President of the Kurdistan Democratic Confederation (KCK) Murat Karayilan set conditions to extend the ceasefire that will last on September 20.President of the KCK Murat Karayilan said that the aim of the ceasefire is to pave the way of a bilateral truce between Turkish state and the PKK.
He demanded the release of the 1700 Kurdish politicians and activists still in jail. Karayilan also said that Turkish state must lay out the framework for Kurdish national leader Abdullah Ocalan's active participation to the peace process
Karayilan labeled 10 percent election threshold as a barrier to Kurdish political parties and called Turkish to lower it.
“If all these conditions are met this process can lead to a sustainable peace” Karayilan said.
Karayilan said the declaration of ceasefire is “a chance for peace”.
Karayilan also called the president of Federal Kurdistan Government Massoud Barzani to take role in peace process and welcomed Barzani’s statements after the declaration of ceasefire.
“This process can move forward if Turkish state and AKP government take steps. If they don’t it will end in a stalemate” Karayilan said.
19.08.2010- On 18th of August, 2010, the Chairman of the Executive Council of the KCK, Murat Karayilan, answered questions from the ANF news agency regarding the reports in the German media on the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state.
Karayilan said that the Turkish state army had been using chemical weapons for 16 years now. And, this has again brought to agenda before by a labororatuary in Munich/Germany. He said that Turkey regularly uses chemical weapons in some areas against the guerrillas. This is not something new. The Turkish state army has been using chemical weapons against our guerrilla forces wherever they have got into difficulty against the guerrillas during the clashes since 1994. Even in the spring of 1999, I think it was in May, 20 of our guerrillas under the command of friend Hamza, have been martyred near the village of Bilika/Cudi/Sirnak as a result of the use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state army. After the clashes, our friends found a tube of the chemical that had been used against the guerrillas on the scene where the clashes occurred. This tube was sent to Europe, where I was at that time. So, I personally followed closely on this issue to be analysed in the laboratories. And, we sent it to a lab in Munich, Germany to analyse the contents of the tube. After that, the result of the analysis was that there was a chemical element to effect a certain small area.
So, Germany knows that chemical weapons have been used against the guerrilla forces since that time. What I do not know is why they put this report on the agenda now. And, according to the reports in the press, they even took the case to the German parliament. So, for the last sixteen years there is use of chemical weapons against our guerrillas. Despite the result of the container with the chemical element, no one, including the international forces, either said or did anything about it. Somehow, we could not carry this to the international agenda at the time. Yet, now this has been put onto the agenda in Germany. It has to be followed to see how serious they can be to stay on this case. However, it is a reality that Turkey uses chemical weapons, not everywhere, but wherever they see it is as suitable to use.
18.08.2010- Kurdish organizations in Europe declared support for Peace and Democracy Party's (BDP) decision to boycott constitutional referendum on 12 September. At the same time the organizations declared their support to the proposal of a Democratic Autonomy. The proposal is being debated among various circles both in Turkey and Europe. So far it has been discussed especially by Kurdish associations and groups, but interest in the project has already been declared by various institutions and intellectuals in Europe.
Representatives of 228 Kurdish organizations throughout Europe issued a statement in support of BDP's boycott campaign, in Dusseldorf.
At the same press conference the Kurdish organizations also declared their support for Democratic Autonomy as the only method to find a peaceful solution to the Kurdish Question.
The Kurdish organizations called on the United Nations, United States, Russia and European Union to contribute to the peace process.
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We are in a self defence position, says Karayılan
“We are in a restricted self defence position and have not exercised our full power yet. It is a warning position where we are standing now. If the state launches an incursion on Medya Defence Territories or any other part of Kurdistan then we break the chain and the situation will be completely different.” said head of Kurdistan Democratic Confederation (KCK) Executive Council Murat Karayılan.
Karayılan further underlined that they are still supporting the line living with people of Turkey on an equal and free basis and said “We will continue resisting does not matter if it takes a century. We cannot accept such dishonour; we cannot accept the assimilation policies on the Kurdish people. They will never be able to make us Turk.”
Since 1 June 2010 Kurdish problem entered a new phase. KCK executive committee had declared it by a public release. Following this declaration the clashes in Northern Kurdistan (Turkey) increased and escalated to the Turkish regions such as Mediterranean, Black sea and the Marmara Regions. Turkish army has launched several air attacks on ‘Medya Defence Territories’, a region in northern Iraq controlled by PKK. With the raise in the number of clashes the number casualties has also increased.
