If certain circles are in favour of a Syria in which no single force is dominant, then the position of the Kurds is pivotal
Erdogan recently visited the USA and it seems as if a comprehensive discussion was undertaken. This is at best, rare. The primary agenda was Syria. Within this framework the Kurdish question was a subheading. To be more precise these headings were discussed one within another.
The results of Erdogan’s visit to the USA have acknowledged the fact that the stance of the PKK and the Kurds of Western Kurdistan during this Syrian crisis has been the most accurate. It seems as if the USA, Russia, China and the West as a whole have brought themselves to a similar point. The Kurds have established themselves as a third way in Syria. They did not side with either the current regime or an opposition completely lacking in democratic and liberationist characteristics. Both sides were deemed insufficient. Consequently, they are proving in practice that a third way is possible. In fact, they are extending their claim that without an alternative to these ‘sides’ the crisis in Syria cannot be overcome. Currently the USA, Europe, Russia and China are in the search for a third way.
Bashar Esad will leave Syria and the Baas regime will cease to exist, but a Syria in which political Islam will be sovereign will not be acceptable. There will not be a single hegemony. It seems as if a democratic Syria in which all forces will coexist is inevitable. Political Islamists will not be side-lined as they were by the Baas regime, but they will also not be the primary power holders. A democratic reconciliation that will enable the coexistence of all ethnic, religious and social sections of the community will materialise. In this system the Kurds, Alevis and all other ethnic and religious communities will be able to express themselves and organise their societal affairs. Sunni Islam will also be able to express itself freely without the need for the establishment of its own hegemony.
This reality will make minorities like the Kurds and the Alevis a fundamental basis of democratisation in Syria. The Kurds have already proven this. The Alevis will eventually see that their one time hegemonic status will no longer persist and therefore it will be in their interest to strengthen the democratic mind-set. The Alevis can no longer insist on supporting an authoritarian rule. From now on any such insistence will endanger the ability of the Alevis to participate in the free and democratic future of Syria. Therefore, their very situation demands of them to be a force for democratic change. A Syria in which political Islam is not the hegemonic power is something that the Alevis can support. This option will also be strongly advocated by the Armenians, Assyrians, Yezidis, not to mention Women’s organisations and leftist democrats.
The USA, the EU and Russia will have to settle for a truly democratic Syria. Erdogan’s visit to the USA has shown this. The message to Turkey has been to not make itself an obstacle in front of this type of development. From now on, Turkey will stop supporting the efforts of radical Islamists. The message to the other more political Islamists that Turkey is in relationship with will be somewhat different: “consolidate your political existence and we will consolidate your positions in the newly formed Syria”. Turkey has been made to accept and adopt this new policy.
This policy does not completely fall in line with the Kurdish project; there are important differences. These forces will obviously be wanting to place their own collaborators within the system. However, the Kurds will be party to the third way solution in Syria. The Kurds will have their status and freedom accepted. In a democratised Syria their current gains will be protected; because for a Syria that wants to adopt the third way, this is imperative. If certain circles are in favour of a Syria in which no single force is dominant, then the position of the Kurds is pivotal. The moderate seeming opposition in Syria are in essence nationalists, hence its conservatism in regards to Kurdish rights. However, even they are in no position to reject the rights and freedoms of the Kurdish people. This is because the rejection of the rights of the Kurdish people is only possible in an authoritarian hegemony; the circumstances in the region, however, no longer allow for any such hegemony.
Esad, it seems, is on his way out, but the structure of the state is not about to be completely changed. The Baas party will continue to exist and Arab nationalism will also make itself felt. This Baas party however, will base itself on Sunni Arabs. The position of the Alevi Arabs necessitates that they steer clear of nationalism and the alienation of other communities. The political preferences of the Alevis will change in parallel with the formation of ‘new Syria’. The Alevis and the Kurds must be seen as the guarantors of a democratic Syria. The comprehension of this fact by international powers is a positive development. The current impasse has forced them to this. Turkey, after realising that the AKP’s policies were ineffective, has had to reluctantly approve of this new policy.
