Attempts aiming at creating a negative perception towards the Kurdish Freedom Movement have been continuing in the recent days. It seems that a center has pressed the button to discredit the Kurdish Freedom Movement and the Kurdish People’s Leader.
The main aim of the international conspiracy against Leader APO [15 February 1999] was to discredit and make him ineffective. But, Leader APO, The Freedom Movement, and the Kurdish people prevented the conspirators from reaching their aims by struggling against the international conspiracy. At the present time, Leader APO is the most influential and credited Kurdish Leader throughout Kurdistan. He has also become one of the most influential leaders i Turkey due to his effort for the democratization of Turkey and finding a settlement for the Kurdish question. He is even hoped for finding a solution for Turkey’s most basic questions. At the same time he is being approved as one of the most influential political leaders in the world. This situation means that the international conspiracy has failed in reaching its goals.
The recent disinformation campaign against Leader APO is aiming at breaking his influence and discrediting him. Therefore, those engaging with such attempts are directly serving the international conspiracy and are the affiliates of the conspirators. Doğu Perinçek and his band, acting as the agents of the Turkey’s psychological warfare just after the emergence of the PKK struggle, have continued their enmity towards the Kurdish people from the mid-1990s acting directly as a state power. They have assumed the most active role in waging a dirty psychological war waged against the Kurdish people. They have turned into the dirtiest circle of psychological warfare.
They acted as the state’s institution for psychological war against the freedom struggle of Deniz Gezmiş, İbrahim Kaypakkay, Marhir Çayan and their friends. All the socialist and democratic circles of the late history have witnessed this fact.
The Turkish branch and section of the sworn enemies of the PKK and APO, that is, the Perinçek band, have montaged and broadcasted some parts of the dialogues between Leader APO and Turkish officers in Imrali. These montages and tweezings have been made in such a way so as to serve their psychological war on the Kurds.
The tweezed parts being broadcasted are in fact those parts in which Leader APO calls on the Turkish state [to work out a solution]. These arguments are the same arguments he has put forward in his defenses and his dialogues with his lawyers. He has reiterated the same arguments in various forms during the court hearings. The main theme and content of these arguments are ‘Let’s settle the problems among ourselves, as Kurds and Turks’. The Kurdish People’s Leader and the Kurdish Freedom Movement have for many times expressed this viewpoint, both before the international conspiracy and after it. The 1993 and 1998 cease-fires have been documented as the most conspicuous instances of this approach. The tweezing and montaging of the viewpoints expressed in Imrali conditions are purposeful attempts serving the ominous aims of such circles. By attacking Leader APO they are in fact attacking the Kurdish freedom struggle and its moral
Leader APO has always mentioned that Kurdish-Turkish conflict and any conflict between the Kurds and other nation in the region serves just one aim: the continuation of the hegemonic and colonialist
system in the Middle East. Therefore, any force which leaves the Kurdish question unsettled and has no intention of settling it serves those who have imperialistic aims. In order to disentangle the
‘Gordian knot of the Kurdish question’ and free the peoples of the Middle East form this intrigue, Leader APO has called on regional states and particularly the Turkish state: ‘let’s spoil this game’. He
has repeated this call over and over before falling captive [to the international conspiracy] and being incarcerated in the prison island of Imrali. The leading staff and cadres of our movement have for years repeated this call in almost every speech and writing. We have called on the Turkish authorities a thousand times: ‘let’s put an end to this situation which is damaging for both the Turks and the Kurds’. Even nowadays, both from [the] Imrali [prison] and outside it, we are making similar calls to the AKP administration and the Turkish state. But it is the Turkish state and the governments of the Turkish republic, including the AKP administration, which have turned a deaf ear to these calls and have interpreted them as a sign of the weakness of our movement.
Not only in those video footages, but also from the [prison Island of Imrali] Leader APO has for years made similar calls on the Turkish state and authorities. It is the Kurdish People’s Leader who
has come up with the notion that ‘Anatolia and Kurdistan share a political history of dialectical unity; let’s resolve the problems, conforming with that historical togetherness’. He has conspicuously
expressed these views in his book, ‘Defending the Kurds, Under the Pincers of Cultural Genocide’. Leader APO and the Kurdish Freedom Movement have made the same calls on democratic circles and the peoples in Turkey. The notions Leader APO put forward in Newroz 2013 and the call he made are efforts to settle the Kurdish questions on the basis of democratization and within the framework of fraternity and unity of the peoples.
The struggle line of Leader APO and the Kurdish Freedom Movement is certain and clear. Their call for the peoples, for the Turkish state and the regional governments is clear. The notion that
‘international forces want to get the upper hand in the region by getting us fighting each other; let’s resolve the problems among ourselves and spoil these games’ and the call made on such a basis are
still valid now as they were then.
Those who want to imply that the Kurdish Freedom Movement is the collaborator of one force or another are themselves the affiliates and servants of the international forces who maintain the grounds of conflict between the peoples. Resorting to anti-imperialism slogans and their so-called opposition to foreign forces are just pretexts to conceal their such roles. The persons and circles who intend to discredit Leader APO and our Movement are those who have served the NATO and imperialist forces for tens of years.
We call on our peoples and democratic circles to be aware of such provocations, take stand against them and remove the obstacles in the way of democratization and the settlement of the Kurdish question.
Those who make these provocations are the ominous owls who are trying to blur and destroy the relationships between our peoples. At a time when our people have a strong desire and resolve to democratize Turkey and settle the Kurdish question, such provocations and obstacles are in fact hostile attacks at the fraternity and the democracy and freedom struggle of our peoples. Let’s spoil the games of the international forces in Turkey and the Middle East by taking stance against these dirty offences and ensuring resolution and democratization on the basis fraternity between our peoples; let’s free our peoples from the turmoil of deadlock and conflicts.
8 February 2014
Let's Free Our Peoples From The Turmoil of Deadlock and Conflicts
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