All these recent developments brought the Kurdish problem on the top of the agenda, as the most crucial problem of Turkey and whole region. While some are suggesting a military-security solution for the problem some others are suggestion new approach such a holding the problem with its all dimensions. What about KCK? How does KCK see the recent developments and discussions?
ANF interview Murat Karayılan, the head of Kurdistan Democratic Confederation (KCK) Executive Council. Karayılan explained what “Democratic Autonomy Solution” means.
* How do you evaluate the developments after 1 June 2010? What are the characteristics of this new era?
- Our leadership and movement have put great efforts for 18 years to develop a democratic solution for the Kurdish issue. Most recently on 13 April 2009 we declared a ceasefire which was ended on 1 June 2010. However, what we have seen is that AKP government and the Turkish state have no intention to make peace with the Kurdish people. They insist on their assimilation policies on our people and they want the Kurds unconditionally surrender. Our leader Abdullah Ocalan has declared that he is still supporting a democratic solution and he let the initiative to us. The responsibility of this new phase belongs to us. Nobody can blame our leadership for this.
* Mr. Ocalan has said that he can be part of a solution if there are negotiations. For your movement what is the role of your leadership Ocalan? How do you see the discussions about this issue?
- The role of our leadership is clear not only for our movement but also for the Kurdish people. As we have already underlined numberless times he is the leader of a people, he is the leader of the Kurdish people. His role is decisive for us.
He said the 3rd phase is over and he will withdraw until he is recognised as an interlocutor and negotiations start. He did it in the face of denial and destruction policies of AKP and the Turkish state.
We are a movement. We have a council, executive board and administration. We have been discussing for the last 6- 7 months how we can develop our own solution. Therefore, we decided to start a new phase. It was a necessity for us. If the state does not want to find a solution by negotiating with you then you have to find your own solution with your own dynamics. That is what we are doing now. Because the state does not want to solve the Kurdish problem but destroy the Kurdish people. This is a danger for our people. AKP has rejected all our reasonable proposals. This means I do not want to make peace with you but destroy you. This is the danger.
We consider the phase as “protecting our existence as a nation and building a free life”. We are developing a solution and are ready to welcome the state if they want to be a part of the solution. If not, we will make it with our own dynamics.
* There are some calls from NGO’s and some business unions for a cease fire and stopping the military operations. How do you see these calls? Is a ceasefire possible in this phase? If yes, depending on what?
- First of all I should say that following the call from the NGO’s in Diyarbakir in which they asked for a cease fire from us and stopping the military operations from the state the Turkish media disseminated false, fabricated news. This is a big lie. We respect all the calls from the NGO’s both based in and out of Diyarbakir. They are coherent and balanced. However, making calls itself does not suffice. A greater effort is needed. The framework proposed by the NGO’s is acceptable. If the state agrees on it too then we can start negotiations.
On one hand the Turkish PM is calling NATO and waiting USA on hand and foot. Despite all the tension with Israel, he is still sending delegations to Israel to buy Herons. Same with Syria and Iran. In order to destroy us they are holding security meetings one after another. One the other hand they are calling for a unilateral ceasefire. It does not make any sense. It is not acceptable. We have the power to resist the Turkish state, to stand on our own feet. All should be aware of this fact.
We are at a restricted self defence position. That means we have not exercised our full power yet. Because we are still of view of living together with Turkey and we are struggling for it. However, if the state as a result of these security meetings launches an incursion on Medya Defence Territories or any other part of Kurdistan then we break the chain and the situation will be completely different. We are following a well planned and organised self defence strategy. We gained experience during these years fighting in the mountains. We are limiting ourselves. It should not be thought that we are using all of our power. No. This is not our full power. Nobody should wrong calculation. We are at a warning position. But if they insist on deadlock, if they insist on denial and destruction then the Kurdish people have right to head other options. We have the power to resist. The palavers from the politicians saying that they finished the PKK in 1999 are their false theories. That time, upon the request from our leadership we withdrew out of borders. It was a way of showing good faith. The Turkish state should not be deceived and think that it was something that they managed themselves.
Karayılan has also stated that democratic autonomy means democratisation of Turkey however; AKP government and the opposition party CHP are digging more frontiers to harden the war.
* What is Democratic Autonomy and when are you planning to declare it?
- Democratic Autonomy means respecting and promoting different cultures rather than subjecting them to assimilation and genocide policies. It is recognising the right to autonomy of different cultures living within the country. It does not mean secession or establishing a new state but enjoyment of full rights. Autonomy was promised to the Kurds by Mustafa Kemal who failed to keep his promise.