Erdogan’s statement that ‘we will oppose terrorism’ is meaningful. By this he does not mean the PYD, as he used to. Although in the meetings with the USA ‘the threat from PYD’ was mentioned, the organisation taht is seen as terrorist in Syria is the El-Nusra front, in other words, Al-Qaeda. The USA, the EU, Russia and China will take note of the opposition forces, but they will also move to isolate those that they have deemed as terrorist. Once this new project has matured and starts being deployed, those that stand in its way will also be done away with. Anyone wishing to prolong the conflict and sustain instability will also be eradicated. Any force that is not interested in becoming the new hegemonic force in Syria, but is hoping to take part in a democratic Syria will be able to do so. However, the new constitution will stand in the way of anyone fostering ambitions of being the new dictators of Syria.
These new circumstances will bring problems for Turkey and those organisations that it previously had ties with. Turkey, who has secret relations with Al-Qaeda in Iraq and supported this front in Syria, is now faced with an important decision; just as it has previously cut off strong ties it once had with Iran and the current Syrian regime, it must now do the same with organisations like Al-Qaeda. In short, Turkey’s previous approach of trying to please everyone has come to an abrupt end. Turkey is once again reorienting itself in-line with the Western camp that it has always been a part of. No longer will it make any incongruous outbursts. Saying this, if Turkey is successful in solving its Kurdish question and remains in pursuance of its own process of democratisation, than this will no doubt widen its area of manoeuvrability in the International arena. In the 21st century, the only way this external area of manoeuvrability can expand is through internal democratisation. It is extremely clear that from now on without extensive democratisation or without the formation of a democratic society, no force can adopt anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist policies. In Turkey this road passes through the solution of the Kurdish and Alevi questions and the question of radical democratisation.
It seems that one of the central outcomes of the AKP’s visit to the USA was an agreement on a Syrian project in which there is no place for a political Islamist hegemony. If the AKP, however, rather than pursuing hegemonic aspirations decides to insist on a democratised Turkey, it will firstly strengthen its own political foothold, and secondly, it will expand its scope of manoeuvrability in the face of international pressure.
Capitalist modernity has been forced to apply for a third way in Syria. Turkey has been brought to a stage where it too must solve its Kurdish question and also transform Turkey into a fully democratic country in which no community is hegemonic. The PKK leader saw an opportunity for exactly this and this is why he initiated the process of democratic solution. If this process is capped with success then it will not only be Turkey that is democratised, but the process itself will be a model for the solution of all problems encompassing the region. If Turkey really does want to be an effective force in the region, than it really must do so within the framework of democratic transformation. Only if Turkey becomes a beacon of democratic transformation can it have a positive impact on the developments in Syria. Contrary developments, however, will drag Turkey back to its previously ineffective role. Consequently, Turkey will only be a thorn in the side of all neighbouring countries; that which neighbouring countries will only want to neutralise.
Our sincere hope is that Turkey chooses to become a beacon of democracy and freedom as opposed to anything else.
Mustafa KARASU
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President of Kurdish Democratic Confederation (KCK) Murat Karayilan said they extended the unilateral ceasefire against Turkey after receiving a letter from Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan.
Karayilan said it was only possible to extend the ceasefire if Ocalan's power was brought into the process. And as soon as the leadership of the Kurdistan Worker's Party received the 5 page letter they decided to declare a ceasefire until the general elections in June 2011.
"Our leader Ocalan saw the positive attitude of the state or the negotiating team for a solution (for the Kurdish Question)(...) and sent us a letter which calls for extension of unilateral ceasefire" Karayılan said.
He also said that the five conditions should be met by the Turkish state for a peaceful solution to the Kurdish Question.
PKK demanded demanded to stop military and political operations and to release Kurdish politicians who are unjustly detained. The organization also requested to enable imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan's active participation in the process.
According to the Kurdish Muovument, the dialogues should go beyond negotiation. In order to advance the process, the organization suggested establishing an investigative commission into the constitution and to remove the second-to-none election threshold of 10 percent.
Karayilan said that these demands are just and could be met by the Turkish government in the current political climate.
Karayilan said they also have alternative plans if Turkish government fail to satisfy Kurds and met Kurdish demands.
He said firstly Turkey has to accept the unjust policies which are implemented against Kurdish minority since the creation of Turkish Republic.
"They have to tell Turkish people the reality. They have to tell about the atrocities against the Kurdish people" he said.
"They are calling our leader 'head of the seperatists'. Is this real? Do we want to be seperated from Turkey? No! Since 18 years we are struggling for cultural and identity rights of Kurdish people. (...) We want to solve the Kurdish Question by dialogue."
