ANF 16.07.2010- “The Turkish government is preparing itself for a new operation against the Kurds. What they are aiming at is destruction of the Kurdish people. In that sense, Erdoğan- Army alliance is more dangerous” said Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.The Turkish government is preparing itself for a new operation against the Kurds. What they are aiming at is destruction of the Kurdish people. In that sense, Erdoğan- Army alliance is more dangerous” said Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan. He also reiterated his proposal of last week of gathering guerrillas in a certain area under supervision of UN.
In the course of his weekly lawyer visit imprisoned leader of PKK Abdullah Öcalan regarding so called ‘opening’ project of the AKP government said: “It seems that the government has no intention to solve the problem. What they are calling ‘democratic opening’ is the cover they use to hide their outrages destruction concept. Kurdish people should be aware of it.” Öcalan also stated that the meeting held in Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul was a meeting in which Erdogan bargained with soldiers. Öcalan further said that Erdogan government is more dangerous than Ergenekon and Çiller-Güreş alliance of 93.
Regarding upcoming constitution referendum and BDP’s call for boycott Öcalan said: “I find this boycott important. They should say ‘Absolute boycott until a democratic constitution.”
In relation to the CPT’s report Öcalan said: “I heard of the CPT’s reports on İmrali. What they are doing is insincere. Once they mentioned what needs to be change in the prison they should have follow the implementation. Nothing has changed. CPT is working in cooperation with the Turkish state. CPT has also mentioned the right to send letter to them without supervision of the prison administration. What are they talking about? Do they think the prisoner administration will obey this? They will let me send any letters reading beforehand. If it was possible I would send CPT letters on a weekly basis. They are all working together. CPT- the Council of Europe and Turkey working hand in hand have prevented re-trial.”
Erdogan is abusing Gaze and Palestine issues
Öcalan stated that PM Erdogan’s attitude against Israel is a show. “The aim of sending ships was not helping Gaze. Or one minute crisis at Davos submit. What they are trying to do is to put pressure on Israel and make work with the Turks against the Kurds. Otherwise, Gaze and Palestine are masks. Turkey is trying to build a three-headed collation against the Kurds. Israel-USA-Turkey. But I don’t think Israel will be a part of it and doesn’t want to be a part of it. I don’t know how it falls in with its interest. USA doesn’t have enough soldiers to use against the Kurds. Neither does Iraq and Iraq. What Turkey can do it only bombing the area. Turkey wants to make an operation together with Syria. There were fake reports about it speculated by the Turkish side. But I don’t think Syria will be a part of it, neither will Iran. Iran hits the area with mortar shells. That’s all.”
Civilian lives should be respected
Öcalan reiterated that he is not giving instructions to PKK to fight or not to fight. He stated that in 1999 he had to choose either mountains or Europe and he chose Europe because he believed in a peaceful solution. He further stated that his understanding of fight is clear and he is against killings civilians. He will also not accept any attacks against civilians carried out in his name, like it was done in 1990’s by some groups within the PKK.
Öcalan also criticises ambushes on military bases carried out by the Kurdish guerrillas. He said “I am not happy that soldiers are dying. Moreover, half of the soldiers who were killed in the ambushes were also Kurds. I am not making a distinction among the killed soldiers. I am endeavouring to solve this problem.”
Prison Conditions are getting harder
Regarding his prison conditions Öcalan said: “My prison conditions are depending on the developments of the last two weeks. The pressure on me is increasing in a parallel way. I have not listened to the radio for a week. They said they are taking the radio to repair and have not given me back. My cell is unventilated. I cannot breathe, I cannot sleep. I can breathe when I remove the bars and put my head out. I am not given letters anymore. There were 15 letters arrived but I was given only two of them. So what happened that they stop giving me the letters? It is all about the situation outside. I also heard that they will install a machine which will record and type our meetings. It seems they will increase the pressure gradually. It shows that the government is preparing itself for a new operation.”
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Kurdish leader warns: without negotiations Kurdistan Revolution will spread
If negotiations do not start then Kurdistan Revolution will extend. PKK cannot be destroyed with professional army or technological weapons. Moreover, there is a risk that the clashes might escalate in cities. In that case everybody will lose but the state at most” said Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.