It is common system in the world. If the state does not accept it then the Kurdish people will realize it in their lives. And if the state tries to stop it then we have to tackle it in out way. Democratic Autonomy is the only possible solution for the Kurdish problem.
* How will you realise it?
- Democratic Confederalism is an alternative system to 5 thousand year-old state tradition. It is the unity of people living together without existence of a state.
If the state does not accept it then it will create danger for itself. We will realize it with our own dynamics. The Kurdish people are willing and capable of this. Hope the state act rationally. It will lead a permanent solution. Such a solution will bring an end to the war, deaths.
It is the time to see the realities. Otherwise Turkey will find itself in the middle of a chaos. They should stop using outdated arguments like “mother tongue will destroy the country”. Look at the world. Countries where different mother tongues are taught at school still exist. They are destroyed.
AKP is not sincere in the solution and using the opposition parties like CHP and MHP as an excuse not to take necessary step on the way to solution.
* And if the Turkish state does not accept it?
As I said Kurdish people are willing and capable of it. It is not only us declaring the autonomy but the Kurdish people. Political parties like BDP, NGO’s will all work together to realise this goal.
And if the state does not accept and allies with neighboring countries or international capital then the Kurds ally with the mountains of Kurdistan.
* This is an edited and shortened version of the original interview published today in Turkish – BAKI GÜL -ANF / KANDIL
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Tayyip Erdogan and his party’s mask has fallen as the historical and social crimes under the name of ‘opening’ committed by the Turkish state and AKP government have been exposed. In the past last week, they have met in sequence in order to be able to break the resistance of our people, leave them with no will power and to have them surrender. In these meetings they have decided on the continuation of an all out war. When AKP’s and Tayyip Erdoğan’s plans could not be realized and their masks fell they turned into the Tansu Çiller of the 1990’s. The recent security summits and National Security Council meetings have confirmed this clearly.
The fact that two villages in Hasankeyf have just been burnt down, reminded us of the Tansu Çiller’s period, murder of civillian people, victimization of poor peasents and the start to murder village guards who refuse to participate in military operations leave no doubt that the AKP government has began an all out war against our people’s freedom struggle.
Our one-sided quest for a resolution of the Kurdish question for the past 18 years, including efforts for dialogue and political means, have not been met. Instead, the Turkish state and AKP have insisted on policies of elimination and have continued with their policy of denial and annihilation. Despite all our efforts of good will, we had declared on 1 June 2010, that the unilateral ceasefire declared by the Kurdish freedom movement had become meaningless. From that date onwards, we entered the period of legitimate active defence in a controlled manner. The legitimate defence period is a manner of controlled defence based on the legitimate defence line. All the public should know that the struggle waged by us against the ruthless attacks of the Turkish state is nothing but a controlled resistance and the struggle to defend its freedom. In the case that the AKP government opts to implement its all out war decision the path before an uncontrolled warfare shall be paved. This is not our preference, but AKP’s push for such a period shall leave Turkey to face a great disaster. This is why AKP government should abandon implementations that include burning of villages as well as attacks that result in the death of civillian people and all the other implementations of an all out warfare.
The village guards, who take their place within the village guard system are the social and national wound that bleed in Kurdistan. They should immediately abandon such a position and should not take their place in this all out war planned by the Turkish state. Our movement does not target the village guards. The movement shall continue to abide with this stance of its. The AKP government and the Turkish state are totally responsible for the loss of lives of the villages guards in various places. All the village guards should be aware and know that the Turkish army is responsible for the present attacks on them. This is because the Turkish state has the aim of turning this warfare into a war between Kurds. Hence, the village guards are killed in various manners and the blame is put on our movement so that the conflict between Kurds is fueled. All patriotic Kurdish circles and village guards should be aware and not be deceived.
In the aftermath of exposing AKP government’s policies and the consequent development of tensions, once again, the Kurdish question and its resolution have come to be widely discussed. Tayyip Erdoğan sees the reasonable and realistic proposals for a resolution made by TÜSİAD and similar cirlces as well as some honest democratic intellectual circles to be nothing but ‘nonsense’. But, on the other hand he appraises those who call on our movement to call a unilateral ceasefire or lay down weapons. Hence, once again they have a policy to eliminate our movement and to both tear and silence our society apart.