He called the Turkish government to seize the opportunity for peace and not underestimate the power of the PKK and Kurdish people. Karayilan said they have information about the level of negotiations with Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan and they will have a meeting to discuss about the negotiation points in two months with fellow PKK commanders.
He also added that Turkey did not respond the previous ceasefires declared by the KCK. Karayilan also accused Turkish media for providing false information about the PKK and Kurdish Question.
We are not withdrawing from North Kurdistan
President of Kurdish Democratic Confederation (KCK) Murat Karayilan says its impossible for the guerilla forces withdraw from North Kurdistan.
Turkish press is speculating that PKK accepted Turkey's demand to withdraw its guerilla forces to South Kurdistan (Iraq territories) for some time.
HPG guerillas were withdrawn from North Kurdistan in 1999 after Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan called for a permanent ceasefire. Turkish army continued its operations against the withdrawing guerilla forces.
More than 200 guerillas were killed between 1 August 1999 and 1 August 2000 in Turkish military operations.
Karayilan ruled out any possibilities that will lead to a guerilla withdrawal from North Kurdistan.
'If there is a possibilitly for peace then our guerillas in Dersim will join this process. But they will stay where they are' he said.
Karayilan rejected the calls from Turkish side and said no military withdrawal will help solution of the Kurdish Question.
Karayilan also rejected claims that Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) has connections with the PKK or KCK. He said that TAK is a seperate organization which was formed about 7 years ago and noone can show PKK or KCK responsible for TAK's actions.
A TAK member carried out a bomb attack against a bus full of Turkish police in Istabul's famous Taksim Square. Thirty-two were killed in the attack while the attacker was killed by the explosion. ANF
Nearly a thousand Kurds arrested in Syria
Karayilan said Syria implements a new repression policy towrds Kurds and the last arrests are all connected with a group of nationalists within the Syrian government.
He said the new wave of arrests is a serious threat to Kurds living in north-east of the contry.
Karayilan called the Syrian government to stop the operations against Kurdish dissidents and said that “it will only help to provoke Kurds against the Damascus regime”.
He also called Syrian Kurds to unite and resist against the oppresive politics of the Damascus regime.
Syria is home to about two million Kurds. About 200,000 of them has no official recognition.
In the last two months Syrian police and intelligence arrested a number of Kurds in Qamislo and Haseki. Human rights organizations puts the number between 500-700 while Karayilan said nearly a thousand.
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As a result of the meetings with the PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan at Imrali prison new attempts to solve the Kurdish problem entered the agendas. PKK has also extended its non-action position until 31 October. In fact, PKK has extended its unilateral ceasefire in order to encourage those who are in favour of a democratic political solution. However, Turkish government did not take trust-building concrete steps. In converse, the state officials delivered speeches in which they said “Mother tongue education is out of question. If Kurdish is taught at schools then there will be a new nation, a new state.”
Turkish officials then started intensive diplomacy traffic with Syria, Iran and Iraq against the PKK. They also attempted to prevent Ocalan to receive lawyer visits. Ocalan pointed out that ‘a new conspiracy” against Kurdish national movement is coming up.
As a matter of fact, the Turkish PM Erdogan by saying “BDP’s vote are controversial” declared last week that the state will not take any steps for a peaceful solution of the Kurdish problem and it will insist on its denial policy.
Speaking to ANF the member of the Executive Committee of KCK Duran Kalkan evaluated the recent developments. Kalkan spoke about the promises made during the negotiations in Imrali, special war policy of the state which it conducts in Sirnak and Hakkari, the diplomacy traffic conducted by Turkey, religious organisations in Kurdistan and preparations by the PKK.
Duran Kalkan said: Leader Abdullah Ocalan said that the Kurdish national independence movement is facing the fourth conspiracy. The first one was between 1992-1994, the second one was between 1997-1999 and third one was between 2002-2004. And the fourth one started after local elections of 2007 and in November 2009 it was developed by the Turkish PM himself. All these conspiracies aim at destruction of the Kurdish national movement. They also prevent a political solution of the Kurdish problem. They are also supported both home and abroad which means they are not limited to some powers only.
1991: Military operations both in Northern and Southern Kurdistan following the ‘Operation Provide Comfort’.
