On 19 January, our forces have nothing to the with the attack occurred in the city of Hakkari, where a Kurdish youth lost his life as a result of bomb attack.
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To our People and the Public!
The Freedom Struggle of Kurdistan left behind the year 2011, and began a new period of struggle. The year 2012 shows from now on that will be the year of resistance and stronger active struggle for the realization of the freedoms for the people of Kurdistan.
To the Press and Public
The statements made by the Chief of Staff in relation to the massacres carried out by the army of the Turkish Republic in Sirnak Uludere by the warplanes do not reflect the truth.
On 7 December, the colonist Turkish state army launched an extensive military operation against the Cudi/Silopi/Sirnak, with involvement of around 4000 soldiers from Bespin, Sirnak Central and Tank Battalions.
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In the month of November 2011, the colonist Turkish state army continued its air bombardments and wanted to get a result against our guerrillas. In response to these attacks, our guerrillas retaliated against these attacks on nedeed level in order to show the enem's psyocological warfare is no more than a propaganda that impeded our guerrillas.
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On 5 November at around 18:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against three positions of the special operational police of the colonist Turkish state in the district of Piran/Amed. Losses of enemy couldn't be able to clerified.
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To our People and the Public!
The month of October has been a month where annihilation by all means have been imposed on us and Kurdish people's genocide on the basis of physical massacre and cultural assimilation has been targeted. The gravest of all oppressions, violence, torture, massacre have been implemented by any means possible during this month.
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