History has demonstrated that whenever the Kurdish people reach an awareness of their national democratic identity, they become the target of ruthless attacks and massacres. Thus, in December 1978, defenceless Kurdish children were the target of fascist contras in the Maraş massacre. At Roboski the massacre was carried out by a savage war apparatus. When we launched the process of resolution we wished to confront all the painful incidents in our recent and distant past, in addition to developing democracy and freedom.
This quest for justice is so important that it could be the beginning of a confrontation with past sorrows in our history,"The state and government should not fear the consequences of this confrontation and abandon its attitude of obstruction. Only last week the European Court of Human Rights condemned Turkey for the massacres of Kuşkonar and Koçağlı, which for years the authorities blamed the PKK for. As long as the state persists in its denial international public opinion and the peoples of Turkey will continue to see it as the perpetrator of massacres. Therefore, justice regarding this massacre could make a significant contribution to the search for peace.
We are aware that this quest for justice is social, not individual. We must also realise its historical importance. Our people will not abandon the families of Roboski. The government should commence its confronting of realities as part of the process in Roboski. The women of Roboski who have taken possession of the cause of our slaughtered sons have monumental significance for peace. I once again send my condolences to the people of Roboski.
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My health is closely linked to our social reality. Look at the state the Turkish society is in now! The situation of the University youth, the way they have been depoliticised can be seen. The left is in shatters and can't come together. They used MHP to finish off the left. As for CHP nothing shall become of them. They still can not even understand Mustafa Kemal. In Turkey the only oppositional dynamic left is the Kurds but they can not sufficiently and as required do what is needed and hence are not influential. This is really what puts my health in difficulty. For the past 12 years I have made such analyses, I make proposals for a solution but we are unable to make a real headway. Of course I also have physical problems, especially in relation to my breathing. It never seems to end. I am in some way able to handle it. But the real issue that puts me in difficulty is the fact that societal problems are not resolved and that the societal reality is not understood.
I am trying to follow up the Hizbullah issue. How can this happen, how can they do this to Diyarbakır! How could the ones from Diyarbakır permit this to happen? They set these killers, murderers, those who monstrously murder free – they dug up people's bodies and some were found in bags – and there are celebrations held to that end! All this is taking place in Diyarbakır. Diyarbakır saw thousands of its children fall. They savagely butchered many of our youth there. I fail to understand, how this can at all happen in Diyarbakır. You have 80% of the votes in Diyarbakır then how can this happen? The people of Diyarbakır are patriotic and aware but it must be that they are not getting organized, then there is a problem in leading them!
It is not a coincidence that they were set free in such a manner, they may be preparing for something. They are not ordinary criminals. They can not let these murderers go as if they are ordinary criminals. If there are such people amongst our people who have committed savage acts they should not set them free either. The incident of Konca Kuriş are still fresh in our memories, everyone knows how they killed the woman. I think she had some feminist thoughts as well. In fact they meant to kill all the women in the personage of savagely killed Konca Kuriş.
I wrote often about the woman's issue, everyone is aware of how I approach the issue. I left a significant weight to this issue in my defences as well. The woman's issue is the source of all issues. The resolution of woman's freedom in general would mean that a solution has been found for the general society's freedom struggle. When I talk about woman I do not say this in a sexist way. I read the book of an American author, a female author, I agree with all the points she makes. She is quite objective. She makes a distinction between biologic feminism and cultural feminism. And of course there is also the political dimension. It is really important that woman takes her place in political struggle. This is where woman's struggle gains a lot more importance. A liberated woman, but not alone, should also involve man and fight against the male dominated mentality and power together. There is a need to end this rape culture which has continued for thousands of years. One should overcome the rape culture in order to be able to create the liberated woman. I don't want to be misunderstood, I am not against marriage but uneven marriages as well as those that are done under male dominated conditions only lead to the consumption of one another. Indeed the femininity and masculinity of today is a given understanding. Woman is being exploited for thousands of years in accordance with this created identity. She is unable to get a retribution for her labour. For example this Hizbullah and similar religious understandings are shutting off the woman and isolating them from the society. Leave the turban aside for a while, they are shutting her off in a burka. They are covered form head to toe, one can not even see their faces. This can not be an understanding of freedom? Can putting the woman into such a form be passed off as liberation? There is no such thing in real Islam, their mentality has nothing to do with Islam either.
The other day an interesting news took my attention. I think this happens in a village of Mardin. In a Mardin village men are flying in women from Morocco to be their brides and as a second wife. Some of these women apparently know a few languages, there are those who are teachers. They come to become a second wife to men who already have a few wifes and eleven or twelve children. An interesting situation, they were talking about around seventy to eighty marriages as such. Morocco is under the influence of the Arabs but there is also a Jewish domination there. And all this maybe according to a plan. They may be using women in this way. In this manner Zionism is trying something out in Mardin. Previously also in Urfa, if I am not wrong the former mayor of Harran remarried although he had four other wives and his fifth was a woman from Ankara. Later this woman became an MP from the AKP list. This is another example of how woman is used. It is also said that Israelis have thousands of hectares of land in Urfa. If one remembers they had given Israeli firms the job to clean mined fields. They settled in Palestine in a similar manner and then established their own state. The Arabic states kept silent. I would like to especially underline something so that I am not misunderstood I am not anti-Semitic. The Jewish people, just as all the other peoples, have the right to live in peace in the Middle East. Of course they can come and buy land in the region as well but they should do this openly. They should not have ill intentions and a secret agenda. Similarly we have no problems with the Arabic people; we have many Arab friends. I don't want to be understood wrong, I lived in Damascus for years but Arabic states for example the Saudi capital supports Israel and hence they keep quiet.
I think the things I said in relation to self-defence has been understood wrongly. I can not understand our politicians either. They also do not understand me. They can not do what is necessary at the right time and place. They do not know how to do politics. Because they can not do politics as required of them I am in difficulty here. They are not good at politics. Look at how they released these killers, savages. One can not predict what they shall be up to. On the other hand they are establishing a 50 thousand manned private army. Who and for what are they doing this. They say they do it because of “Terror”, for military operations and that they will get money for each military operation they participate in. Who will they do the military operations against? What they call “terror” is simply the Kurds, the Kurdish people. They shall fight with the Kurdish people. They shall apparently will be all sent to the region! Why would they establish such an army? On the one hand they say that they would like to resolve the issue through dialogue but on the other hand they are making such preparations. Those from Hizbullah are released. I do not understand can't our politicians see all this, why don't they ask, when and with whom this army shall fight with? They shall war with our people. In the case that such a thing happens then the Kurdish people shall take up self-defence and shall have the right to legitimate defence. And then when I talk about self-defence it is understood wrong. It is enshrined in international law and in the constitution. The right to legitimate defence is a constitutional right. Why do I insist on the establishment of City Councils. Legitimate defence is the ability to understand the dangers and to protect ones self in accordance. The Congress and the Amed Council should gather and discuss legitimate defence. The members of Hizbullah are released, a private army is being established, there are massacres committed since the beginning of the republic, the cultural genocide continues and on top of it all religious organizations are rapidly spreading in the region. They are talking about around ten thousand imams to be send to the region and to top it all there are religious communities. One should think about all this in its entirety. The Congress and Amed city council should gather and discuss all this. This is what I mean by legitimate defence. One should gather together and discuss the issues and be aware of the dangers. When required our people are demonstrating but why are they so silent when these murderers are released. Why aren't they organizing meetings and demonstrations? Everything should not be expected of me, do I have to remind you of everything. They should think of it themselves. On the one hand the state and on the other the organization expects everything of me. And me in turn find it difficult to breath here. This is what puts my health in danger. I had said it before, all section of Diyarbakir can come and take their place within the City Council and discuss everything freely. One can talk to these members of Hizbullah get in touch with them; if they have given a self-criticism and they shall not continue with their old ways, if they have learn their lesson from their mistakes and if they shall express themselves legally then they could also be called upon and they can then represent themselves both in the Council and in the Congress. But if they shall continue in their former manners then self-defence shall come into play and they shall not have room in Diyarbakir for themselves. Similarly the industry chambers and other circles should take their place within the Congress and Council. They should participate in the discussions and taking of decisions. They can not just bid for contracts from the state and take money.
