Народные силы самообороны

The Press and The Public!

1. On 28 May 21:00-23:00 Sulê village and Kato Sulê area of Haftanin which is part of the Medya Defence Area were attacked with howitzer and mortars by the Turkish army forces.

2. On 26 May Gola Reşit, Deriyê Keperê and Çemê Karê area of Herekol in Şırnak operation made by Turkish army forces. Village guards participated in the operation as well, although on 28 may partially withdrawn, but some of the soldiers remain hidden in the area for reconnaissance and ambush operations.

3. On 27 May Geliyê Marinos area in the Hakkari operation made by Turkish army forces. Turkish army soldiers attacked the area with 20 Skorsky type helicopters. On 28 May around 09:00 am fight happened between our guerrilla and Turkish army soldiers. In the fight 4 soldiers got killed. The operation last till afternoon, although partially withdrawn but some of the soldiers remain hidden in the area for reconnaissance and ambush operations.

4. On 26 May Şehit Hasan, Lameç, Dinek, Cigerim area of Pülümür district of Dersim a comprehensive military operation launched by the Turkish Army. A cobra type helicopter supporting the operation from the air and it still continues.

29 May 2010

HPG Press-Communication Centre