At present, it is not realistic to expect our movement to call a unilateral ceasefire. A ceasefire can not just be declared as it is. There needs to be an environment of mutual trust created as well as concrete confidence raising steps. Therefore, when there is such a comprehensive attacks against our people and our movement as well as a decision for an all out war, the timing of such a call is neither appropriate nor realistic. There are no other decisions, but the decision for an all out war taken at the meetings realized by the state and the last meeting of the National Security Council meeting. It is quite sad that an all out war decision and the burning of villages as well as the military operations have not been questioned, but instead the actions of the guerrillas are shown to be the obstacle before a resolution. But, it is not these defensive actions that are an obstacle before a solution. It is the policies of the AKP government that have developed the state of stalemate to be its policy as well as the elimination of the freedom movement and not abandoning efforts to break the will power of our people. It is clear that the main reason for the present clashes is the AKP government and Turkish state that have arrested 1600 Kurdish politicians who have not had any illegal acitivies in order to leave our people with no will power on the basis of a political genocide.
It is now clear that for the past 18 years the unilateral ceasefires declared by our Leader and our movement have not produced the desired resolution. Therefore, it is clear that the question can not be resolved on the basis of unilateral ceasefires. It must be properly evaluated why we have had to resort to the usage of our legitimate defence right especially in the face of political and military operations that wishes to eliminate our movement and deepen the stalemate. It is not us that does not fulfill the requirements of the ceasefire, but the state and government. Therefore, it is the Turkish state and AKP government that should be convinced and called on. It shall only encourage the Turkish state and AKP government in their attacks if the position and acts of the Turkish state and AKP government are not evaluated and we are asked to lay down our weapons unilaterally and unconditionally. Such an approach shall not bring about a resolution but shall deepen the stalemate.
We call on all the circles who are pro-peace and pro-resolution to investigate why the last unilateral ceasefire that began on 13 April 2010 collapsed. If the implementations of the Turkish state, AKP government and us the Kurdish side is investigated and reported then one would be able to pin point who exactly that is against a resolution. We call on all the NGOs in Kurdistan and Turkey, especially those in Amed, to initiate such a research. Such an undertaking shall expose the truth and shall clarify how a permanent democratic resolution can be achieved. Tayyip Erdoğan is well aware of such a reality as he is trying very hard to guide such platforms, including the ones in Amed, to artificial agendas far from any solutions.
The problem is not for the PKK to declare yet, another unilateral ceasefire. This has been done so many times in the past. What is really important is that the other side too honors the requirements of a ceasefire and to take parallel steps. It is well known that neither our Leader, movement, nor people have found an addressee for steps taken and calls made to achieve a peaceful resolution. Despite this reality to yet again call for a unilateral ceasefire is nothing but to advice us to surrender to a merciless dominant power. It is hoped that pro-human rights and peace-loving circles shall not act in such a manner.
We would like all those concerned to know that both the guerrilla and soldier losses are due to the domineering and colonialist Turkish State’s desire to keep Kurdish people at a slave status as well its insistance on warfare
There is a need for seriousness in order to resolve the Kurdish question. This question is a continuation of how the Kurdish people were killed all throughout the history of the Republic and where her identity, culture and language have still not been guaranteed by the constitution and where the graves of those executed can still not be found.
Our people should own up to its rightful claim of freedom much more in unity and in an organized manner. Hence the national democratic resistance should be elevated in such a way that the necessary response is given to all the domineering approaches.
All the patriotic democratic institutions and establishments as well as NGOs from Kurdistan should be in solidarity with the freedom claim of our people and should be careful not to adopt a stance that shall damage it and should not encourage the colonialist and domineering powers. No matter what their axis of thought is we call on patriotic political organizations and NGOs to be highly sensitive when it comes to this and to reinforce our unity and solidarity and adopt a political stance to force the Turkish state and AKP government to a resolution.
Presidency of the KCK Executive Council
27 June 2010
(Translated by KCK-Info)
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The resolution should be a matter of discussion, not the prevention of operations. KCK Executive Committee Deputy Chair Cemal Bayik spoke to Firat News Agency with regards to the policies that are preventing a resolution. He stated that although the issue has been discussed after the Semzinan operation, the discussion was carried out in the same mentality.
Bayik, asking all to seek a genuine answer to the question why the resistance is continuing without self deception, said that “everybody should know that the resistance of the Kurdish people will continue until the question is resolved. Nobody should underestimate the PKK’s experience of resistance”.
Bayik also emphasised that it will be difficult to formulate accurate policies as long as the issue is judged to be one of terrorism.