I would like to say a few things in relation to democratic autonomy, since it is also not understood well. Although I insist that our solution model is not a statist solution model . We are not aiming a state. Either some columnists do not understand me or they distort it intentionally. I have a different perspective. I view the history of society and state separately. The system that we proclaim is a model of democratic society it is not a state model and it rests upon the society being organized. Ever since there is hierarchy and state emerging within the society there has also been the existence of the civil society organizations in parallel and against it. Both, that is state-power and civil society have been in conflict to date. I at times call those against state-power the political and moral society or at times democratic society. I sometimes call the system we propose as Democratic autonomy and at times Democratic Confederalism. Contrary to what some think it does not aim for a federative structure. We are concerned with the society's democratic organization and democratic administration. I have talked about these in detail in my defences. In the 20th and 21st centuries the power and state structures have been realized in the form of nation-states. It has passed through various phases until it has reached the form nation-state. But all the phases are linked to one another. If you scratch the surface of nation-state structures you shall find the theocratic state of the Middle Ages beneath it. In a similar manner beneath that, one shall find the slave-owning state of the antiquity. Fundamentally there is really not much of a difference between the nation-state system of today and that of the past state structures. As always the case, there is a dominant class, power and state and on the other hand there are the masses of people exploited. The slave of the past is now the paid slave. Today many people work like a wage earning slaves, indeed some are even worse off as they can not find employment at all. Unemployment is the worst situation of all. Therefore our proposal for a solution can not be centred around the state or power. Because these do not solve but generate problems. Hence in our system the dynamic and resisting structures since the beginning of time are fundamental. Our aim is to strengthen the democratic society.
If my defences are read it is more detailed there. Because our approach is totally different they can not understand it. Because they do not think outside the boundaries of classical approaches they can not envisage that there can be a different model. They are far behind, they do not read our paradigm nor they do not study it. For years now we say that our paradigm has changed and that a new nation-state can not be the solution to the problem.
The left in Turkey was crushed and marginalized by using the nationalism of the MHP. This is why it is in the state that it is in. At present they are attempting the same thing with the Kurdish movement using political Islam against it. One should determine this and act in accordance. This is quite clear. The fact that the Hizbullah members were released, the imam cadres that number in their thousands, the religious communities in the region, the establishment of private armies are all intentional policies to finish off the Kurdish movement by using political Islam against it and are all interrelated. One should ask where the money that backs Hizbullah comes from?
The former classical colonial methods are no longer used, global finance is now ruling the whole world and re-designing it. I believe it was an English saying, of post I. World War; “There is no longer a need to occupy a country using military might and other classical methods. There is now a need find other ways to do that”. This is what global finance is doing today. Turkey in this context is a country that is exploited the most in the world. Is the international capital investing in Turkey in vain? They say that production has increased in Turkey, this is not realistic. The main components of those things produced comes from outside Turkey and then it is only assembled in Turkey and then sent abroad again. Indeed the real profit is made by the international capital. The workers in Turkey are working for survival and there are millions who can not even find work. Similarly there is the HES which are built in the region and which are supported by the international capital. They both seize the land of the citizens in return for modest prices and then make them economically dependent. As a result they gain enormous economic profits. Fertile land is left under dams and can no longer be used. This also allows agriculture to disappear and result in unemployment in return. The damns that are built with such a huge expenditure are then left in an unusable state in about fifteen to twenty years because they are filled with soil. The real damage is due to environmental massacre that is done. There is the Illisu dam as well as the dams that are tired to be built in Dersim and the other regions. The nature and history are being destroyed, the valleys are being destroyed. Our region Halfeti and similar fertile land were all left under water. The beautiful Black Sea shores and its nature is also being destroyed and left under water. The Mediterranean shores are also being left at the disposal of certain holders of capital in the name of tourism. There are no longer many beaches left. For example Antalya. Those well off people from around the world go there to entertain themselves. But the natives of that region work like slaves and only for their own survival. The people who live in Turkey are not able to benefit from these blessings. For example the situation of Sarıkeçililer is quite clear; they can no longer find any meadows and winter quarters to live in nor can they find fields to feed their animals. They call all these things done in Antalya investment in the name of tourism. But tourism can not be considered a tool of investment and development. All these can be given as examples to the damages of capitalist modernity. Capitalist modernity tries to disguise all these with four methods; nationalism, sexism, religionism and scienticism and hence enslave peoples. Nationalism is a method used by global finance and we shall not fall into this trap. This is why we are against nationalism and have no place for nationalism in our paradigm. In the same manner the other method used is sexism. For many thousands of years the woman is being imprisoned at home and exploited. We reject this as well. Similarly religionism is another method being used, it is used against us in the region. AKP is using it very well. As I have said they have nothing to do with real Islam, these are policies implemented in accordance with the interests of global capital. Scienticism on the other hand is used to disguise them all. Their secularism is only in words. Have a look at how religious affairs is clinging tightly to state in Turkey. The state is using religion through religious affairs according to its political interests.
I shall make one more important evaluation. This is a historical as well as a self-critical analyses. To date it was claimed that gladios JITEM like structures within the state was being eliminated with the Ergenekon trials. I also thought along similar lines. But this is not entirely true. I continuously think on this topic. I discussed it with our friends in here as well the other day. Why is it that we have not noticed it until now? This is the reason why I say self-criticism. I think it maybe mentioned in Hanefi Avcı's book. He was also apparently supportive of me being talked to in order to find a solution and he was proposing this and now he is imprisoned and is being tried for Ergenekon. Similarly in the past there are those who met with me with the intention to solve the issue are also being tried for being a member of Ergenekon. Indeed there are some who are being tried for being a member Ergenekon are supportive of finding a solution. But the real sections of Gladio who does not want a solution is left out and they are still free and AKP has cooperated with them. They are eliminating those people who wanted a solution by relating them with exposed people like Veli Küçük who are obscure, murderers and are pro military coups. In the past there were similar events for example Cem Ersever -he was himself the founder of JITEM, he lead the way for thousands of extraordinary killings- but later when they said that the issue can not be resolved through these means they were eliminated. At times people may learn from the mistakes that they make. Under today's conditions AKP is the one that is against a solution and has co-operated with the Gladio and Ergenekon members who are still free. But is eliminating those who are pro-solution by relating them with Ergenekon. The efforts of AKP to establish a private army and to release Hizbullah members can not be thought independently.
Legitimate defence is a natural, legal and constitutional right. It is even enshrined in the present constitution. One should gather in the Congress and Council and discuss the issue in great detail and then declare the desire to make benefit of their constitutional right. In addition the separation of individual and collective rights is not the right thing to do. Should the Kurds not defend themselves in the face of attacks against themselves? Can anyone think in such a way? Of course they shall defend themselves, this is the most natural and legal thing to do.
There are letters from prisons. I send my greetings to all our friends in prisons.
I extend my greetings to our people in Çınar and Urfa. The work done in Urfa should be sped up. They should establish the City Councils and neighbourhood assemblies. They should not be late in establishing them, they should work seriously.
