Народные силы самообороны

We had made a statement yesterday (May 1st) regarding our 7 comrades who were martyred on 26th April 2011 in the Pulumur district of Dersim.


At a time when the Kurdish people are in a state of uprising and striding towards freedom in great leaps, and a time when the fascist Turkish state is receiving heavy blows and being deciphered, the loss of our comrades has dampened our morale but also strengthened our resolve to continue the struggle for a free, equal and democratic country.

As is well known we have tried our utmost to remain loyal to the ceasefire in order to create a civil environment, however the violence and provocations headed by the AKP government have uncovered the Turkish state’s annihilation concept. This final loss is not just the loss of 7 lives, the loss of 7 brave Kurds, but the loss of a possible peaceful and democratic solution in Kurdistan.

Our 7 comrades were stationed according to our Movement’s ceasefire which was extended until June 15th. When attacked they were far away from any settlements and in the depths of the terrain, ready for any developments but not in an active position. The Turkish army forces who were in hiding, followed the movements of our comrades step by step, stone by stone and staged an operation to annihilate them.

As with all PKK and Apoist spirited militants our 7 comrades resisted against the fascist herd valiantly and fought for two days despite all disadvantages. Using the latest military technology and being superior in numbers the armed forces of the fascist state administration initially martyred two of our comrades and then five others.

The I.D. Detail of our Comrades who has been martryed are as Follow:

Code Name: Zinar Hakkari

Real Name: Kenan Tas

Year and Place of Birth: 1980/Hakkari

Name of Mother: Gulizar

Name of Father: Tevfik

Year and Place of Participation: 1999/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 27 April 2011/Pulumur, Dersim

Code Name: Roni Sozdar

Real Name: Ercan Veske

Year and Place of Birth: 1987/Mardin

Name of Mother: Yildiz

Name of Father: Ahmet

Year and Place of Participation: 1999/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 27 April 2011/Pulumur, Dersim

Code Name: Munzur Amed

Real Name: Ugur Utanc

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Amed

Name of Mother: Saniye

Name of Father: Huseyin

Year and Place of Participation: 1999/Hakkari

Date and Place of Martry: 27 April 2011/Pulumur, Dersim

Code Name: Zerdest Celeng

Real Name: Serfeddin Can

Year and Place of Birth: 1982/Solhan,Bingol

Year and Place of Participation: 2010/Bingol

Date and Place of Martry: 27 April 2011/Pulumur, Dersim

Code Name: Rizgar Amed

Real Name: Sehmuz Akak

Year and Place of Birth: 1992/Amed

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 27 April 2011/Pulumur, Dersim

Code Name: Tekoser Amed

Real Name: Hakan Gem

Year and Place of Birth: 1991/Amed

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 27 April 2011/Pulumur, Dersim

Code Name: Canfeda Soro

Real Name: Rojvan Serhat Basalak

Year and Place of Birth: 1992/Kozluk,Batman

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 27 April 2011/Pulumur, Dersim

The news of the death of our 7 comrades has begun an uprising in all corners of Kurdistan and has strengthened the people’s belief in victory. As the guerrilla’s of the HPG (People’s Defence Forces) we promise our people that we will continue the struggle and keep alive the dreams and aspirations of our comrades according to the Apoist spirit.


May 2nd 2011