Bayik, explaining that annihilating a just struggle through efforts based on psychological war is an unscientific view, continued to say that “It should firstly be emphasised that it is impossible to prevent the operational capacity of the guerrilla. As long as Kurdish people demand freedom, the political and operational power of our movement will continue to exist. It is impossible to create a context in which the guerrilla cannot continue with its operations. Most probably, the capacity of intelligence and technology is not beyond that of the USA. It is known that the USA resorts to political and other methods instead of the military means when it encounters problems. The just cause of the Kurdish Liberation Struggle cannot be suppressed through psychological war”.
Nobody should underestimate PKK’s experience of resistance
Bayik explained that, according to recent discussions, Turkey is not drawing the lessons from the past. He said that “Everybody should know that the Kurdish people will continue to struggle as long as the question is not resolved. Nobody should underestimate the PKK’s political experience, and the multi-dimensional experience of resistance. It is a movement that knows how to continue to exist and struggle under great difficulties and discomfort. Nobody should delude themselves when trying to answer why the PKK cannot be destroyed and why resistance is continuing. It is impossible to bring an end to resistance as long as Kurdish question is not resolved. The reason for the Turkish state to deal with Leader Apo and the PKK is to incapacitate this will.
Cemil Bayik also replied to the defamation that the PKK is a subcontracting organisation. He characterised the statements of Erdogan, Turkish Prime Minister, as “amoral”. He continued to say that “the prime minister is deceiving the people of Turkey, instead of accepting that he carried out a failed annihilation policy. The real subcontractor is Turkey that frequents the USA and Israel. This approach is the expression of failure in resolution”.
Bayik gave various examples as to the subcontractor position of Turkey: Is it not this state and government, which are marketing them by mentioning their strategic importance everyday? Is it also not them who frequent the USA and Israel lobbies everyday instead of solving the Kurdish question with their own citizens? Is it also not them who fight against Kurdish Liberation Movement with technology borrowed from USA and Israel? Accusing the PKK of subcontracting in order to cover these realities is grossly amoral. The society is being deceived. There is no other power that fights as independently as the PKK. Everybody knows that its independent will is based on its society. One of those who know this best is MIT (National Intelligence Organisation).
Cemil Bayik also drew attention to the fact that the Turkish state is also sending messages to external powers through such statements. “The Turkish state wants everybody to support it and adopt its policies. It wants everybody to fight against Kurdish Liberation Movement for Turkey. It wants others to do what it has failed in. In fact, it is getting support. However, its war and policies are so unjust and ugly that other powers cannot openly be a party to this policy and war”.
Bayik also replied Turkish President Abdullah Gul’s statements. “On the other hand, Abdullah Gul says that our resistance against the system of denial and annihilation is a danger to the international and regional situation due to which they are conducting these operations in a hurry. Now we understand better what Gul meant when he said that good things will happen. He meant that the international and regional conditions are suitable for our annihilation as a result of which he said that good things will happen. It has also become clear that the policy named the democratic initiative was a disguise for the annihilation policy. When we said that there is an annihilation policy, the circles close to the AKP insisted that there is no such thing in order to distract the Kurdish Liberation Movement. This is what the president has now openly accepted”.
May God protect everybody against the democratic initiative of the AKP
Cemil Bayik characterised AKP’s discourse on democratic initiative as a method of psychological warfare. He explained that insisting that there is a democratic initiative while following a policy of political massacre means to insult the reason of the society. He also explained that the intensification of conflicts is due to lack of a genuine initiative.
“Turkey has again been drawn into a violent conflict as the AKP has not conducted a democratic initiative and deceived society. This situation has occurred because of the lack of a democratic initiative. The AKP has degenerated and exhausted the democratic initiative. Had there been a real initiative neither the MHP nor any other power could talk against it. The AKP carried out a psychological war under the cover of the initiative, turning it into a tactic to win the election. As a result, it has betrayed the people of Turkey by causing the conflicts. This reality, in relation to the AKP, has to be well understood in order to prevent any further deceptions of the society”.
Explaining that no democratic initiative can be worth anything from a government that did not accept education in the mother tongue, has taken politicians as hostages and imprisoned them, and arrested the peace delegates who were sent on the request of Mr Ocalan 9 months later, drew attention to following issues: “It is a sheer hypocrisy that the president still talks about democratic initiative. Even many of the people who supported him accepted that the initiative turned out to be hollow. What have you done in the last one and a half years to talk about a democratic initiative? This is the stage to which the prime minister drew Turkey while talking about democratic initiative. May God protect everybody against such initiatives of the AKP”.
