Народные силы самообороны

To The Press And Publıc!

1- On 14th of June, 2010, at 13:30, our guerrillas have had blowed a trap against one of the vehicle of a military convoy while passing Veyselkarani district of Siirt. As a result, the military vehicle which belongs to the enemy have been totaly destroyed. After the action, enemy carried away the dead and wounded soldiers by the skorsky type helicopters. Afterwords, the Turkish state army lauched a military operation in the areas of the villages of Kox and Mize in the district of Veyselkarani/Siirt. The military operation still continous.

2- On 14th of June, 2010, an action of a road blockage taken by our guerrillas on the 13th km's of the Dersim-Elazig Highway, in between the hours of 18:30-20:00. During this action, our guerrillas have stopped about 50 vehicles, the I.D.'s controled and propaganda has been made. Also, during this action, the guerrillas have placed a pancart on the road, written 'Long Live Kurdistan Democratic Autonomy'. On the same day, at 20:30, Turkish state army launched a military operation in surrounding areas of the place of action.

3- On 14th of June, 2010, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area of Sehriban/Besta/Sirnak.

The Press Liasion Centre - HPG