A child from Yüksekova with the name of Beritan Baban has sent a new year card written in Kurdish. I thank her. In the personage of Beritan I send my special greetings and affection to all the children in Yüksekova and Hakkari and I wish them a happy new year.
07 January 2011
Abdullah Ocalan
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There is much discussion on Özal's death in the papers. Apparently his brother Korkut says “I have no doubt that my brother was killed, he has been killed without a doubt”. He never spoke this way, he is probably speaking more at ease since he is older and near death now; hence he speaks without fear and at ease. I had initially made this analysis. Özal was killed the day they would have met me. I was the first to say that he was killed. That period was a period of conspiracies. The murder of Özal was a conspiracy against the solution of the Kurdish issue and against us. What we experience today is quite similar to the conspiracy of the 1925s. The conspiracy of 1925 is of utmost importance. It must be understood well. The Kurds were eliminated with the 1925 conspiracy. Mustafa Kemal was then began to be besieged, he was confined to Çankaya and was rendered symbolic but ineffective. In a way he was isolated like I am here. While he was ill in bed he is informed that Ismet Inönü is dead and he leaves his children inheritance. He has been isolated to that extend. Özal was killed. Mustafa Kemal's death prior to the II. World War is also questionable. Because someone like Mustafa Kemal would have been quite decisive within the balance of powers in the II. World War. This is why there was no room for him there and then! Just as Ecevit was carried off to death before America intervened in Iraq. At the time, all these activities of besieging him was London based.
At the time there were five generals who had survived the War of Independence, they were called the “quintet generals”. Apart from one of them all were eliminated. For example Kazim Karabekir was a very skilful commander, he was eliminated. All the other generals like Rauf Orbay, Rıfat Bele and Ali Fuat Cebesoy were all eliminated. This was an important siege.
There were many important conspiracies against us as well; there are four different periods of conspiracy. The First Conspiracy Period is the one experienced with the murder of Özal: Özal was courageous in his approach to the Kurdish issue. He said “I must most definitely resolve this issue”. His son Ahmet Özal gives clear information on this topic. He says “my father wanted to resolve this issue once and for all”. At the time they besieged Özal and eliminated all those that were pro-solution to the Kurdish issue. Many army officers such as Eşref Bitlis, Bahtiyar Aydın and their likes were killed and eliminated just because they were perceived to be pro-solution. Talabani probably knows some important details on this topic. Talabani used to say that “we think alike with Eşref Bitlis when it comes to a resolution”. Talabani had told me this in 1993. At the time there were some intellectuals like Uğur Mumcu who were also eliminated and killed.
The Second Period of Conspiracy: was during the year 1997 and 1998. At the time Erbakan was more sincere and was closer to solving the issue. Erbakan was more honest when compared to Kurtulmuş. Kurtulmuş, just like others say “we are ready for any solution that leaves Öcalan out”. This sentence alone shows where he is devoted to. In any case they have dissolved and shall not regain their strength. Erbakan also had a sincere and honest side to him just like Özal. He had established contact with us as well. During the 97-98 period both the civilian and the military side had gotten in touch with us. But the gladio was too powerful. I read in one of the articles in Taraf newspaper; It inquired “Who sabotaged this period?”. It is the right question to ask. At the time although a resolution could have been reached the conspiracy instead was put into motion.
The Third Conspiracy Period: It was tried between 2003-2004. Fragmentation of the Kurds was the new styl of conspiring. They were not successful at the time either.
We know face the Fourth Conspiracy Period. I am now clear about the status of Erdoğan. I can now say what I think with more ease. If the incident in Hakkari is for sure an action by the contras and has nothing to do with the organization then this points to a few things.
We may call all the periods of conspiracies before this government the Black Conspiracy Periods. But the conspiracy period of today is Green Conspiracy Period. are diverge from one another. During the black conspiracy periods there was unrestricted authority given to Jitem, contras and those who confess; they were given the authority to kill anyone and anywhere they liked. For example they killedMusa Anter on the street, and many others in broad day light in Diyarbakir and other cities as well. This authority was given to them directly by the state. At the time the Turkish Gladio was run by the highest authority. Orders were given by Tansu Çiller and Doğan Güreş. All the killings would be reported to them. It is not a coincidence that after Özal's death their team became quite powerful. At the time the Turkish Gladio could kill anyone it desired and saw to be an obstacle, Özal's murder is an example to this. Just as in Italy, the Italian Gladio had killed its own prime minister. This prime minister that they killed was someone who did not act within the known boundaries; he was about to establish an alliance with the communists. This is why they killed him. But later the Turkish Gladio or contra or Ergenekon became independent of the one at the top; and determined its own course. When Karadayi said 'we do not belong to them” that is what he meant. There was an assassination attempt at Kıvrıkoğlu in Cyprus; the bullet skimmed off him and hit a colonel behind him. At the time Çevik Bir and his team were quite powerful in the Gladio. Most things were determined by them. Indeed Çevik Bir's name is mentioned as the person responsible for this assassination attempt in the Ergenekon case file.
During this conspiracy period murders and extraordinary killings like before won't be seen. The incident in Hakkari was a bit different. I shall talk about it later. Murders such as these would have been the job of Gladio before. Gladio was given full authority to kill. However during this green conspiracy period there is no Gladio-contra in the old way of doing things. During this period they shall not kill one by one on the street . The new way is that Erdogan knows of everything that happens. Without the knowledge of Erdoğan no one has the authority to kill. The incidence in Hakkari is a response to the killing of an imam there. The 10 guerillas being killed there is coordinated by Ankara, they came from Ankara to implement the operation. Both the killing of 10 guerillas and the explosion in Hakkari is a response to the killing of that imam. It is Ankara who has given the direct orders; a special team sent from Ankara goes there and plants the bomb and then leaves. This is quite clear to me now. I reached this conclusion from Erdogan's remarks in relation to that imam incidence.
This green conspiracy is Washington based. It is run from Washington. When I say this it should not just be thought as being Fethullah Gülen. The role of Fethullah Gülen in this is quite elementary one should not exaggerate it. There are those who are more important. The media too talked about it; some Turkish pilots fought in Afghanistan for Taliban. These kind of relations are quite intertwined and have different dimensions. Hanefi Avcı talks about the imams and the way they are organized in his book. He says that there are units of imams and one responsible for each unit. He is aware of such organizations that is why he makes such statement. I call all these new organizations as green conspirac or green contra. They are organized all around.
The latest international diplomacy and all this work to eliminate the organization allows me to reach this conclusion; Those who have interests in Turkey, that is some powers are not ready to resolve this issue. If there would have been a solution reached then they would have been caught without any preparation. This is because they have hundreds of years of interest in the Kurdish issue and its past. This conspiracy was prepared against the Kurds since the 1920s. In the case of a resolution all their plans would have been destroyed and hence they are not ready for a solution. The centre for this international conspiracy is Paris, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. But of course utmost of all it is run from Washington. They may tighten the siege; they will probably shut down Roj TV. Why are they supporting the AKP so much now: Europe did not really accept the AKP previously. But they now do. And it is because they accept it that they are trying to take some concessions and bargain. In return for these bargaining and concessions they are deciding on the fate of the Kurds. Kurds should not fear. Their alliance is not eternal. This alliance shall fall apart. Kurds should continue on with their own work. Their diplomacy games shall not give any results either. As can be seen Israel is uncomfortable with the cooperation between Turkey-Syria and Iran. And as a result has withdrawn from its alliance with Turkey. The USA is also uncomfortable with this situation.
There maybe those who wished to prepare elimination plans through using me. But I did not act as they wished hence they could not realize any of these conspiracies or eliminations plans. I am not sitting idle here. Some say that the fight in here is a huge struggle. But the Kurdish intellectual is pitiable, they do not understand what is going on. They can not understand the row here.