Kurdish İnfo
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The Kurdish question, which has not yet been resolved as the most fundamental historical-social issues in the Middle East, plays a role that can cause important developments to determine the fate of the whole region. The resolution to Kurdish question will be an historical turning point in terms of the fraternity of peoples as well as the development of freedom and democracy. On the other hand, lack of a just resolution to the question will cause reaction, pressure and violence to be institutionalised in the region as well as strengthening of the status quo.
Our Movement, which leads our people to freedom and the democratisation process in the Middle East, has moved this question to the stage of resolution as a result of 37 years of struggle led by Leader Apo. However, the resolution has not taken place due to the policies based on massacre, denial and annihilation used against our people by Turkish state based on Lausanne Agreement, but has currently deteriorated.
Our people went through a process of resurrection led by PKK between 1984-93 through resistance based on armed struggle against the inhuman practices in Kurdistan and against the annihilation of Kurdish people. Leader APO has started a new process in March 1993 by deciding upon a unilateral ceasefire necessitated by his sense of responsibility for the mutual future and freedom of peoples, and in order to initiate the peaceful-democratic process against the policies of violence, war and lack of resolution.
The purpose of Kurdistan Liberation Movement has been to resolve the question through dialogue with the relevant authorities. In the last 18 years since the first ceasefire, our movement has declared six (6) unilateral ceasefires for the development of peaceful and democratic resolution. Upon leader APO’s call, which aimed at the creation of adequate terrain for a permanent resolution, armed struggle has been brought to an end in 1999 and guerrilla forces have been withdrawn beyond the borders of Turkey. This decision has not been changed during the withdrawal process despite the fact that three hundred (300) people have fallen martyrs as a result of the opportunist and malevolent policies of Turkish state.
During the 18 years of search for peaceful resolution, our Leader and Movement have made innumerable declarations and proposed resolution projects. The Kurdish Leader has sent letters to Turkish Republic with this purpose at different stages. Our leader has developed completely rational proposals, which have been communicated to the Turkish state for resolution and shared with the public opinion within the existing frameworks while also taking into consideration the sensitivity of Turkish people.
Nevertheless, all the steps taken by our Leader and Movement on the purpose of a peaceful and democratic resolution have been evaluated by Turkish state as a weakness and tried to be used as a basis for annihilation. For this reason, the process of dialogue and resolution have not developed, as a result of which comprehensive concepts of annihilation have been developed. In the face of all this, a resistance process has been developed on June 1st 2004 in accordance with the UN agreements for the purpose of self-defence, and defending our identity and values. This process has been carried out as a controlled active defence within the framework of completely legitimate right to self-defence.
During this period, Kurdish people and our Movement that came together around our leader against internal treason and annihilation have attained many accomplishments through defence practices and movement of uprisings. The meaningful attitude developed by Leader Apo at Imrali despite assaults that involved poisoning, physical torture and being thrown into a death pit, the social resistance carried out by our people through great sacrifices as well as the successful military performance demonstrated by the guerrilla on the basis of the strategy of legitimate defence managed to pre-empt the international plot and once more proved the invincibility of our liberation movement. The level of success attained by our peoples’ defence powers in February 2008 during the ZAP resistance, has become a striking example of the fact that the violence policies of Turkish state cannot succeed. Moreover, our people have attained a political triumph during the 29 March 2009 local elections that progressed as a referendum, despite all the efforts of AKP government and Turkish state.
Our movement, taking all these developments into consideration, has reached the conclusion that it is time to resolve the Kurdish question through peaceful and political methods instead of violence and military methods. This is the basis on which it has been decided to declare unilateral inactivity on 13 April 2009. Leader Apo has prepared and offered a 160 page long road map to the state in order to transform the process into a permanent peace. However, the resolution project prepared by our Leader has been confiscated and not been explained to the public opinion. Despite this, our sincerity has once more been proven through the peace groups, who have been sent from Maxmur and Kandil for the development of peace and context of trust.
Turkish state and AKP government, whose real intention has emerged as a result of all these concrete steps taken by our movement, have strengthened their annihilation policies through different tactics instead of the resolution. In order to pre-empt our move that has been taken in the name of peace, AKP government has introduced a new “democratic process”, which served as a guise of their annihilation policy, by creating a change in the their classical state policy. It has been well understood that the essence of this plan was to restore the denial-annihilation policy in accordance with the new conditions and pre-empt the resolution process that we have developed and continue to annihilate.