In the course of his lawyer visit in Imrali High Security Prison Öcalan also reminded the basic conditions for a solution. A bilateral ceasefire, establishing Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and legal framework and constitutional guarantees. Regarding the statements of Ilker Başbuğ, Chief of the Turkish General Staff, who told MP’s of pro-Kurdish BDP to leave the parliament and go to mountains while criticising them for attending funerals of Kurdish Öcalan said: “Başbuğ is repeating himself. It is the reiteration of a tried but failed approach.”
Kurdish leader further stated that he finds it important that BDP is opening a representative office in Hewler (Arbil) the capital of Kurdistan Region in Iraq. “It is important to have representatives in Brussels or in Washington but most importantly in Hewler because the people there are our own people. It is even too late while more than 500 Turkish companies are already there.” added Öcalan.
Öcalan’s statement as follows:
Autonomy promises by Mustafa Kemal
“The Kurds have played a vital role in the “Independence War” and this role found its place in 1921 Constitution. Mustafa Kemal promised autonomy for the Kurds. These promises can be found in the parliament reports. However, he neutralised by İsmet İnönü and Fevzi Çakmak as well as British. The British have sacrificed the Kurds.”
Three Suggestions
“I have three practical suggestions for the government, KCK and BDP so that the Kurdish problem can be solved:
First, there should be a bilateral ceasefire complied with by the both sides.
Second, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission like it was established in South Africa after the abolition of apartheid. This commission should be composed of experts. A parliamentary commission can also be formed in which experts, intellectuals and NGO’s can take part. The commission can hear all the sides of the conflict including myself. Then they can find the truth out, share them with public opinion and then reconciliation can be reached. It is not as difficult as it looks. It worked in South Africa and there is no reason why it should not work here too.
In a parallel way, the PKK forces can be gather in a certain area under observation of an international organisation such as UN. They can wait there until a solution is found and then the thirds step comes.
Third, bringing the PKK guerrillas back home. Not like the one in Habur [Peace delegation sent by the PKK upon the request from Öcalan on 19 October 2009], but en masse. All the guerrillas can arrive together. The security aspect can be discussed with KCK. BDP can work on a democratic constitution and the other political parties can contribute it. It means if the problem solved with in a legal framework and under constitutional guarantee then the weapon can be laid down.
Salvation for all
Some are manipulating my position and suggesting that I am trying to save myself. These are cheap approaches. A process which I am not a part of cannot be successful. This is clear. I do not have an aim of saving myself. If there is a salvation then it will be for all of us.
Either solution or revolution
For a peace process negotiations should be held. And if it does not happen then revolution starts which I explained in my previous meeting. And once they start they are uncontrollable. Turkey is confronted by such a risk. It should not be seen that I am giving tactics to PKK in order to increase the conflict. What I am doing is determining the facts. Because the PKK also has its own methods.
I am sorry for soldier deaths as much as I am sorry for guerrilla deaths. I endeavour to prevent these deaths. Neither CHP nor MHP not fake Islamists can solve this issue. They are still talking about operations, bombardments, killings. PKK cannot be destroyed with professional army or technological weapons. There are still Kurds all over joining the PKK. Moreover, there is a risk that the clashes might escalate in cities.
And if the war escalates then there will be radical groups from both sides which can make the problem more complicated and unsolvable. In that case, everybody loses but the sate at most.” Öcalan also stated that he was given letters sent to him.
Kurdish İnfo
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I have problems with my back. It is most probably due to the muscles in the area. I can’t bend forward and have pain in my muscles there. It is most probably linked to the new prison conditions here. Lately my eyes become irritated, watery and there is much pain and itchiness. I have the above difficulties and most probably they are linked to the climate here.
I was not able to say much about the Women’s Conference that took place in Diyarbakır a short while ago, yet it was a very important conference indeed. Democratic Libertarian Women’s Movement is indeed of uttermost importance. It is important to develop women’s democracy within the scope of Women’s freedom. The level attained by the Kurdish women is important. It is also important that women’s awareness is developed in the South. The situation of the women in the Kurdistan of Turkey is much better, women in this part should be able to assist the women in the other parts and even lead them forward when it comes to this issue. There is indeed much to say on this issue.
