Народные силы самообороны


The Turkish state army still insist on continuing its policies of the dirty war. As part of this policies, the bushes belongs to our land continue to be destroyed. To this regard, the bushes in the areas of Biseres and Besta Meryem/Bestler/the sate of Botan also continue to be cut off.

As it has known that this policy continues to be practise by the Turkish state with a menthality to destroy ecolojic life of our land.


We can not keep our people in general to be responsible of cutting and destroying the bushes due to our knowledge that they too are very much uncomfortable of this practise. Despite of this, we call on our people and democratic circles to show a more sensitive approach against cutting of trees and destroying bushes, and ecological life of our environment.

Lately, the enemy forces carrying out contra activities under the false identity of hunters in our area of Besta/Botan. Despite we have a knowledge in regarding to a report reflected in the press, we, once more would like to warn these circles in regarding to the matter.

Our people should approach more sensitively towards the contra units  those who massacred our people very viciously, in the near past. Our people should be aware of these contra units in the area and we esspecialy warn our people when they use their lands that they should be more sensitive and careful against these contra units.

The HPG Central Commandment
