The 33rd anniversary of the great 15 August leap, which is realized as a very important intervention in Kurdistan, our country which is the cradle of the humanitarian development of the Middle East, is an important intervention against the oppression, incapacity and genocide.
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Press Release
We celebrate the 13th anniversary of the date of the June 1st Iniative initiated by the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla against the concept of denial and liquidation of the International Conspiracy, and we commemorate and remember with respect all the martyrs from comrades Erdal, Adil and Nûda, architects of this historic step, to Bedran Cudî that lost their lives in this period.
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Press Release
In our history full of heroic epics, the "Month of Martyrs" is a month where leading figures of the Kurdistan Freedom Strıggle and of the Turkey struggle for revolution has reached martyrdom.
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Press Release
Esteemed comrades, we have learned with great sorrow the martyrdom of comrade Ulaş Bayraktaroğlu (Mehmet), the brave pioneer of the DKP and the heroic commander of BÖG (United Freedom Forces).
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Press Release
The AKP regime, which ended the solution process developed by leader APO, carried out a comprehensive air strike on July 24, 2015. Our comrade Doctor Aydın, who was injured during this attack, was treated for a while in Duhok.
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Press Release
The Kurdistan Freedom Struggle has become the name of the honorable revolutionary development of the Kurdish people with its unique history of resistance. The development of this honorable history has progressed step by step with the great sacrifices of the people of Kurdistan. Thousands of heroes have emerged from the militant stance of our martyrs with an unshakable will power, and the promise of a free tomorrow have become our reason for war and life.
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Press Release
21-28 March as Heroic Week as the days of presenting and finalizing their existence and they are remembering the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for themselves.
Heroic Week expresses the Contemporary Kawa Mazlum Doğan comrades' heroic action in Newroz against colonial practices and the days where Egid (Mahsum Korkmaz) comrade fell as martyr in Gabar during the time where the guerrilla was planting their foundation in Kurdistan and in the process of being unbeatable.
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