I believe there shall be a Women’s Festival in Tatvan very soon. Women’s freedom and struggle is of utter importance especially for Tatvan and that region in general, because it positively transforms everyone. I greet them and wish them all the success in their Kurdistan democratic and libertarian women’s struggle. Tatvan, Batman and the regions around there have a very important position in our struggle. Of course Tatvan is a very important place. I think a woman friend from Adıyaman Prison, she is originally from Ahlat, seems to be seriously ill. In one of her letters she says that when she is out of prison her biggest aim is to establish a Woman’s Academy in Tatvan. These are great thoughts. All I can say for Tatvan right now is that later there can be many beautiful and important things done for it. Tatvan, Van and its surroundings as well as the surround region of the Van Lake are places of cultural and historical importance. These areas are culturally rich and legendary places. One end stretches out to the Zagros region, the other Caucasus while the other to Anatolia. From a perspective of arts and aesthetics, Tatvan is quite suitable for such festivals. If my memory does not fail me they say similar thinks about the Zilan region. It is said that there used to be a women’s community and culture in that area. The region around Van and Tatvan is the region where such a culture was formed. This is why it is important that women’s activity and the insitutionalization of this activity is of importance there. It is important to have woman acculturation there. Hence, Tatvan can be an example of social construction and democratic self governance. It is a suitable place for this. Woman Political Academy can be established there. I take this opportunity to commemorate singer Mizgin and a woman from Lebanon, whose name I can’t remember at the moment. They grew up by my side. Mizgin ended her own life in Tatvan so that she would not be caught. The woman from Lebanon too, ended her own life so that she would not be caught in Batman. They were both very courages and are both very precious martyrs of our people.
In relation to this constitutinal package, I have now understood what AKP wants to do. I have now worked out AKP’s codes of conduct. AKP’s approach in relation to this constitutional package is nothing but a trick. I heard on the radio that the arrangement in relation to the Constitutional Court has passed through with 337 votes. Yet, Article 8 did not pass through with 327 votes. In fact, if AKP wanted, it could pass this article as well, it would have been strong enough to do it.
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It is important to develop people’s local governance. I had previously given my analysis on this issue. I think money or material hardships should not be turned into excuses. What is important is your will power and level of organization. One can do many things if united with the people.
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Öcalan said “The constitutional package that the AKP is presenting depends on a single condition. There should be support for the package if there is a Provision of Democracy and Human Rights. The most important and general title is democratic constitution.”.
The Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan has met with his lawyers. According to the information obtained, Öcalan analyzed the latest political developments and said ‘They are (the Kurds) saying that they shall enhance their own self-defence in such a way that there is no need for any other power. They add that together with self-defence political, social, cultural and in any other required areas the organizational aspect of things will be enhanced. I understand that they shall enhance their organizational level in political, social and cultural terms, that include self-defence, in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and in Europe. So they shall not be satisfied with their pursuit for a political dialogue alone like in the past but they shall also develop their own social organizations, they shall build it like a network.”. Öcalan pointed out that “They are saying that they are open for political dialogues too but fundamentally they shall construct their own system. They want to widely spread their own democracy. This therefore means a widespread organizational strength everywhere. If this is hoe they organize themselves in all sections of the society there may not be much need for BDP.”
Öcalan said: “If the path to political dialogue is paved in the resolution of the Kurdish question then we shall respond to it. The initiation of such a process of dialog shall prevent the possibility of clashes. If not an environment of conflict althoug it is not something that desire, approve or give priority to shall develop. However I would like to underline it: The environment of conflict that will develop shall not be and is not our preference. If on the other hand the process of political dialogue and negotiations is initiated then such a risk of conflict shall be removed. If not though despite the fact that we do not want it an environment of conflict shall be inevitable. I repeat though this is not our preference. The process of dialogue in order to resolve the question is hence very important. This is how one can move forward and how the discussions for a resolution can be put on the right track. There can be new steps to show good faith, new legal arrangements can be done and some of the mayors can be freed. If not the environment of conflict that shall follow shall be different to that of the past and be more intense.”