Moreover, military operations have not ceased during this year long process during which more than a hundred of our guerrillas have been martyred while the soldiers had casualties as well. AKP government, failing in digesting the newly appeared social will of our people, has initiated a series of new operations akin to massacres on 14 April 2009 against the legal and legitimate leaders of Kurdish people. More than 1500 politicians, human rights advocates, writers, artisans and leaders of civil society organisations have been arrested. Also as part of a practice that does not exist anywhere else around the world, around four thousand (4000) children have been taken to court, four hundred (400) of which are being kept in dungeons as an implementation aimed at breaking the personalities of Kurdish children. In fact, AKP government managed to render permanent the covert system of martial law in Kurdistan through the anti-terror law it has enacted, and subjected every individual from Kurdistan, who defended their identity, to legal proceedings. As well as the bans received by the institutions of Kurdish press, journalists have received inconceivably heavy terms of prosecutions. While extrajudicial killings have started to re-emerge, the massacre of Kurdish children and youth are also continuing.
Turkish state wants to annihilate the essence of Kurdish people, and destroy their honour in order to break their resistance. On this purpose, as well as condemning our people to hunger, special war methods are becoming much more prevalent such as assault and rape, prostitution, and drugs that specifically target Kurdish women. All these clearly prove what sort of insidious war the AKP government is waging.
On the other hand, AKP government has placed the isolation and terrorisation of our movement at the international level as the centre of its foreign policy. It is doing everything within its power to break the will of Kurdish people by marketing the geo-strategic position of Turkey that is a part of the regional equation while, on the one hand, forming a mutual concept with the Co-ordination of “Triad” that involves USA and Iraq, and, on the other, endeavouring to form a triple anti-Kurdish alliance with Iran and Syria.
The most recent incident that revealed the mentality of AKP in terms of Kurdish question is the package of constitutional change. The fact that none of the articles of 12th September constitution, which deem the denial and annihilation of Kurdish people proper, have been changed, demonstrated the real face of the government in terms of Kurdish politics. Turkish state and AKP government, which thereby formed their home and foreign concepts, have expanded their operations in Northern Kurdistan by spring, and are placing a great importance on developing relationships with the powers in the South, which had previously been regarded as a red line, on the purpose of enabling themselves to carry out operations in Southern Kurdistan as well. As well as carrying out political and diplomatic activities, it is also in the process of preparation for a comprehensive war that also targets Southern Kurdistan. While the Media Defence Areas are being bombarded almost every day, most recently, an air assault has occurred in Xakurke and Xinere on May 20th that lasted 7 hours. 4 of our guerrillas have fallen martyrs during this assault, while 5 guerrillas have been wounded.
AKP government and Turkish state have continued with their policy of political, social and cultural annihilation, while our movement continuously struggled for peace and democratic resolution and while our democratic circles staged demonstrations in the streets every day for the purpose of peace. Despite this, our movement has remained loyal to its ceasefire declared on 13 April 2009. Our movement has maintained its ceasefire position until a week ago apart from the occasional activities carried out by local powers on their own initiative and the uncontrolled skirmishes.
During this period, AKP government has not taken any convincing and serious steps in terms of resolution. It has demonstrated tactical approaches and a hypocritical policy that involves influencing the Kurdish people to disintegrate their unity and weakening our movement. It has been understood upon the attitudes and signals given through different channels that instead of engaging in a dialogue with various institutions, they insist on diversionary tactics.
On the other hand, our leader has frequently warned against such deceptive and diversionary tactics, and invited the state authorities to negotiate. However, AKP government has insulted by refusing to address anybody, making even the most strategic phenomenon casual and simple, and evaluating everything in accordance with the interests of its own power and position. AKP government, which is apparently capable of doing everything for the sake of power, is chiefly responsible for the bloodshed and darkening the democratic future of the peoples of Turkey. With this attitude, it has sabotaged and destroyed the terrain of peace and dialogue, which rendered meaninglessness and pre-empted the process of our unilateral inaction. It is not our movement, but the AKP government that is responsible for ending the 13 months of ceasefire.
Almost screaming, leader Apo has once more repeated his call for democratic and honourable resolution, and, as he received no response, declared to our people and public opinion that he ended his endeavours to negotiate as of May 31st. We would also like to emphasise that everybody should know that AKP government, which does not give up violence, is responsible for the war that will cause huge massacres, pain and tragedies.
