can not implement its dirty ambitions with its nake military power, using civilians, especially those close to us that whome are patriots and the families of martyrs. As a Guerrillas of the Peoples Defence Forces (HPG), our approach and sensitivity known towards our own people, and where the occupying forces knowingly abuses our approach on this matter and wants to bring us and the people to be against each other.

Our people should be aware of the enemy's plans  to siege the guerrillas, and not to become the instruments of this.

No-one, especially the patriots, should not participate in the work of building and construction sites of the power plants and the dams. And, no-one should go in these areas. We, once more, warn that no-one including the companies, employees not to go and work in this araes. Thereafter, we will not take any responsibility of an any incidents might occurre on the roads, which are building to reach to the construction sides, and construction sides.

As we previously stated: “Everyone should understand that we can not condone the destruction of the geography and nature of Kurdistan. Therefore, once more, we warn that we will not be responsible on any incidents occurres during the construction of the roads and dams.”

The Commandment of the Area of Botan - HPG