“However our preference is not that of conflict but solution. But for this to come true there is a need for a process of dialog and negotiations. We are continuing our efforts to resolve the question for the past 17years, before and during my imprisonenment in Imrali Island. I had determined my strategic stand in relation to this issue 17 years ago. This was a strategic stance and a decision. Such a decision was indeed itself the belief of how right the democratic and peaceful methods were. Since then we have had effort and endeavors to resolve this question in a democratic and peaceful way. In the last seven years we had efforts and endeavors to initiate a dialogue and solution with AKP and state in general. It has been seven years with AKP but ten years before that makes 17 years in total of unilateral efforts. Our insistence in this issue is acknowledged. That is why I would like to repeat; the process of political dialogue and negotiations in relation to the resolution of this question should be initiated and such a process should be deepened with those concerned. If not despite our wishes or desire a period of clashes with medium intensity shall be experienced. This shall mean that everyone concerned shall loose, such a development of period of conflict shall mean all shall loose. There maybe some positive developments but these developments may not occur, or that they maybe negative. I think that some things may become more clear around the beginning of summer, around the end of May or the beginning of June.”
“The second issue that I would like to analyze in relation to practical and daily matter is the discussions on the Constitution. There is only one condition that the support for the AKP’s constitutional packet depends on. I had mentioned it in the previous weeks as well. There is only one condition and that is: The Provision for Democracy and Human Rights. The issue that predominates this condition and is most important is the construction of a Democratic Constitution. The existence of a democratic constitution within Turkey is compulsary. One should be careful not to fall into the same position as CHP and MHP who represent the status quo and resist it or fall for the possible games pulled by AKP. Their stance must be different to either one of them and they should form a third way. All should act in accordance with the meaning and spirit of a true democratic constitutions. Without a democratic constitution how possible is it to develope a democratic society! This is of primary importance; the construction of a new and democratic constitution. There is also the situation of the children as well as the terror laws. This legislation should be removed. There is also the arrest of the mayors and the BDP cadres and those arrested within the compass of the KCK operations. All those arrested must be freed. Topics such as the need to drop the ten percent election threshold and allow BDP to benefit from the assistance made by the treasury also need to be handled and arranged extensively along with the democratic constitution. The most important and general title can be described as democratic constitution. These matters should be matters that must be arranged along with the title of democratic constitution but as a second seperate title and extensively. Within the frame work of this condition if you are convinced that AKP shall take sincere steps then this draft constitution can be supported. The have full initiative on this matter and these are my thought on the matter.”
“There are associations in Europe, they are organized there as well. All of these are within the same system. Therefore the congresses that take place should be handled as such. They are all included in this confederal organization. This is called a regime, indeed it is like a system and hence they find their place in this system in such a way. Each place has an organization of its own. Theirs is called the Democratic Community of Europe or the Union of Democratic Communities of Europe. This is how it can be identified. These are legal organizations in Europe. They shall be organized in accordance with the law and shall abide them. They should organize themselves according to the laws of the country they live in.
The model in Turkey is a Democratic Society, its headquarters is in Diyarbakir. The lawyers there must have information on the legal issues arising. They can organize themselves in accordance. This is not KCK tough. KCK is something completely different. DTK is different. KCK organizes itself and creates its own space. DTK on the other hand is different and is in accordance with the laws. BDP too is into politics in accordance with the laws. BDP’s legal arena is lawful political arena and organizes itself all around Turkey. It not only organizes itself in Kurdistan but also in the West and everywhere else. It tries to construct itself as a party of Turkey. Hence it organizes itself upon such a perspective. DTK should work in the region and together with Turkey it should even work in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Middle East. I would hence like to send my greetings to all our people in Iran, Iraq and Syria. They should make an effort to develop their own democratic unions and organization. They should work to this end and I wish them all the success.”
“I repeat my proposal that a Democratic Nation Congress is held in Iraq. There must be attendance to this congress from everywhere. Indeed this is the Democratic Nation Congress. It should be handled as a congress not a conference. The congress should take place around the five theoretical and three practical instruments that I had previously mentioned. These must be the instruments of the Congress. If it is handled in this way the Congress shall be successful. I greet all our people once again.”
“I think the local government conference of BDP has taken place. I wish them well in all their endeavors. I think there shall also be the Women’s Conference sometime soon. As a result I would like to say these in relation to them: Women and women’s awareness has advanced so muc and has reached a certain level. I would like to reiterate my belief that woman’s freedom struggle shall succeed. The Woman’s freedom struggle shall attain success. Our freedom struggle that is being waged along the axis of woman gender shall also succeed with the strength it gains from the woman’s freedom struggle. I have full confidence in this. The woman’s freedom struggle shall empower the general freedom struggle. I therefore send my greeting to all the women. I would also like to thank the women from Izmir and send my greetings. I greet all our people in Europe, those who work in Roj TV in the newspaper Günlük in Turkey.”
