Народные силы самообороны


    On the 15th anniversary of the international conspiracyagainst Leader Abdullah Ocalan, we strongly condemn all the forcestaking active part in the conspiracy. We pay our grateful tribute to

those martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the resistance underthe motto 'you cannot darken our sun'. We greet with respect Leader APO who showed a great sagacity and made enormous efforts rebuttingthe international conspiracy.

       A conspiracy had been planned against the Kurdish People and the Kurdish Freedom Movement when the Kurdish People's Leader was heldcaptive in Kenya on February 15, 1999. An elimination offence against the Free Kurd had been unleashed. The conspirators wanted to smash the Free Kurd, for it had spoiled their games and had rendered the cultural genocide policies ineffective. They wanted to punish KurdishPeople's Leader for what he had done to bring about a free spirit, afree attitude and a free identity for the Kurdish People.International forces started to say "Yes for the PKK, No for APO" when they came to realize Leader APO's role in strengthening the PKK's position. They had ruminated over controlling the PKK and rendering it ineffective by eliminating Leader APO. This has been the reason behind all the blackening and discrediting campaigns against Leader APO. Despite all the heavy attacks by the Turkish state and reactionary forces, the PKK managed to keep and advance its power. That's why they wanted to separate 'the head' from the body; a case witnessed a lot throughout the history of Kurdistan.

       By establishing a Free Kurdish identity, the PKK has intended to settle the Kurdish question within the framework of fraternity between the peoples of the region. Therefore, PKK's struggle has been two fold: settling the Kurdish question and, at the same time, democratizing the countries in the region. The international forces have deemed this struggle dangerous for their interests and have nurtured enmity towards it. Therefore, they have planned a conspiracy against the Kurdish People's leader and taken him captive in an attempt to prevent the Freedom Movement from achieving success. Those taking Leader APO captive had ruminated that the PKK would be disintegrated within 6 month and thereby the main obstacle in the way of their policies will be removed.

        But the conspirators couldn't reach their aims due to the guidance principles of Leader APO and the great struggle of the Freedom Movement and the Kurdish people against the conspiracy. As a result of this struggle, Leader APO gained a more influential and effective role, the Kurdish People raised their level of organization and consciousness, and the Freedom Movement got stronger and greater. Today, Leader APO is the most influential leader in the Middle East and the Kurdish Freedom Movement is the most effective political force. Leader APO is the basic pioneer and the actualiser of this revolution.

        Despite all attempts to eliminate him, the Kurdish People's Leader has become the leading force not only for the Kurdish People, but also for all the peoples of the Middle East. It is only him who has come up with genuine ideological and political solutions for all the problems in the Middle East. With his ideological and political influence he is the leader who would determine the future of the Middle East.

       With the paradigm, policies and democratization perspectives of Leader APO, the Kurds gained a pioneering role and position in the Middle East. In the Middle East, the 21st century will be the century of the Kurds. Equipping themselves with the mentality of radical democracy, they will not only free themselves but also all the peoples in the region.  Leader APO is the ideological, theoretical and paradigmatic pioneer of this democratization process while the Kurdish people are its greatest social force. With its ideological and political capacity, the freedom Movement has turned this social force and power of thought into the most basic dynamic of the revolution of the Middle East.

       The international conspirators and those who want to eliminate the Kurds through cultural genocide got into action when they realized that Leader APO, Kurdish People and the Freedom Movement has gained such capacity. They started campaigns for discrediting Leader APO and the Freedom Movement. Their aim was to render Leader APO and the Freedom Movement ineffective at a time when they had become the freedom hope of a people. Also they intended to inflict setbacks on the peoples' struggle for freedom and democracy and secure the continuation of chaos in Turkey. Those forces attacking Leader APO and our Movement are the chaos mongers who want to run and continue their policies through chaos. Therefore,  having realized these facts, our peoples should raise their struggles and take a stance against those chaos mongers who have increased their offences against our Leader and our Freedom Movement.

       The AKP administration has benefited from the state of deadlock in the Kurdish question and has based its existence on the continuation of that deadlock.  In order to get the AKP abandon this policy and embark on the democratization process, Leader APO and the Freedom Movement gave its all to ensure a non-conflict situation and bring about democratic settlement and a free life. But the AKP administration has given no response to these steps aiming at helping Turkey break the deadlock. Instead, it squanders the opportunities and reserves for democratization and the settlement of the Kurdish question by stringing out the problems and adopting delusionary policies. This will sound the death knell for both the settlement process and the AKP itself.  The AKP administration will either start deep and comprehensive negotiations or it will drown in the Kurdish deadlock and will be relegated to the ash bin of history.

       On the 15th anniversary of the conspiracy, our peoples and democratic circles should raise their common democratic struggle everywhere so as to get the AKP take democratization steps. Chanting "Free Leader, Free Kurdistan" slogans, they should turn the protestsinto actions for the democratization of Turkey and the settlement of the Kurdish question.

       On the 15th anniversary of the conspiracy, we should also take a stance against those who have distorted and montaged Leader APO's dialogues in Imrali and have attacked the moral values of our movement and our peoples. Therefore, we should take to the squares and show our attitudes in the sternest manner against these offences. We will spoil the games and rebut the plots of those who want to base their existence on  creating conflict between the peoples and breaking peoples' hope for freedom and democracy. We should show to all, friend or foe, that we will defeat the conspirators and establish a free and democratic life for our peoples.

Long Life Leader APO

Long Life the Resistants Against the Conspiracy

Long Life the Free Democratic Unity of the Peoples


15 February 2014