Народные силы самообороны

On 17th of  May 2010, we made a statement in regarding to a loss of  one of our comrade in Tatvan area during a military operation carried out by the Turkish army. However, according to the latest information we have recieved that our comrade Toprak Canfeda (Asiye Gündüz) safely reached to her unit after the military operation pulled out from the area.


First of all, we would like to apologize  aspecially to her  family and  the public for all the inconviences occurred as a result of the information we have given.

Because of  lack of communication and the severe condition of war, time to time it is difficult to receive.  Sometimes we can get the information late. As it occurred  in the case of our comrade Toprak Canfeda.

This is our duty to notify you about this mistake.

The I.D. Details of our Martered comrade

Marya - Fatma Aydın

Code Name: Marya Umut
Real Name: Fatma Aydın
Date and Place of Birth: 1980 / Eruh – Siirt
Place and Date of joined: 1999/İstanbul
Mother’s Name: Ümran
Father's Name: Mehmet
Date of Martyry : 17 Mayıs 2010 / Tatvan, Bitlis

The Press-Communication Centre - HPG

26 May 2010