“I had made another call to the breakaways on the occasion of 21 March, Newroz. I would like to repeat this call. They may have criticism, they may criticise me or my thoughts. These maybe discussess there is nothing more natural. They can make their ciriticisms. Some may have contradictions, and others maybe waiting for a call from me to come back. I would like to repeat my call to those who have breaken away from us but have not been in extreme contradictions. They should experince a right and recovery process within themselves. They should try to unite around our movement and strengthen it. If not they can not cope with the developments alone and shall be suppressed by the system. This system shall suffocate them. This is why they should think about re-joining. They should at least make an effort. I call on all those who are in such a situation no matter where they are, in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Europe or Turkey, to re-unite around our struggle.”
“There was apparently a youngster who had burnt himself in Greece. His name is Siyar Bozkurt. He had apparently burnt himself because of my situation. But this was a while ago not now. I just heard about it and I am so sorry. He was apparently in his final year of University and was to graduate that year. I commemorate him with much respect. This young man’s, Siyar Bozkurt’s memory must be kept alive. A book should be published on his life and memoirs. These are important values of ours and we should appreciate their meaning. There was also a friend called Viyan who set fire to herself. I believe she is from the South of Kurdistan. She sets fire to herself when there was no news of me for three months. On such an occasion I would also like to commemorate her. I, in the previous weeks had mentioned that I commemorate Evrim Alatas, Zeynep and Müslüm with much respect. Indeed I would like to commemorate all comrades who lost their lives with my deepest respects. There seems to be an open letter published by Vedat Türkali addressed to the Prime Minister. The contributions of Vedat Türkali and other intellectuals are important in the resolution of the problems in Turkey. They indeed should make their own contributions with their proposals and support. It is of dire importance. I would hence like to send my greetings. The analysis made by Ayşe Hür is correct. Because there were no steps taken to resolve the question PKK has become stronger then ever. PKK has now attained a strength unmatched to any other period.”
Öcalan concluded by saying: I had requested Andre Gunder Frank’s book called the Re-Orient. I have received the Dipnot magazine. I find the level attained positive. There are some good articles there. I had previously requested the book called Three thousand Years of Struggle in relation to the Armenians. As far as I know it was published by the Cumhuriyet Publishers. I receoved a book on China. There seems to be a new book in relation to Russia. There are some biographical books around and also books on the Ottoman sultans and the social circles that surround the palaces. Previously they would not give the books written on the Turki figures but they may now. There is also a new book on the Progress and Union Committee. I would also like to thank and send greering to those who sent me letters on the occasions of 21 March and 4 April. I have special greeting to comrades in prisons. From the Erzurum Prison Cahit İlboğa is writing to me often and I think he should continue with his work because the contents are quite good. I wish him all the success and send my greetings. I also received the letter from Ayfer Aycicek and her four friends, their focus is good, they should continue in their endeavors. I know that they will succeed. I received another letter from Rize-Kalkandere, please give my greetings. I received the letter of Nesimi Kalka from Diyarbakır prison. His letter was in relation to economy and was really good. Another friend who is seriously ill has written a letter which was more like a will. I can reassure him that we shall continue with our struggle and shall succeed. Our struggle shall attain success. I hope that he is reassured at this point. I send him my very special greetings. I also recieved a letter from Hüseyin Musto who is originally from the Syrian Kurdistan. I would like to greet all our people in Syria via him. I would like to send my greetings to all my comrades in Batman, Mardin, Siirt, Diyarbakır and all the other prisons. I greet all those who sent me letter on the occassion of the 4th of April and 21st of March. I receive many letters with good and advanced contents. Suat and his four friends are writing well. These kind of letters that I have mentioned can be published in various magazines. They must be given the chance to express themselves as well. They are quite capable in expressing themselves. I send my special greetings to our people in Kars-Göle and Dersim.”