The line of Kıvrıkoğlu and Ecevit were more independent when compared to the others. They therefore tried to prevent some of the tricks. Of course they may have accepted some things in return for me being handed over to Turkey but they did not want to comply with everything. They later carried Ecevit to death. In 2005 when the prime minister went to Diyarbakır and said “Kurdish issue is my problem and I shall solve it” Turkish Gladio was about to kill him like Ecevit but they managed to make an agreement. During the term of AKP there were four different plans of military coup similar to that of Balyoz. Later though prime minister and the Gladio agreed on certain guidelines. They took a decision to administer together. However after the Erdogan-Bush meeting there was a decision to eliminate the Turkish Gladio-Ergenekon that was out of control. But during the very the same meeting they agreed to some important deals in the international arena. During the Erdoğan-Bush meeting they believed that Erdogan would eliminate the Kurds hence they withdrew coup plans similar to Balyoz and they began the elimination period of Ergenekon. Now during the green conspiracy period nothing that is out-of-control can be realized. A new greed contra has stepped in. This is a new style of contras. If the Dörtyol incident can be clarified then Erdogan's relationship with this new styled contra can be exposed.
I would like to say the following in relation to gender issues during the Fourth Conspiracy Period or green conspiracy period. There is a gender dimension of this period. During this period the self-defence of woman is of more importance. I am not approaching the issue from the dimension of honour. But I am talking about them protecting themselves in terms of thought, their sole and physically. Erdogan did not just tell the women to “bear three children” out of the blue. The Mayor of Rize was telling everyone to marry Kurdish girls. These are not out of naïvety. Tayyip Erdogan is aware of what he is saying. The things Tayyip Erdoğan could not express during his term are expressed now by this mayor. All these are a part of a certain plan or conspiracy. As far as I heard a girl of age 12 or 13 meets a man from Rize as she goes from Agri to Rize pick hazelnuts. This is being portrayed as great “love” in the media. What kind of a love is this! What's the love of a 12 or 13 year old girl! She goes there to work, to pick hazelnuts and does this under terrible conditions. She is in needs financial support and in order to live under better conditions she is driven to this relationship. The family approves of this. The man on the other hand is although in no need of such a relationship, that is although there are many well educated girls in their region opts for this girl!This is really not a normal marriage or love; it is slavery, it is slave like treatment. He will take the girl and make her work like a slave and use her. I use the definition of “the Aggrieved from Ağrı”. I believe such marriages are common in Ağrı. It is also wide-spread in Ağrı and Muş. This also is partially true for Urfa and Diyarbakır. For example there was an accident the other day as they were taking a girl from Urfa to the Black Sea region to be married there but there was an accident in Malatya on their way there. This is a deliberate policy of the green conspiracy period. In this way the Kurdish girls are taken and through their families a relationship is established. Another example is that of the family of Kepoğlu in Diyarbakir; one of their girls were also married off to a man from the Black Sea region. This family has a total population of 13 thousand people. This is one of their ways of achieving cultural genocide. You should not be made to believe that these are normal marriages with the Kurdish girls, it is done with an intent to enslave them and use them at their services. In fact the girls from their own region are more educated then the Kurdish girls and are closer to their own mental set but Kurdish girls are chosen deliberately! If one thousand Kurdish girls are given away to Black Sea region and to Kayseri that would mean establishing some contact with a thousand Kurdish family. This gives a chance to snatch these families from their own society and put them under their own control. There are many examples to this: A girl secured a first place in something and she was given a house as a present. There was much propaganda done around that. There was a girl who was raped in Mardin. She was at first raped but she later told the court that “I continue to now do it for money”. The judge reduced the sentences on the grounds that there was consent.
A book on her life I think should be written; not just that issue but on such issues there should be some focus. In Batman too there are some rapes. In boarding schools too such incidents are wide-spread and are planned. One should be quite careful. There are thousands of similar examples to be counted. There is the incident experienced in Siirt. They rape children then kill them. If in a society the women has been subjected to cultural genocide then that society is exhausted. Nothing will come of that society. If in a society a child is raped and if hundreds of people are a part of this then that society is done with.
But what are the women's associations doing? Half of them serve the system. These institutions should educate and raise the awareness of the girls. Women's institutions should establish a congress. And this congress should have a permanent executive body. They should really work day and night. They should really deal with these issues in Batman, Siirt, Mardin and other issues I have mentioned. Our efforts in relation to these areas must be implemented.
All these are a result of the policies of this period. Indeed the Kurds are in the claws of cultural genocide. I am proposing the following; Free Partner Theorem. This is the concept I use. I had talked about it in my defence. I do not curse or condemn all marriages. However a marriage must be consistent when it comes to freedom. If a marriage is quite consistent in this regard then it is of meaning. My call to the Kurds are that they should give importance to their daughters education, they should protect their children. They should open educational centres for their children. Kurdish people are under the clasp of a big genocide plan. I have named my new defence “Kurds under the clasp of Cultural Genocide”.
I, in fact, I was withdrawing myself a while ago as well. But they came to me in 2006 and asked me for help to make peace. I then called for a cease-fire in 2006 to give peace a chance. I now understand it better that it was an elimination plan back then. There should be a research done in relation to that period. Ever since then I am making an immense effort for peace.
There is 15 days left to 31 October. I shall wait until the end of the month. If they do not come with an intent to resolve the issue then no matter what the consequence I shall not deal in the matter any more. I will not be tricked, if they shall not come to me on the basis of a solution then I shan't make any announcements. If they approach me with a resolution then I shall tell them my views. But in short let me say the following: As I said before I shall repeat my view about the “two protocols”. The first being the security protocol and the second being the democratic rights protocol where the constitution is also included. I had dealt with the issue of these two protocol in a letter I had formerly written. I have not as yet received replies to the letters I wrote both to the state and Kandil. We shall wait until 31 October but after that I shall not be available. I shall step aside. And it shall be up to KCK to steer developments. KCK shall take its own decisions. A “medium intensity warfare” is at our door steps. They may strengthen their position of self-defence. This maybe done in cooperation with the people.
Yesterday, the permission for a cross-border operation has been given by the Assembly. There was a secret sitting of the Assembly; how secretive can it be after such a decision.
The NGOs in Diyarbakır and the region are not really aware of the genocidal policies of the state and the government. When the state begins the implement its genocidal policies it shall not differentiate between the Kurds, they shall all be subjected to it. Some may approach the matter in terms of individual benefits or a couple of holdings but they should be aware if there is an attack they shall also be targeted. If there is nothing at all they can do they can at least be neutral. If the NGOs of the region have a proposal for a solution then they should bring it to me and if I do not accept it then they can say so. But if they do not have a formula for a solution then they should at least not be an insturment of these cultural genocide policies of the state. This is not a matter of voting for a particular party or to say yes or no in the referendum.
One should be careful about the imams. They should be approached appropriately. There should be democratic imams who take on duty in the mosques of the region. Democratic organizations, unions and others must play their roles in other democratic issues.
Kurds should be careful of their children. Those from Ağrı should take care of their children. I send my special greetings to our people in Ağrı.
I extend my greetings to our people in Diyarbakır, Van and Muş as well as in Armenia.
Abdullah Ocalan
- Информация о материале
08 September 2010 - The Government talks about Musa Anter. They have no right to do so. This is because those who have killed him is the counter guerrilla and the state. Without questioning what has happened they are using his name.