1992: Turkish stated massacred Kurds in cities and in Autumn Turkish army conducted a cross-border operation into Northern Iraq.
1993: Turkish army tried to sabotage the unilateral ceasefire declared by the PKK.
1994: Turkish army started destroying Kurdish villages and displacing the Kurds.
During this period some Turkish high rank soldiers who were opposing militaristic solution and proposing a political solution were also targeted by the intelligence service.
The second conspiracy took place when Necmetin Erbakan was in power. It is also called 28 February coup. Erbakan was away from politics for 13 years and his political movement is all separated. On the other hand, between 9 October 1998- 15 February 1999 the conspiracy turned into piracy and then Imrali system was created.
The third conspiracy was between 2002-2004. This time Bulent Ecevit and his government were targeted. This was both internal and external. They also targeted the PKK and tried to buy some weak personalities with money.
The forth one started on 17 November. It aims at destroying our movement and they also targeted legal politicians. They are conducting a political genocide on the Kurds. They also use suppression, prosecutions, torture on the Kurdish people. While the operations against the guerrillas continuing the suppression on the legal politics is also increasing.
Who are conducting the current conspiracy?
Our leader Ocalan acted very cautiously in order to understand the current situation. He did not want to blame AKP government at first place. After long evaluations he arrived this conclusion. The Conspiracy is also targeting the AKP government. However, AKP has reconciled with these powers, it has surrender itself. At this level AKP has two options either to continue and lead the war against the PKK and the Kurdish people or it will itself become the victim of the conspiracy.
AKP has forgotten its promises
AKP government and the PM made several promises before the referendum however on 12 September Erdogan made a speech which was clearly indicating that he will not keep his promises. The PM has also denied the negotiations realized with Ocalan in Imrali. He is blaming BDP. This way he is using BDP as an excuse. In other words as it is said the best defence is attacking.
Bargain on Roj TV with NATO
Turkey is using diplomacy against the PKK. Kurdish organisations in Europe are raided by the police, Kurds are detained. Kurds are being criminalised, terrorised. For instance, Turkey bargained with NATO secretary over Roj TV. They also discussed it with Germany and some other European countries. These are all planned during the meeting with Americans. Roj TV will a test for the European Democracy. On one had their values and democracy on the other hand the economic relations and the promises they gave Turkey and US.
The diplomacy with Syria, Iran and Iraq is not new. But AKP is launching it as if they have just started. Turkey’s attempts are unlikely to reach and results. AKP is sacrificing a lot of opportunities which could be used for Turkey. And the neighbouring countries are very well aware of the weak point of Turkey: PKK. AKP is letting them to benefit from this weak spot.
US wants to use Turkey as a outpost
Since Turkey became member of NATO US is using is as a military outpost. It was used against SSCB and now US has other plans on the middle east as well as Russia. The Missile Shield is only a part of this project. US wants to use Turkey for its Great Middle East Project.
US is using Turkey not only for Iran but also for the other Asian countries like China, India. But in case of a intervention to Iran US will want to use Turkey.
Bargain on PKK in return of Missiles
If Turkey signs this missile shield project in Lisbon it means US has promised to support Turkey, both in terms of politics and military, against the Kurdish national movement. It means Turkey will continue its denial and destruction policy and will not agree on a political solution.
Of course the missiles are not a threat for the Kurds but the bargain is done over the Kurds. US is selling the existence of the Kurds in return of missiles, and deny the freedom of the Kurds. It is also supporting Turkey in order to continue its genocide on the Kurds. When these kind of issues are discussed fundamental principals of the western world are easily forgotten. Unfortunately this is the current political reality of the world.
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The cease-fire framework announced on 30 September 2010 in a press conference is strictly abided by our forces. However the manner with which the Turkish state forces act continue to strain the cease-fire conditions. In addition, the diplomatic activities and manner adopted by the AKP government against the Kurdistan freedom movement does not correspond with neither the spirit nor the concept of the process. This results in an insincere behaviour in the democratic resolution of the Kurdish issue.