As the movement, we understand and respect leader Apo’s decision to withdraw. We believe that our people and friends will also attribute a great meaning to his decision. The management of our movement will certainly be directly responsible for the next process of the struggle. In this sense, upon comprehensive evaluation, our movement have taken a decision and made a plan to protect our people and ensure their freedom together with our Leader. At this new stage, the struggle and resistance to protect our national existence in accordance with legitimate defence and construct our lives in liberty will take place with great determination.
Efficiently using our right to self-defence to protect our existence as a movement and people in the face of developing assaults is now an inviolable duty and historical responsibility. All patriotic institutions are face to face with the duty of defending their existence and raising the struggle to construct a life in freedom by taking their positions in defence and resistance.
The future of the people of Kurdistan is subject to great danger and threat. This danger is in question for all parts of Kurdistan as well as Northern Kurdistan. In this sense, the factors that will determine the existence and free future of our people are national unity, perspective of true resolution, and organised resistance based on the essence of its power. This period, that we characterise as the fourth, as well as being a strategic one, is also a process in which our people will establish their own democratic system and declare their democratic autonomy. Our struggle, which envisages a resolution on the basis of gender equality as well as a system of ecological, Democratic Confederation, will proceed in a tactical spirit in all areas and develop a resolution in accordance with democratic autonomy. Provided that the dominant system recognises the free will of our people, we will always be open to dialogue for resolution upon the formula of “state + democracy”. However, no diversionary tactics or a different annihilation tactics will be provided with an opening.
Despite the fact that the process of resistance, which started with June 1st 2004 move of which the 6th anniversary is approaching, and which developed through the heroic legends of our martyrs, resulted in important political developments, it has not been sufficient in terms of realising a deep-rooted democratic resolution. For this reason, the struggle of this new period should be able to capture a level of performance that reveals the will to formulate a resolution, instead of a repetition of the past. The system of defence that will be developed in all the areas of struggle; ideological, political, social, cultural and military areas must be absolutely realise a resolution by raising the intensity of struggle.
The regional status-quo of which the longevity is subject to endeavours for extension does not only threaten Turkey and Kurdistan, but also cause the Middle East to be open to many dangers. Most recently, the massacre that took place in the ship, which carried aid, as a result of the Israeli assault, indicates what kind of dangers can be caused by violence based policies. In order to make its influence in the region more effective, AKP government acts in alliance with Israel while also making an effort to resolve the Palestinian issue, which is a double standard and hypocritical policy. Apparently, this is also an act that will achieve nothing but intensify the problems.
We call upon all the international powers that prefer peace and stability in the region to stop providing support to violent policies, which also disregard the Kurdish issue for the sake of their own political and economic interests and instead support the democratic and peaceful policies that based on dialogue to formulate resolutions to all the problems that relate to all the peoples in the region including the issues in Kurdistan and Palestine.
The workers intellectuals, democrats and revolutionaries in Turkey should raise their voices against the policies based on annihilation and denial, which are aiming at weakening and gradually annihilating the opportunity of our peoples to co-exist. For this reason, we call upon everybody to own their responsibilities for a struggle which is more important than ever.
The liberation issue of Kurdish people is the liberation and democracy issue of the region. The system that is imposed on our people is based on annihilation – denial and slavery. As a people, it is impossible for us to accept this. The alliances formed against the purpose of liberation of our people have reached a dangerous level. As a result, our people, livings in all parts of Kurdistan and abroad as well as the political powers have to come together on the basis of national unity in order to target the elimination of this dangerous situation. Under the current circumstances, although there is a danger of annihilation in question, the conditions that exist for its elimination and liberation are also strong. The struggle for liberation that depends on the attainments in all four parts is strong enough and has the opportunity to realise the dream of hundreds of years through the accumulated experience. In this sense, the period that we are in is the expression of an historical turning point. The success of Kurdish Liberation Movement will mean the fraternity of all the peoples in the region including the Turkish, Persian and Arabic peoples, as well as the democratisation of the region.
In this sense, we call upon all the pro-liberation powers and patriotic peoples of Kurdistan, and democratic and patriotic institutions to resist the fascistic system imposed by the status-quo in the region for the creation of a free and democratic future in the Middle East.
The Executive Council of the KCK
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A member of the Executuve Council of the KCK, Duran Kalkan, have said, "Until now, we have had give a struggle in every field of political, military and ideological areas in order find a solution only through ' a political dialogue'. This was our only goal and now this is changing. Now, we, ourselves will build our own democracy by organize and develop a democratic society in relevancy to develop our own solution with our own self-power."
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