I had already talked about the Referendum. If the government had taken a concrete step to encompass everyone towards a democratic constitution then the Kurds could have said 'yes'. In the same manner if the CHP had changed its stance and instead would display a positive and clear stance in relation to it then the Kurds could have said 'no' as well. The meaning of boycotting is as follows: “We want a constitution that everyone feels it belongs to them and is democratic and plural.” We are both against the nationalistic-nationalist fascism and the Islamic-nationalist fascism. We are behind the boycotting decision in order to insist on democratic resolution and democratic constitution before the Turkish Republic, state and government.
I held talk with some authorized people from the state. The period between 13 to 20 September are of importance. One should observe what shall happen after these dates, everything shall become much more clear then. But it is not possible to say anything for sure. There was a similar period in 2001 as well. Back then it was the military who did the talks. But in 2001 the talks stopped all of a sudden. This is why it is not possible to say anything for sure, a similar situation can be experienced. It is widely known that back then they intervened to Ecevit. The officials who hold the talks now are aware of the period and there are those amongst them who are aware that it can not go on like this.
Wallerstein is an important sociologist. He too says that Turkey must change its unitary state model because the unitary state model has filled its term, those countries who have discovered this model, such as Italy, England and even France have abandoned it and if self-governance is implemented in Turkey it shall be the end of the unitary state. It is in parallel with what we are saying as well. He also indicates that it is of dire importance whether democratic self-governance aims to overcome societal hierarchy. Possibly, he follows our movement and our views and he considers them when making some of his statements. I always say that this nation-state has at most a past of five hundred years. It is the latest model of the capitalist modernity to control peoples for five hundred years. I have been discussing this for a while now but I have especially discussed it in detail in my defences called the Freedom Sociology.
There is a need to analyse the nation-state reality well. Its climax is fascism. Europe was able to observe this from a near through Hitler's Germany. And despite the belief this Hitler fascism has not really ended. As long as this nation-state understanding continues to exist the danger of fascism shall also continue and hence continue to create new Hitlers. Such a state model is not suitable for the Middle East. The social and cultural texture of the Middle East are not suitable to this model. America is also one of the operators of this nation-state model in the Middle-East. It operates it right at this moment as well. You can not implement this model in Iraq, you can simply can't. Similarly you can not implement this model in Afghanistan either, it can't be implemented. Look at the Shia state in Iran; it is insisting on implementing this model but there is no success. It meets the resistance of the peoples. The Shia regime and nationalism creates massacres. If Iran continues to insist on this then it shall come to harm. Similarly the Arabic nationalism and nation-state too has resulted and continues to result in fascism and massacres. The situation in Turkey is also already exposed. The fascism implemented by the white Turks ignore all the other diversities. The Armenian slaughter during the Ottoman - Progress and Union period was imitated by the Nazi Germany, they were enlightened by it! Hitler has learned fascism from them. This is the reason why we propose democratic self-governance. But not only for Kurds, for all the peoples, for the Middle East and also for Afghanistan. The nation-state model of Capitalist Modernity is not able to resolve the issues of the Middle-East, on the contrary it has made it more complicated. The status of Israel and Palestine is known. The democratic self-governance that we propose is not based on ethnicity and does not have rigid geographic borders, but rests on democratic social units. These units are many and diverse. Each social stratum is accepted to be a democratic social unit. For example the Bağlar neighbourhood of Diyarbakir. I know Bağlar quite well, it can be accepted as a democratic social unit. The people who live there may develop their own councils and assemblies in order to resolve their daily problems and all the other issues. Diyarbakır itself can also be accepted as a social unit. It can develop its own City Council. The other units of the neighbourhood units can also represent themselves within it. In my book called the Freedom Sociology, I had discussed the six different dimensions of democratic self-governance in depth. I think that the thesis mentioned in this book must be read and discusses well so that democratic self-governance maybe understood. There maybe much research done and new books and progressive articles written on it.
The work on Kurdish National Conference is of importance. All Kurds should participate in this work. I had shared my views on the matter previously. I had put forth four theoretical principles and three practical proposals. I especially think it is important that the three practical proposals be implemented. Firstly, there shall be a decision mechanism of the Kurds; an organization similar to that of a parliament. But we do not have to see it as solely a national parliament. Instead of a parliament it may be called the Kurdistan National Council. What is important here is that there is a mechanism where all the Kurds may take a joint decision. The example of the PLO, it is partially similar. It should have an execution committee and this is my second proposal. It shall be the unit that shall implement the decisions taken here. Thirdly, a mutual self-defence force should be developed. This is also very important. This is directly related to the security of the Kurds. There is no room for peace talks in the absence of guaranteeing the security of the Kurdish people. No one can not talk about laying down of weapons either. Without reaching a conclusion on the security of the people nothing else can happen. Kurds are facing the danger of a genocide. There are certain powers who shall not abstain from implementing massacres. Self-defence is a must in order to protect one's existence. The Kurds must also protect themselves. One should not understand this in relation to the guerrilla or the HPG alone. This is why we say self-defence is a must. Everyone is responsible for it, the individuals too must assure their own defence and the people should also take their own precautions. In fact until this security issue is not resolved our people should think twice when sending their children to military service. They should think of their youth sent to military service in this manner as well.
The merchants and their organizations who talk in the name of the people should be reminded whether it is sincere to talk about peace in the absence of procuring the security of these people. Are they not able to see this danger of a genocide, how can they talk like this. I protest their stance. I express my regrets before the stance of Taraf's circles, Orhan Miroğlu and Yasemin Çongar. They ignore all talks held in an effort to develop peace and sacrifices made. They are doing an injustice to us. These groups, whom Taraf circles would like to highlight as the 'Kurdish bourgeoisie', that wants a so-called peaceful resolution and who claim that their voices are tried to be restrained, have now nothing to do with Kurdishness. The more they deny their Kurdishness the more benefits they are able to receive within this system and the more they escalate within this system! Whilst the people have become miserable due to poverty and hunger they live in most luxurie ways! They can not represent neither the Kurds nor Diyarbakir. The people of Diyarbakir shall not accept them, they shall not accept them as their representatives either. Now all of them claim that they talk in the name of the Kurdish people! But in fact they gain the most from the system the more they betray. The Kurds must recognise these attributes well.
I had mentioned it previously, this genocide is not restricted to phsical genocide. There is already a genocide perpetrated at a cultural, economic and many other areas as it is. Think about it; we can not even learn our mother tongue freely and make use of it. This is one of the most natural rights of all. In all UN charters too the ban on mother tongue, its repression and the inability to speak it freely is also described to be a cultural genocide. The European Conventions, to which Turkey is a party to, too secure these rights. But at the same time one should not really be stuck at these existing bans and make an effort to overcome them. My relations with my mother is a good example to this. When I started school at seven years of age I was forcefully made to learn a language different to that of my mother tongue. As a child I was scared, I thought of how I would learn a foreign language. I was offended and angry with my mother. I discussed it with her and expected her to free me from this cultural genocide. But when she could not -what could she have done- I had a fight with her and showed my reaction. And can you imagine I never even spoke to her over the phone after I left home. My rebellion was so huge that I did not call her as she passed away. I still feel the pain of this with me. In my discussions with my mother I used to tell her that even the “hens talk to their children in a language they understand and protect their children against dangers. Why can't you do the same?” This is the reality that has created Apo. The issue of mother tongue is more important then anything else. If you can not learn your mother tongue and educate yourself with it then you can not think in a healthy manner and be creative. This is what lies behind the problems that the Kurdish intellectuals are experiencing. This is why there are no Kurdish intellectuals who are strong enough and qualified! The rebellion I initiated with my mother -in fact there was nothing that she could really do- continued against the system. This is why I am here now. Our patriotic families must, no matter what, teach their children their mother tongue. This is the most important dimension of our struggle. This must be done despite the bans and overcoming the bans. DTK (Democratic Society Congress) should also see itself responsible in relation to it. New methods and organizations who shall teach the mother tongue should be developed. Families should turn their homes into educational schools where the mother tongue is developed. I am adamant on this. We should understand the importance of the issue of mother tongue. This is another reason why I am against marriage, or rather I have serious criticism. I won't say I am against child birth but I think those who bring children into this world should be aware of the responsibilities. What is important is that the child understand the meaning of the period passed from the day of his/her birth to the present as well as to protect him/herself against the cultural genocide by absorbing his/her own mother tongue and culture. This is the reason why I am widely critical of all these marriages. The women may be offended but if we can't teach our children their mother tongue and shall give in to the system then nothing we have all gone through has any meaning. This is the most vital issue to us. The children must absorb their mother tongue and cultures as they are raised. The cultural genocide is similar to non other, it is the most dangerous of all. It is more dangerous then the physical genocide but it is not understood well. It spoils the human being, distance it from being a human being and hence give way to the creation of a being with no honour. It brings the human being to such a point that even when you become aware of what has happened you are no longer in a position to do anything. The cultural genocide is enslaving us. Children are being raised with a chain on their neck and the families are not making an effort to break the chain but they contribute to it. This does not mean that I am against Turkish or learning Turkish. We are learning Turkish as well I have no objection to that. I had to leave Kurdish aside under these conditions but this does not mean that we have left the struggle for it.