The permission for a cross-border operation has recently been placed on the agenda and decided upon in a secret session. This is not just a threat against our movement but against the Kurdish people in general and it includes the framework of war preparations. In addition, due to the unstopped political genocidal operations Kurdish politicians continue to be arrested and the policy of arresting the members of the peace-group that went into Turkey (in October 2009) also continue. There is also an increasing amount of military operations since last week. Despite all the care taken by our forces and careful course of action such military operations at times turn into engagement
and lead to mutual loss of lives. Ever since the 8th ceasefire has been announced (30 September-15 October 2010) the Turkish army has attacked the median defence region 15 times with howitzer cannon fire, 3 bombardments with helicopters and 22 military operations in North Kurdistan. As a result of these operations 4 freedom guerrillas have been martyred. The latest incidence of clashes and losses comes from the Dersim region where after the adoption of the decision for cross-border operation, military operations have been taken up in this region. The Turkish press reported that there are losses on both sides.
It must be underlined that the losses in Dersim are not due to any action on the side of the guerilla forces. These losses are due to attacks by the military forces of the Turkish army against the guerilla posts with an intent to exterminate. Those who have decided on such an operation are the ones responsible for the loss of lives of both the guerillas and soldiers. The commanders who have decided on such an operation and the AKP government who has not stopped such an operation are the ones responsible for the spilled blood of the Kurdish and Turkish youth.
The AKP government has not made any positive efforts to turn the limited ceasefire that was extended on 30 September 2010 into an unlimited ceasefire. On the contrary, since 1 October with arrests in Urfa it has re-began to arrest politicians within the framework of political genocide in many other districts and provinces. The manner and behaviour of the government has been one that provokes clashes. Such a behaviour of the AKP government is an insistence on a political stance that provokes clashes and shows no display of effort to halt clashes or the blood spill. This is a total irresponsibility on the part of the AKP government and it is clear that they shall be held totally responsible for any future developments.
Despite this reality an AKP representative has made the follwong statement in relation to yesterday's clashes “..they say they have declared a ceasefire, it has been understood that they are not sincere”. This is a total deceitfulness. We declared a ceasefire and we abide by it. But no single person shall await death; everyone shall make use of their sacred right to defence. Kurdistan freedom guerilla have made use of its right to defence against the Turkish army forces that have pushed against the guerilla posts and clashes as a result have occurred. Right after such a contact has occurred the operation has been enlarged to encompass all of the Dersim region both from air and land. Although, as yet not clear, there seems to be more losses. It is not the guerilla forces and movement responsible for these losses but the Turkish state and government for attacking the guerilla forces who are in a state of ceasefire.
All the pro-peace democratic organizations and institutions that do not desire this period of ceasefire to turn into a period of clashes must not remain silent in the face of these operations and demand that they be stopped as well as to call for an end to the special warfare policies of the AKP government. It is clear that the present situation proceeds to a very dangerous point under the influence of political and military operations. We call on all the NGO's as well as all those who are pro-peace to act now in order to end the military and political operations that sabotage the ceasefire despite our good-will.
Executive Council Presidency of the KCK
15 October 2010
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24 September 2010 – The head of the Executive Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Confederation (KCK) Murat Karayilan said the interview he gave to the Israeli Channel 2 is manipulated by the Turkish media who is trying to sabotage the process.
Karayilan further stated that the Turkish press is violating press ethics and principals and the reports on the disagreement between them and one of the HPG commanders Bahoz Erdal do not reflect the truth.
Mutual enemy is a speculation of the Turkish media
Speaking to ANF Murat Karayilan said it is an important phase for the solution of the Kurdish problem however the process is being speculated by the Turkish media who is conducting a manipulation by disseminating fake news.
Karayilan said: Turkish media is causing manipulation rather than providing the public with the truths which will help the public opinion to understand the ongoing process. In my interview with the Israeli Channel 2, I said that Arab-Israeli peace as well as the Kurdish-Turkish, Kurdish-Arab and Kurdish-Persian peace will start a new era in the region which will be in favour of all the people living in the Middle East, including Israel. Therefore, everyone should contribute this process. I also said that the way Israeli government is acting against this process and it is supporting the conflict by providing Turkey with military technology which it should not be doing.
I further stated that Israeli people who have suffered a lot in the past should understand the Kurdish people and react against the Turkish- Israeli military cooperation which triggers the conflict. I did not pronounce the phrase mutual enemy against any state like the Turkish media alleges. Moreover, such a statement does not exist in the interview broadcasted by the Israeli journalist Mr. Itali Anghel. He was impartial and honest at his work whereas the Turkish media has produced unreal news in order to slander the PKK.
