Народные силы самообороны


The Rebuplic of Turkish state and its armed forces continues to play their dirty games. As one of our duty, we would like to enlighten our people and democratic public on the dirty games of the enemy. To the acknowledgement of our patriotic people and democratic public:

1. A contra unit of 15 people, which belongs to the enemy, have been placed in the surrounding area of the village of Kehe/Hakkari. This Contra unit wears the same clothes as our Huerrilla Forces, and set ambush in and surrounding areas of SuvareXale, Marinos and Teye. We warn our people to be sensible and take every possible measures not to let anything negative to occur. And, not to go around alone by themselves.

2. A Contra unit belongs to enemy have been placed in the area of Yayladere/Bingol. They weared the same clothes as our Guerrilla Forces and viziting the villages in surrounding area. We also warn our people to take every measure for their safety against this Contra unit.

3. Despite of our warnings to the village-guards of the village of Cirik/Karliova for not to participate to the military operations, yet they still do participate. The village-guards of the village of Cirik should not participate to the military operations of the enemy. If, they still continue to participate to the military operations of the enemy, they also may become one of our target. We call on village-guards of the village of Cirik not to take part in the military operations of the enemy, and not to be part of a dirty game of the enemy, who also even try to political gains on the dead bodies of the Kurdish people. If not, otherwise, we can not be responsible on the possible developments.

4. The armed forces belongs to the Turkish state in the area of Mus confiscates the civilian vehicles in order to carry their belongings. In mean time, enemy hiddenly places ‘buggies’ in this vehicles, which they confiscate forcibly from the civilians, to hiddenly lesson civilians. We call on our people not to give their vehicles to the enemy to use, in whatever cost it takes.

5. The representatives of the AKP under the assistance, giving goodies to the people in the area of Bulanik/Varto. The AKP representatives also place ‘Buggies’ within these goods in order to lesson and follow up the civilians, and keep our people under their control. For example; the lights which they have been given to the civilians under so called assistance, ‘buggies’ found within these lights. Therefore, our people shall not receive these so called assistance at all. Whenever they receive, our people should destroy these goodies. Otherwise, the enemy take under control all the moves of our people.

The Turkish state Republic, its government and its armed forces are doing every possible think to control our people, developing conspiracies to make our people to fight within each other, and use one against other.

Our people should be aware of these dirty games of the enemy and take possible safety measures against these. Our people should be sensitive towards these dirty war games of the enemy and, unite and act together against these dirty war games of the enemy. Esspecially, no one should be alone in the rural areas. As seen in the city of Hatay, the facist army of the Turkish state will and can kill even the villagers.

The Central Commandment of HPG