Fascism has contaminated sports as well. The relationship between fascism and sports is widely known. This is also the case with the management of Diyarbakir Spor. They complain of poverty and all that but this is not something new. This is a project put into motion when Büyükanıt was the corps commander in Diyarbakır. As you witnessed Erdoğan got on stage in Diyarbakır with Hakan Şükür (a famous football player) and some other football players from Galatasaray. These are all well planned things. There is some talk on the three colours. They are talking about me being a Galatasaray sympathizer but presently both Galatasaray and Diyarbakırspor all render service to special warfare policies. If one does not scrutinize well enough one may not see some of the incidents that happen. For example in the 90s there was a Turkish Cup match between Galatasaray and Diyarbakır Spor in Diyarbakır. Diyarbakır Spor fans were clapping Galatasaray because they liked them. Only one of the football players, Tafarel who was a foreigner, turned around to the people greeted them and waved his hands. The others did not even look the way of the fans! If both Galatasaray and Diyarbakırspor avoid becoming a tool in the hands of such policies then I may have sympathy for them both. The people of Diyarbakır too shall not accept such a Diyarbakırspor. If Diyarbakırspor belongs to the people then there should be an unrestricted membership for the people there. It can be democratized in this way. Then the people shall look after Diyarbakırspor, everyone shall contribute what they can. But we know how sport is used by capitalism. But this is not an obstacle for the people to democratically establish and develop sport clubs and associations. The Kurds should establish and develop all sorts of sport clubs and sport itself in city, village and towns. Sports is really beneficial to the health of the body and spirit.
There was an imam killed the other day. I think the new policies of AKP should be seen. They want to use these imams. They wish to make their own propaganda to the people through the use of these imams and deceive them. It is similar to what they did with Hizbullah in the past. Our people should not be deceived. They should not go to the mosques where they do not know the imams and should not rely on them. If it be they should meet in their own homes together with their fellow peoples and do their prayers there. This way they can annul such policies. I think a few days ago another imam was killed. He is an ordinary person, he is someone our people call melle (imam). Hence it is even more clear that they are trying to create an unrest! Our people should be alert against these such games, should take precautions and should exclude them. A variety of precautions should be taken against their anti-propaganda.
I had talked about this before; AKP and the army have agreed at the military council. The military shall pave the way of AKP in politics and shall not interfere whereas the AKP shall turn a blind eye to all the military operations against the Kurds and its violence in Kurdistan. I also think that the present head of General Staff Koşaner has made an even more advanced agreement then Büyükanıt or Başbuğ. There was always conflicts between the government and military whether it was the period of Başbuğ or Büyükanıt. But these conflicts seem to have come down to a minimum now. Already the new head of General Staff has made a demand for cross-border operation! AKP shall in the mean time deceive the Kurds through its own methods, as seen in the case of some of the imams.
The latest guerrilla losses are upsetting. It arouses anger that this should happen during the no-action period. The period of no-action should not be understood wrongly. It is indisputable that all sorts of defence and retaliation rights within the framework of legitimate defence exist. It is well seen that we are doing all we can for a democratic resolution and peace; we make all the sacrifices but the result is there for all. I repeat much shall become clear around 13-20 September. After this referendum there may be an all-out annihilation operations. These must be calculated. But the Kurds must protect themselves in all sorts of ways against all sorts of attacks. The old ways won't be sufficient. I said it before I can not be a leader on a daily basis as my conditions are not suitable for that. This is why everyone shall make their own decisions and shall implement them. After 20 September I shall not interfere, and the responsibility is not on me. The state too must be aware of this. The Kurds shall take their own decisions in relation to all areas and shall implement them. They should not take any decision they can not implement. If they shall implement democratic self-governance then they must enter into a suitable structuring and positioning.
I call on the state and the government one last time. We want to live in this country freely, we do not demand to be separated, we have said this many times over now. These rightful demands of ours should be accepted. If not we would also be right to make use of our right to resist.
In prisons there are problems experienced by those arrested and convicted. In addition there is around 50 seriously ill people in prisons, most of them have cancer and their situation is bad. I am really sad about these friends of ours; I wish them patience and hope they recover soon. Everyone should do what falls on their shoulders in relation to this issue. The BDP members should do all they can with the President and the Prime Minister in relation to their situation. When it comes to bad prison conditions, unfortunately we all experience similar problems. Here too we are faced with similar problems. At that I can't even have the benefit of my right to telephone and watch television here. As I said I wish patience to all my friends. I greet them with affection.
I too celebrate our peoples festivities. I send my greetings to our people in Diyarbakır and Izmir.
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Abdullah OCALAN:
18 August, 2010
Everyone expects something from me. Everything has fallen on my shoulders. The state is experiencing problems, the KCK is experiencing problems. Everything has yet again been left to me. There are expectations of me.
It is not enough to just do some activities against the rape culture. While fighting against the rape culture one should really become competent all round and struggle. Activities such as these should become wide-spread and institutionalized. If not all the protests and meetings that are taken up can not but be a flash in the pan. Women must become free. This is an issue that arose way back in history. Neither should woman be a slave of the man nor the man woman's. When I talk about rape I am not just talking about a physical rape. There is a profound and multidimensional siege. There was such a case in Mardin that was in the news a while ago. A little girl was raped by one hundred men. A similar incident occured in a village in Mardin as well. Of course this is not just happening in Mardin but all around and there are hundreds of examples at that. This cultural perception comes out no matter where. There are women who are punished by stoning in Iran. But of course I am not just talking about physical rape culture or the classical rapes that reported by the media. I am talking about both the cultural, economic, social rapes that occure in all areas of life. This is why women must build their own unique organizations in all areas of life. I had earlies talked about political academies, they can institutionalize themselves in these areas. In Diyarbakir and everywhere else women should discuss these issues well.
Woman should be the determinant partner in a relationship. Both the social siege and the siege of the male on the woman is an issue that has arisen way back in history. The woman has lost her freedom. Marriage is being used as a tool to gain dominance over women at the moment. You must also understand that a relationship in between woman and man is like an abyss. It is very deep, anything may come out of it. One can either exhaust one another or turn out to be a philosopher. One of the best examples to this is Socrates the philosopher. He proclaims: 'Marriage has turned me into a philosopher'. Zizek's determination on this subject is also very important. I am not condemning marriage but simply saying that such relations are extremely difficult and that it must be based on freedom. In marriage the choice of the woman must be essential. It must be the woman who is decisive. Women must determine their needs and demands accurately and must show the strength to make their own decisions in relation to them. They must have their unique discussions in relation to all aspects of life, take their decisions and implement them.