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Abdullah OCALAN
There has been celebrations of my birthday. I know that the issue is not really that day being my birthday but the people see such a day their own birth. It is not a matter of me being born in that city, village or that region. I think the people are really celebrating their own birth and consider it their own and see it as their own renaissance. And I am grateful those who travelled all the way there, those who celebrated and those who contributed to it in some way. But it should not be eviscerated from such a meaning. Middle East has such a culture and I am respectful of this culture however it should not be turned into an eviscerated cult. I do believe I have such a meaning and hence it is important that this meaning is acknowledged. I feel that I tried to fit much into 61 years of my life. The people have identified themselves with this.
I was also thinking of issuing a message for the Assyrians because of the Easter period. I wanted the message to encompass all the Christians in fact. I have been studying and focusing on Christianity for some time now. I am comparing Islam with that of Christianity and Judaism. I feel that there has been much injustices done to Christianity. Assyrians represent the Eastern Christianity, it belongs to the East. The Western Christianity should especially try and understand the Eastern Christianity. There is a need for a Renaissance in the Middle East not only for the sake of the Kurds but the Assyrians and all the people of the Middle East. On this basis I celebrate their festivities.
In my defences I have in detail explained how the local governments should operate. Municipalities should not act as an extension of the state but should operate as municipalities that rest on the society. Local communes should be formed. If such works are realized with the people then the state shall respect it as well. But if you await for the state to give you the money then you shan’t be able to achieve anything. Such an approach must be abandoned. The model constructed in the South is state based and is a draft nation-state. It can not be successful, will degenerate and decay. But our model shall continue to advance only because it basis itself on the society. There will not even be any need for this as the democratic communes are established. When you achieve successful organizations in all areas then all the other things such as money shall also pour in. The local communes can also organize themselves in terms of a democratic confederation. This is the only way to resolve the social problems. I am not saying that 100% of the problems shall be resolved if you do all this. It maybe that the conditions Turkey is under all problems shall not be resolved but I think around 50% of problems can be resolved this way. But in order to achieve even this there must be concerted effort and focused preparations.
Our people in Europe too must be well organized as well. They also need to develop their own organizations. In Europe it is also a KCK style organisation. They should organize themselves with a consideration of the laws there. In any case, everything done there is out in the open. If over here such an organisation succeeds they would influence one another positively. My defences focus on such topics the most.
In relation to the woman question: In fact my life of 61 years was spent in struggling against the fake honor imposed on woman. My exodus from the village was linked with this. I really did focus on this issue. I believe that woman has uncovered her own knowledge of freedom. This is also a summary of 61 years old life. The live burial of the woman in Adiyaman and the things done to little girls are before you all. Women should generate their own organizations as well as developing education for all women including young girls. I had previously mentioned the Free Women’s Academy, this should not be handled ordinarily. There should be intense education from arts to health, culture and even fashion. I had read a news article about a woman-model all the way from Ukraine for a new opening store in Batman. I found it very funny. Fashion indeed was born in Mesopotamia and that includes Batman as well. What is important is to expose this. The education given should even reflect to everyone’s clothing.
I am not rejecting the importance of individualism of woman, it is of importance. But without sociality indiviudalism can not have much meaning. Such an understanding was attempted to be inserted into PKK as well. The simple marriages or unions of those who ran off from us indeed to me the end of woman. I nevertheless wish them all the success and send my greetings.
On the other hand, the left should understand well why and how Mustafa Suphi and his friends were elimianted. If they don’t analyze this well they will not be able to leap forward.
It is good to hear that the all from South Kurdistan have come under a single block. I congratulate them. I think the total number of Kurdish parlamentarians are around 57. It has fallen a bit. I had told them earlier, it looks a bit difficult succeed this way- The Kurds need national unity. They need to work for national unity from now on. Talabani and Barzani should also strive for this. I congratulate them as well in relation to the elections and wish them well.
In relation to the discussions on the constitution I must say that as yet there is still no room for the Kurds. This is not a constitutional amendment package that shall recognize the Kurds. Not only the Kurds, for the other democratic areas as well there is no opening at all, there is nothing new. On the one hand there is the White Turkish fascism represented by the CHP and MHP and on the other hand power and Islam line lead by the AKP. I can not proclaim that the AKP’s line is less dangerous then the White Turkish fascism. Neither of them are democratic but hegemonic. The first one is Ankara based while the latter is formed at the Kayseri-Konya tracks and supported by the Saudi capital. Both have a historical past.