The incident in Hakkari was also manipulated by the Turkish media
Karayilan also stated that the incident in which civilians have lost their lives was also speculated by the Turkish press. Since the very beginning they wanted to lay the responsibility of the attack on our movement. Their allegations are all based on untrue, fake reports. Sabah daily at the top of the list all the pro-AKP government newspapers targeted our movement. They have always been doing so and the Hakkari attack is the most recent one. The Turkish media published some phone call transcripts allegedly made between KCK and BDP. It was not real and even the security officials in Hakkari denied and contradicted existence of such records.
The attack in Hakkari is the work of counter-guerrilla organisations like JITEM
Regarding the attack on 16 September in which 9 civilians were killed Karayilan said: It is obvious that the attack was realised by some counter-guerrilla organisations like Gendarmerie Intelligence Service (JITEM). No matter which unit conducted it, it is a clear provocation. It is an attack targeting people of Hakkari and our movement. It aims at provoking the peace process. The press also claimed that the attack was conducted by some groups within the PKK who are not following the central orders but acting on their own. This is not true.
No dispute between us and our comrade Bahoz Erdal
Regarding the reports published by the Turkish press in which it was claimed that the attack in Hakari was realized by some groups following the orders from Bahoz Erdal, Karayilan said: The reports suggesting a dispute between me and our comrade Bahoz Erdal are baseless. Such a conflict is not possible not only between me and him but among any other comrades. We are a movement which has clamped together around our leadership. Individual disputes are out of question in such a movement. These fake allegations are aiming at ruining our reputation in the eyes of our people. The PKK is a movement of chucker-out, it is a unified body struggling for one aim. And today we are clamped together more than ever. These rumours are psychological war techniques which can never harm our party spirit.
AA should unveil the evidence
Concerning the reports published by the state-owned Anatolian News Agency (AA) in which the PKK was held responsible for the attack in Hakkari, Karayilan said these allegations are completely baseless and AA should share the evidence with public on which it based the fake reports. He also added that two military bags belonging the Turkish army were found close to the scene are giving clues about the perpetrators however, the Turkish media launched as if the bags were placed there by the Kurdish guerrillas. We are condemning such one-sided and fake journalism added Karayilan.
Everybody should be constructive
Karayilan also said that producing such fake reports will not bring any benefit to anyone and it is important to stand against such an approach. He added: Everybody should be constructive. And if they really want to solve the problem then they should give up producing such news.
School boycott for mother tongue can not be ignored
Concerning the school boycott campaign for mother tongue education Karayilan said although the campaign receives a great support from the people the officials and the Turkish media are ignoring it. This is a double stand. Turkish media once again acts in order to protect the colonial benefits. They are filming the classes where the children of police officers and soldiers are studying and launching as if the campaign is not supported. However, it is the press duty to inform the public accurately. added Karayilan.
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The general public is aware that we declared a period of 'no-clashes' from 13th of August to 20th of September, 2010, by withdrawing our forces from an active position to a passive one. We had laid down our reasons for the steps taken in a press conference. One of the reasons disclosed then was the dialogue developed with our leader by some competent body of the Turkish state with the consent of the government. Our leader had sent a message to our movement requesting us to give peace a chance. He decided to send such a message because of the dialogue developed with him and the calls made for a ceasefire by many NGOs and known personalities. The management of our movement evaluated this call, as well as, the fact that it is Ramadan, which is sacred for the Islamic world, and declared its 'no-action' period to the general public. Ten days have passed since then, hence, we feel the need to analyze the situation and share it with the public.
If this step, which is an important chance and opportunity for the resolution of the Kurdish issue, is properly utilized it shall bear important results for all our peoples. But, the incidents experienced in the first 10 days of our 'no-action' decision shows us that the Turkish side, that is especially the government and the Prime Minister, do not approach it in a proper manner. Whilst all our forces abide by the rules of the 'no-action' period with great reponsibility, the Turkish army and its other security forces, just as they did during the previous ceasefires, continue with their military operations and prepare the ground for clashes. These military operations are not those of coincidence, but, are highly planned and organized annihilation operations directed at the detected guerrilla forces with the help of high technology. This is nothing but an attempt to strike a blow to our guerrilla forces by taking advantage of the 'no-action' period and hence an attempt to re-initiate a new period of clashes.