The incident in Batman must most definitely be solved. BDP should have had it clarified by now. BDP should have taken a stand against it, no matter who has done it. It must be understood why in the incident of Salih Özdemir in Batman, they saw a need to go out at that time of the night. Famous personalities should not go to evening appointments. In the event that if they shall then it must be according to a program. For example, when BDP shall organize a meeting at a certain location they shall take their own precautions. They must do this very carefully. They can't just leave their security to the state. If you can not take your own precautions then you have no right to say that they are attacking you. There may be provocations aimed at known personalities. In the past, just as in the flag incident of Mersin, after such a provocation they have had planned who to attack . At the time they could not carry out their plans but they did have a prior plan. They plan ahead and know who shall attack during the provocation. They may especially attack known personalities. Hence, everyone should take their own precautions and protect their own lives. This is a right enshrined even in the constitution.
There was a provocation contemplated in Dörtyol/Hatay. It is not just a matter of what happened in Dörtyol, I think there are many more such provocations planned. Such incidents have many similarities with that of the incidents in Maraş and Sivas. They could have killed three hundred people in the incident of Dörtyol. This is the completion of what the massacre of Sivas and Maras left incomplete. There may be plots to kill intellectuals such as the incident of Musa Anter. Such incidents are trials of concealed massacres. They were not successful there. The reason was due to the conflicts within the AKP, MHP and the state. It is also a bit of a coincidence as well. They could not run the risk. There are those within the state who are against such incidents. I did all I could, and still do, from here to be able to prevent such incidents. These provocations came to nothing. However the difference between these incidents with that of prior ones is that the prior incidents had not chance of success but the present incidents now do have a chance. This is why one must be real careful and take precautions. It is especially quite dangerous in some regions. The present conditions are more permitting for such things. Some of the structures within the state may use all kinds of provocations. If the war continues as it does then a corrupt style of warfare shall come into play by both sides and this shall be more dangerous then anything else. In a future incident they may try a massacre; many people will die and then no one can resolve it. All that is desired to be achieved through these provocations are nothing but a concealed genocide. I do not know whether it is the AKP, MHP or the state at the center play of the incident at Dörtyol, but I think the AKP was aware of the incident. The Kurds are not warring at present but trying to halt the concealed genocide against them; nothing more.
The other groups in Turkey have not participated in the last congress of the DTK (Democratic Society Congress). Although they were called their non participation has revealed their stance. I listened to the statements made by some NGOs in Diyarbakir in relation to the referandum. Of course they seemed to have arrived at an agreement with the state. They have been convinced that “if the PKK is eliminated full initiative shall be given to them”. But of course we are interfering with such an agreement and hence these plans can't be put into motion.
Democratic Autonomy is the resolution project of the Kurds. We may describe Democratic Autonomy as being the body if we call democratic nation as its soul. Democratic autonomy is the concrete form of the construction of democratic nation. There are several elements or dimensions to democratic autonomy:
Political Dimension: There shall be an assembly or a congress of the people. This congress is the democratic society congress. There shall also be an executive council of this congress.
Juridical Dimension: This defines the juridical status of the project of democratic autonomy. The Catalans' define this as the 'status'. Let us call it the same. This is highly important. What will be the status of the Kurds juridically? This has to be determined and then projected on to the constitution and the regulations. Through regulations the framework for democratic autonomy can be determined.
Economic Dimension: There shall be a economic policy of the democratioc nation that is being constructed. What kind of economy there shall be, this shall be determined. It shall determine a policy against dams and all underground and aboveground resources. We can not accept capitalism as our economic system. It maybe that we can not eradicate capitalism totally but we can change it to an important degree. We can ware it out and establish our own economic system. This system maybe called the people's economy, and private economy may constitute a certain part of it. All these issues must be discussed.
Cultural Dimension: The cultural dimension is more in relation to language, education in mother tongue, history and arts. What should be the relationship between Kurdish and Turkish, how could one have education in mother tongue, what should be the language policy of a democratic nation? All these must be discussed. An education policy must also be formed. How could Kurds overcome cultural genocide. These must be discussed well, understood and cultural genocide must be overcome.
Self-Defence Dimension: We may also call it security dimension. We are indeed handling the issue of genocide here. Kurds must concretize how they can liberate themselves from genocides. The concept of genocide I use encompasses all varieites of genocides. I do not only talk of physical but cultural and all other genocides. Hence it must be ensured that Kurds attain their own self-defence. The society must establish their own self-defence. I am not just talking about a situation where they have weapons in their hands. Self-Defence does not mean armed structures such as that of KCK and PKK but people providing their own security. I am talking about the democratic society organizing and insitutionalising itself in all areas and attaining its own security system. People may discuss these issues as well and arrive at different conclusions. For example, whether they shall take their place in the army? They can discuss this. How shall the village guards be disbanded, how shall this issue be resolved? They can discuss this. This security dimension, the self-defence of the people is as important as air that we breath. Without it, life is not possible.
Diplomacy Dimension: This handles the relationship of Kurds with that of other peoples and societies. Shall also entail neighboring countries as well as Kurds in other parts. What kind of a relationship do we want with the other societies, how can we live with them? Diplomacy dimension can meet this.
The Kurds, BDP and DTK should deal with the democratic autonomy project. They should concretize the democratic autonomy project. This is the real agenda of the Kurds, this is what it must be. This referandum is emphasized so much so that the real agenda of the Kurds is changed, it is an artificial agenda. Through such discussion they are trying to overshadow the democratic autonomy demands of the Kurds. The Kurds must work on this until the elections so that we are not late in doing so. There maybe a need to put it before them and say that this is the project of the Kurds. When it is asked what the project of the Kurds are our proejct must be ready. The Catalans are also discussing the issue of democratic autonomy, they are a clever people. They prepared a project in relation to democratic autonomy and presented it. The Spanish Constitutional Court approved the project apart from a few points. The remaining points shall probably be accepted in the near future. They are still discussing it. The DTK and BDP must carry out enormous discussions in relation to our democratic autonomy project untill the elections. They must concretize the democratic autonomy project. They must work day and night on it and discuss it very well. I call a total mobilization on this. DTK must do the work on democratic autonomy. This is its area. The preperation of a democratic constitution is the area of the BDP. After the elections when the state begins to discuss proposals for a solution they must have proposals for a solution. They must have a project for a resolution. They should discuss all this very well. Our people in their millions must discuss and understand democratic autonomy well. We must be able to develop this as a project of resolution. It must be understood that democratic autonomy and democratic constitution are two different things. BDP must work on democratic constitution all around Turkey and must meet with NGOs all over Turkey. BDP must work hard in relation to democratic constitution. They must have a n extensive project in relation to a democratic constitution. The Kurds, DTK and BDP shall discuss what kind of a life it is that they want and decide on it. KCK and PKK shall determine its own place within the system of democratic autonomy. This is up to them. They must discuss this day and night. We are passing through a historical period. I had previously discussed the issue of democratic autonomy. I had touched on it in my book called The Freedom of Sociology. This time around it is important that a meaningful solution is developed.
The construction of a democratic nation does not mean the construction of a nation-state. Look at Palestine; Palestine is not even like South Kurdistan type be considered nation-state. They are thinking of making them fight with one another through the construction of small states. Those Kurds who think in the same way say that 'if we only have a small state it shall be sufficient'. Such a perspective shall mean the death of thousands of people. One of the fundamental reasons for the fall of real socialism was the thought that the right to self-determination of nations could only be achieved through having a state. This nation-state perspective ended real socialism. Such an interpretation of it whether by socialism or liberalism has in any case served capitalism. Marx, Engels, Lenin and all the others have interpreted this wrongly. I have discussed my thoughts on the construction of democratic nation in detailed in my defences called the Freedom of Sociology.