The first one is White Turkish oligarchy and fascism. They are the continuation of the Union and Progess’ mentality. After the establishment of the Republic they besieged M. Kemal and paralellızed him. During the Liberation War, M. Kemal was able to implement his policies by relying on the Kurds for four years in 1916/17/18/19. If he had not relied on the Kurds when implementing his policies and struggle then there may not have been a liberation struggle. Such a unity found its reflection in the 1921 constitution. This is why when I talk about Union and Progress as well as this White Turkish fascism I am not talking about this 1921 constitution. The 1921 Constitution is democratic, it is the result of a collective approach by the state and the Kurds. Hence I keep on saying that 1921 Constitution should be revised according to the present circumstances. BDP should work hard in revising the 1921 Constitution according to todays circumstances. During that time there were two different stances against the Kurds: First was that of Inönü, leading the English line. This was implemented by the Union and Progress cadres. The other line was that of M.Kemal and Fethi Okyar. At the time they even withdrew Fethi Okyar from the position of Prime Minister only because he was soft with the Kurds. Instead they reinstated Inönü. Two grandchildren of Cibranlı Halit have sent me letter. They are asking me how their grandfather was eliminated. This is exactly how it happened. There is grandchildren of Şeyh Sait as well. Their situation is similar. They were eliminated by the secular white Turkish fascism that I have been talking about. The 1924 Constitution is the constitutional expression of this line of Unionist, oligarchic white Turkish fascism. This 1924 constitution albeit with some small changes has been able to preserve itself to date. CHP and MHP are the two representatives of this.
When it comes to the second line; it is represented by the AKP and is a statized Islam that can be traced back to the Umayyad’s and can also be called Islamic fascism. It is the Islam of the power and is anti-Islam. In neither of the lines there is no room for the Kurds. Both the BDP and the democratic sections must understand this well. In both of the lines there are no democratic openenings. The Kurds and the democratic sections do not have to choose either one of them. BDP and democratic forces must make much effort for the constitution and make their own suggestions. And indeed they are. The election threshold and inner party democracy are very important. The Kurds shall support those who prepare a constitution that shall recognise them and pave the way for democratic policies. Even though if this is AKP, CHP or even MHP. But if they are not recognised and there are no democratic openings in the constitution then they shall not support such a constitution.
I had mentioned in the past weeks. I had divided our histroy of struggle into three periods. First period, then the second period that ended in 1993 and then the third period that continues to date. In fact the third period was up until 2002. I was about to end the period back then but AKP had just come to power. I wanted to give them a chance but instead they wanted to delay us and brought us to date. The AKP aims nothing but elimination. For the past 17 years I am playing my own role. Many things have been left to me. This is not right. Things that I can do here, the role that I can play for peace are restricted to my conditions here. In the period ahead, they shall themselves decide on what they want and how they shall steer the struggle.
May is around the corner, there maybe some critical things then. There should preparations for all options. There are no in between options left for the Kurds anymore. In the period ahead there could be some developments both in terms of elimination and resolution. AKP on the other hand arrested thousands of Kurds and continues to arrest them. I am not even including in this the physical assaults.
The state in the 1920s eliminated the left in personage of Mustafa Suphi and his friends, and with the 1924 constitution eliminated the Kurds and later in the personage of Mehmet Akif and Said-i Nursi eliminated the Islamists.
I believe there is work being done in relation to the party that shall bering together all parties. I had made a proposal of the roof of the roof. There are many parties and circles. There is also EDP. They should all work mutually.
The Kurds can resolve their own internal problems. There should be work done to obtain internal peace. I am not just talking about the Kurds here. There must be work done to ensure internal peace and union of the Kurds in all parts. For example there are the village guards, they have committed many cromes but yet one could bring them together. The Democratic Society Congress could work on such activities.
Give my greetings to all those at Diyarbakır Prison. I received many cards in relation to Newroz. I also celebrate everyone’s Newroz. There were letters from Bismil. People from Bismil and Hasankeyf should stand against the Illusu Dam project. It has nothing to do with water irrigation. It has military aims and is strategic. There was a letter from Nilüfer Sahin at Sincan Prison I really liked what she had written. She interprets my evaluation of Marx. She is right, Marx has done so much good work on labor-value theory and sociology but when it comes to nation-state and industrialism he has failed.
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