In these military operations, our comrades Amed and Numan have displayed heroic resistance but have been martyred in Ercis/Van. In addition, there was a comprehensive military operation against one of our units detected around the village of Nugeyla/Şemdinli. There was much air and land technology used against them. In this operation, four of our comrades; Başur, Avesta, Beritan and Dilovan have been martyred. Our comrades Başur and Dilovan are from South of Kurdistan and it is highly meaningful that they have been martyred in this resistance heroically. Our people of South Kurdistan should claim them in a strong manner.
In addition to all the above, the forest and nature of Kurdistan is continued to be burnt and damaged. Just as we saw in Siirt, the police forces have not softened their approach to the Kurdish people on the contrary have attacked them despite the funeral ceremony. Besides, once again, the newspaper that is printed in Kurdish language, Azadiya Welat, has been closed down and hence the political genocidal operations have continued without a break. It is clear that all these are attempts to disrupt the 'no-action' period. If the Turkish army continues to make use of our 'no-action' decision in such a profiteering and wretched manner, it is clear that the 'no-action' period shall be seriously jeopardized.
The AKP and the Turkish state are far from utilizing this period in a proper manner. Instead of stopping the military operations, which is the demand of the democratic public, they continue to make provocative statements.
The real adressee of the decision we announced on 13th of August, 2010, is the AKP government and its prime minister Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan, has not only not given a positive reply to the statement made by the management of our movement and to the Chairperson of our Executive Council but is talking in a very provocative and a counter-productive manner. They have described our statement that some state officials are in dialogue with our leader as a defamation and a lie intended to influence the period of referandum. Our people and public know that our movement and its management have always acted in a true, factual and moralist manner. The statement made by our comrade Murat Karayilan, who is the Chairperson of our Executive Council, is completely true and factual. The AKP government and prime minister has allowed himself to fall into a position of making false statements upon the history, in order to gain the votes of the MHP.
Pro-government media, on the other hand, has followed a publication line that is directed at sabotaging the process through distorting the facts by writing wrong and untrue analysis.
This situation alone is enough to reveal the self-seeking and double-dealing behaviour of the AKP, when it comes to the Kurdish issue. It is clear that policies based on election concerns as well as attempts to deceive the public and Kurdish people shall not acquire any results.
It should not be ignored that such a 'no-action' period was developed at a time when we were in the most powerful position and had the capacity to advance the most comprehensive action. However, we declared this 'no-action' period due to the demands and calls, as well as, our own desire to give peace a chance. The responsibilities we hold led us to take calls and demands for a 'no-action' period into consideration. This was also for the benefit of the peoples living in Turkey. We envisaged the establishment of a peaceful and democratic conditions under which the referendum can take place. Despite all our goodwill and sincerity the insults uttered by the prime minister in calculation of election votes is a factor that puts the initiated period in danger. But, the seriousness of the situation essentially lies in the fact that the military operations are not stopped. In the case that this denial and annihilation period continues it shall not be our movement and people who shall be responsible of the future developments but the AKP governments itself. Therefore we invite the AKP government to behave in a serious and responsible manner.
We have nothing to say to MHP and CHP, the so-called opposition, who are trying to get results through their chauvinist policies and are acting irresponsibly when it comes to one of the main problems of Turkey, the Kurdish issue. They are trying to get votes through animosity against the Kurds, hence they are not the addressee of our calls at all. Indeed then, the attitude of those forces who bear responsibility for this important and historical period shall determine the result.
Hence, all the above mentioned points reveal that there are all the more reasons why the democratic circles, who are pro-peace in Turkey, must step in more actively. In fact, it is the NGOs and all the other democratic institutions, who had made the call of ceasefire to our movement, whom should step in ever more fiercely. Hence, above all, we call on the DTK (Democratic Society Congress) and all the other institutions, who called on us, to own up to their calls and to reveal the hypocritical policies of the AKP, who has not ceased fire, as well as, with all their might to prepare the conditions for a bilateral ceasefire and a permanent solution.
We, on the other hand, call on all the patriotic people to raise their struggle on the basis of a democratic autonomy perspective and to own up to the peace and democracy martyrs in order to give the necessary messages all around.
The Presidency of the Executive Council of the KCK
22 August 2010
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