I really very much love Doğubeyazıt. I send my special greetings to the people of Doğubeyazıt, Patnos, Serhad, Botan, Tatvan, Bitlis, Van and İzmir. They implemented a special warfare system in Bitlis. But I think this has now been broken down, I think there shall be really important developments in the future. I send my greetings to all the captives especially the women captives. I commemorate Evrim Alataş once again. I send my greetings to all our people and intellectuals.
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The European Court of Human Rights rejected our application for the re-trial case. There is a special jurisdiction implemented towards me. They are responding to unlawfulness with unlawfulness. The court in fact did not expose the plot and the subsequent kidnapping that occurred in Kenya. This could have been a turning point. They can either open a whole new page by exposing the plot or can continue with this state of unlawfulness.
The case in relation to the death penalty being converted to aggrevated life sentence is of importance because at the time they imposed a sentence that did not exist at the time of the trial. If ECHR ensures that the fifth volume shall reach them then I shall write that as well. This final volume shall be of importance because it shall be about the resolution of the issue, I have concrete thoughts. I am not sure if they shall hand it over. The Court can come and examine the conditions I am in. They can stay here for 24 hours and see. In order to be able to breath here I have to lean against the window. This is the only way I can get some air. Under such circumstances I can finish my defence by the end of the year. You may request additional time. If they can ensure that they obtain the defence then I can prepare it. As I have repeatedly pointed out they are imposing a special law on me, a law specific to me. ECHR must realise this.
What did really happen in Batman? That event looks quite ambigious. It should be investigated well. They are trying to blame the PKK. It could be a plot. There was a sheikh that was shot in Batman a while ago. Such families should be attended to and they must warned so that they are not deceived. Other families and tribes should also be made aware of such things. They should all be alert. This incident could be a plot and what follows it may even be a new period of murders by unidentified assailants. This is why I talk of self-defence. I herewith commemorate Salih Özdemir and the others who have lost their lives.
I plead that you protect yourself but they are unable to do even that. There are thousands of people around them, can't they organize themselves, can't they protect themselves? When I hear of such incidents I really get angry. In relation to this specific incidence one should find out the reason why they leave their house. I had previously said before that those well known personalities should not go out at night unless absolutely necessary and even then they should not be alone.
To commemorate Aram Tigran one could open a museum in Diyarbakır. It could even be called the Museum of the Artists or Art House and Aram Tigran could be reserved a room. Besides one could reserve room for the memories of important Kurdish artists and personalities as well. They should not discriminate between them, for example they could own up to artists such as Celal Güzelses as well.
I believe democratic autonomy is also being discussed. We made such a proposal because we thought this was the most appropriate way to resolve the Kurdish issue as it involves democratic and peaceful methods.
Taha Akyol does not really understand what is going on. Their heads are full of statist ideologies. But it is normal for them to be so since people are under the severe bombardment of capitalism. They have been raised under the influence of conventional forms of thought. Social sciences and universities have served capitalism as well. This is why he finds it difficult to understand that a different resolution model can exist. He can't even imagine it and think outside of these conventional forms. The evaluations I have arrived at are both due to my own thoughts but also due to the books and thoughts of other authors who are able to break free from capitalist thought.
We do not believe in a state and statist ways of resolutions. We have said this over and over again. But in the mean time I do not exactly think like the anarchist thinkers either. All we want however is that the state is cleansed off the racist-fachist structures and perspectives. To us democratization of the society and people's internalisation of democracy is of top priority. Within such a system what is really important is that the awareness of the people is raised through their organization. This can be achieved independent of the state and with no expectations from it. This is why I proposed that hundreds of NGO's and councils.
It is quite clear that a statist resolution shall not really lead to a solution but lead things to a more grave levels. There are those, such as Elci, who defend a resolution based on a federation here. Such a model shall not resolve the question at hand instead it is clear that it shall result in a chaos that may continue for many year to come just like the Palestenian question. What we are trying to do is to prevent such a development. They have fallen into the trap in the South as well. This is the trap of the emperialism, just like the Palestine. They established a puppet state in Palestine in order to intervene as they wish. This is why no peace can be attained for neither for Israel nor for Palestine. Indeed this is what is wished to be achieved with the Kurdistan formation in the South as well. One must be aware of this so as not to fall into such a trap.
I have explained the issue of democratic autonomy, especially in the book called 'Freedom of Sociology', in detail. In order for democratic autonomy to be understood these books should be read and discussed well.
I ratify the latest decisions taken by the PKK. I had made such calls to this end not long ago. It may be declared to the press and public that I support this decision of the PKK. I thank all my friends especially those in the mountains very much. I believe this shall last until the end of the referendum. Indeed it would have been enough for it to continue until the end of the referendum, like the 13 or 14 of September. But that is not so important, what is important is that this period is utilized well. The guerrillas shall keep away from attacking the garnizons during this period. In addition unless they have to protect themselves they shall keep away from using the mines. But just as I said if they are coming with an intention to exterminate and there is no other way then in order to protect themselves they can most definitely use all means.
At such a time everyone must work more then ever before. If you think that this issue shall be resolved in time by itself then you are gravely mistaken. Because such a period may on the one hand be an opportunity for a great peace and bear a democratic solution and on the other hand may be the exact opposite and evolve into an unwanted substantial warfare. I really feel uneasy. Ergenekon like war lobbiests may once again step in.
The conditions for peace and war are both present. The guerrillas must also be aware of this. The process may equally end up in either peace or war. In all the regions where guerrillas are present on behalf of me these things should be explained and each and everyone of them must be told that I thank them.
As I pointed out we shall wait until the date of the referendum and see the stance of the government. This period of 'inaction' shall expose whether AKP is sincere or not. The stance of the army shall also become clear. Towards the end of this period I shall make a new evaluation in the light of the developments. We shall not accept any delays. I had previously withdrawn due to such delays and the fact that the state and government were not behaving seriously. If they continue to delay things then I shall not be able to do anything anymore either.
Hence everyone; including NGO's, intellectuals, writers, socialists, democrats, who wants a democratic and peaceful solution to the issue then must do all that they can in order for this brief period to turn into something permanent. Especially those who called for a ceasefire must utilize this period well.
During this period of ceasefire politics must play its role, politics must be the main feature. BDP must utilize this period to make its political breakthrough.
The other issue is the issue of referendum. Just as you are all aware there is nothing that concerns the Kurds directly in this constitutional package; the Kurdish issue has basically been ignored. Our people are free to discuss it in all its dimensions. The new arrangement paves the way for the possibility of AKP to establish its own hegemony. One should also not fall into this trap either. Our people should discuss all possibilites and then come to a decision. We know that those that shall say 'yes' are the Islamist nationalists. But the others are national nationalists. But we should take a democratic stance in relation to the democratic developments.
For one there is a need to clarify this: Why do we Kurds not exist in this republic? If we are told we are the inherent constitutive element of this republic and we took part in the establishment of this republic then how did it happen that we came to this? This must be discussed well. This is the most important part; how did we become so flimsy? During the Ottoman times Kurds held an autonomous position. Even M. Kemal has acted together with the Kurds during the founding years of the republic and has talked about autonomy. But his statements in relation to the above aspects have even been censored from his most famous 'Speech' while he was alive. These issues are discussed in Ahmet Özer's book called “Turks and Kurds”. The democrats of Turkey must approach the issue from this perspective.
I send my special greeting to the people of Batman.
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